Genus: Gordodon LUCAS, RINEHART & CELESKEY, 2018
Etymology: Spanish, gordo, "fat", and Greek, odon, "Tooth" ; in reference to the large ("fat") teeth at the anterior end of the snout of the holotype, Gordo also is a reference to the city of Alamogordo, near the type locality.

Species: kraineri LUCAS, RINEHART & CELESKEY, 2018
Etymology: In honor of Karl Krainer of his many contributions to our knowledge of the Late Paleozoic geology and paleontology of New Mexico.

Holotype: NMMNH P-70796

Locality: NMMNH locality 8967, Otero County, New Mexico.

Horizon: Lower part of Bursum Formation.


Age: Early Wolfcampian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: Skull, lower jaws, all or part of 21 vertebrae (five cervical, 4 complete dorsal vertebrae, the neural spines in varying states of completeness of 12 additional dorsal vertebrae), parts of the right and left clavicles and scapulae and parts of two digits of the manus (?).