Species: hardestii REISZ & BERMAN,
Holotype: KUVP 69035
Locality: NW 1/4, sec. 5, tp. 19E, Putnam Township, near Garnett, Anderson County, Kansas.
Horizon: Rock Lake Shale Member of the Stanton Formation, Lansing Group, Missourian Series.
Age: Late Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
Material: Several disarticulated skull-roof elements of the right side of the skull, posterior 2/3rds of the lower right jaw, a nearly complete series of articulated presacral vertebrae, several disarticulated dorsal ribs, and a humerus.
Referred material:
ROM 29940: 1st sacral rib, 7 caudal ribs, and a partial dorsal neural arch with a fragmented but complete neural spine.
ROM 29941: A cervical vertebra, a dorsal vertebra with associated rib, and a lumbar vertebra with an attached rib.
ROM 29942: Disarticulated and crushed elements of the skull consisting of the maxillae, left jugal, postfrontals, postorbital, and anterior coronoid, as well as elements of the postcranial skeleton consisting of neural arches and spines, 3 dorsal and a caudal cenra, an intercentrum, presacral ribs, a caudal rib, right scapula and anterior coracoid, nearly complete left pelvis, femur and manus..
ROM 37751: Semi articulated skull roof, left angular, both ilia, left pubis, left ischium, 23 presacral vertebrae, several caudal vertebrae, and dorsal and caudal ribs.
MAZIERSKI & REISZ, 2006, 2010
ROM 59933: Left maxilla, left quadrate, left postorbital, left pterygoid, anterior portion of left mandibular ramus, 7 whole or partial presacral vertebrae, 4 whole or partial caudal vertebrae with 2 hemal arches, 8 ribs, and 7 phalanges.