Genus: Alierasaurus ROMANO & NICOSIA, 2014
Etymology: The generic name refers to Aliera, the town of Alghero in the local dialect, northwest Sardinia (Island), Italy and Greek, sauros, "lizard'."

Species: ronchii ROMANO & NICOSIA, 2014
Etymology: In honor of Ausoni Ronchi (University of Pavia), who called to our attention the Sardinan specimen soon after its discovery.

Holotype: MPUR NS 151

Locality: Promontory of Torre del Porticciolo, about 13 km northeast of Alghero, northwest Sardinia, Italy.

Horizon: Uppermost levels of the Cala del Vino Formation.


Age: Late Early Permian to Early Middle Permian.

Material: Partial postcranial skeleton; 8 articulated caudal vertebrae, 2 isolated caudal vertebrae, 4 distal caudal centra, and numerous large fragments referable to at least 8 other vertebrae, 7 proximal portions of the hemal arches, 3 proximal portions (vertebral segment) of dorsal ribs and 10 undetermined fragmnetary ribs, poorly preserved right scapula and badly crushed right coracoid plate; distal head of the left ulna, autopodial elements represented by a fragmenary calcaneum, 7 metapodials, 5 non-ungual phalanges, an almost complete ungual phalanx, and 2 ungual phalanges lacking distal ends.

Referred material:


NS 151/7-NS 151/12, NS 151/33: Caudal vertebrae.

NS 151/15, NS 151/16A, NS 151/16B, NS 151/17, NS 151/18, NS 151/29, NS 151/30: Isolated zygapophyses.

NS 151/48, NS 151/74: Isolated neural spines.

NS 151/59, NS 151/72: Partial haemal arches.

NS 151/39, NS 151/40, NS 151/42, NS 151/54, NS 151/55, NS 151/75, NS 151/76: Dorsal ribs.