Genus: Chedighaii GAFFNEY, TONG & MEYLAN, 2006

Etymology: Ch'e'e'h digha'hii Navajo for turtle, in reference to the locality of the type species on Navajo Tribal Lands. We are very greatful to Steve Semken for help with teh Navajo language.

Species: barberi (SCHMIDT, 1940) GAFFNEY, TONG & MEYLAN, 2006
= Bothremys barberi (SCHMIDT, 1940) ZANGERL, 1948
= Podocnemis baberi SCHMIDT, 1940

Referred material:

SCHWIMMER, 1986, 2002, 2010

Locality: Hannahatcheeee Creek, 3 km west of the town of Union, Chattahooche River Valley, Stewart County, Western Georgia.

Horizon: Blufftown Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.


CSUK-09-03-1: Fragmentary plastron with healed Deinosuchus bite mark.

CSUK-09-02-03: Small costal fragment.

CSUK-09-02-04: Neural.

CSUK-09-02-05: Neural.
Note: Some plastron fragments have bite marks from Deinosuchus.