Genus: Ctenospondylus ROMER, 1936

Species: casei ROMER, 1936

Holotype: AMNH 4047

Locality: Near Slippery Creek, south of Dundee, Northwestern Archer County, Texas.

Horizon: Petrolia Formation (formerly Belle Plains Formation, middle Wichita Group), Lower Wichita Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron upper B.

Age: Upper Wolfcampanian stage, Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: Complete dorsal vertebrae, a dorsal vertebra with a partial neural spine, a cervical lacking the spine, 1 complete spine and 1 distal part of spine an several fragments of ribs.

Referred material:

= Ctenospondylus cf. C. casei VAUGHN, 1964

Locality: Organ Rock, near the base of the western slope of the bell-shaped butte north of Hoskinnini Mesa, Monument Valley, Utah and Arizona.

Horizon: Orange Rock Shale.


Age: Early Permian.


NTM VP 1001: Fragmentary skull, posterior jaws, basiparasphenoid, presphenoid, 2 quadrate bones, fragment of pterygoid, a string of the first 4 cervical vertebrae, impression of the fifth spine, fragments of neural spines, a few ribs and parts of ribs, right clavicle, left posterior coracoid.

NTM VP 1014: Dorsal vertebrae.

NTM VP 1015: Dorsal vertebra lacking the distal portion of spine.


Locality: Monument Pass, SEC. 20, T43S, R17E, Utah.

Horizon: Orange Rock Shale.


Age: Early Permian.




Locality: Organ Rock, northern slope of Hoskinnini Mesa, Monument Valley, Utah and Arizona.

Horizon: Orange Rock Shale.


Age: Early Permian.


NTM VP 1016: Presphenoid and a nasal bone.

NTM VP 1018: A badly weathered string of 3 dorsal vertebrae with partial neural spines.


Species: ninevehensis BERMAN, 1978
Etymology: In reference to the Nineveh Limestone.

Holotype: MCZ 3386

Locality: Clark Hill on County Route 43, 1.1 miles west of junction with State Route 7, sec. 16, Salem Township, Monroe County, Ohio.

Horizon: Nineveh Limestone, Greene Formation, Dunkard Group.


Age: Wolfcampanian stage, upper lower to lower middle Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: Premaxillae, left maxilla and small part of the right, right prefrontal, probable right jugal, left pterygoid, left dentary, axial neural spine, 3 dorsal vertebrae and spine, lumbar vertebra, 4 caudal
vertebrae and probable spine, 3 cervical ribs and parts of cervical and dorsal ribs, part of scapular blade, left humerus and distal end of right, and right pelvis.

Referred material:

MCZ 4458: Right maxilla.