Genus: Wendiceratops EVANS & RYAN, 2015
Etymology: In honor of Wendy Sloboda, who discovered the type locality, and
Greek, ceratops, 'horned-face'; a common sufix for honred dinosaur genera
Species: pinhornensis EVANS & RYAN, 2015
Etymology: In reference to the Pinhorn Provincal Grazing Reserve, in Alberta,
Canada, where the type locality is located.
Locality: The type locality occures withing the boundaries of the Pinhorn Provincal Grazing Reserve, south of Milk River, Forty Mile No. 8 County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: 1- m above the top of the Taber Coal Zone, Oldman Formation, Judith River Group.
Age: Campanian Stage, Uppermost Senonian Subepoch, Uppermost Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous
Referred material:
RTMP 2013.020.0035: Incomplete pathological squamsal.