Genus: Osmolskina BORSUK-BIALYNICA & EVANS, 2003
Etymology: In honor of the eminent Polish dinosaur worker Halszka Osmolska.

Species: czatkowicensis BORSUK-BIALYNICA & EVASN, 2003

Holotype: ZPAL R-I/77

Locality: Limestone quarry, Czatkowice 1, Krakow Upland region, Poland.



Age: Latest Olenekian, Scythian Epoch, Early Triassic.

Material: Anterior part of the maxilla with the nasal process preserved.

Referred material:

Numbers: Not given: 200 skull bones, including brancase and mandibles, 30 vertebrae from all regions of the column, 5 complete ilia, 30 limb bones, additional material: Several hundred partial bones and teeth.


ZPAL RV/8: Fragmentary nasal.

ZPAL RV/14: Left dentary.

ZPAL RV/27: Right and left squamosals.

ZPAL RV/29: Anterior part of a mazilla.

ZPAL RV/30: Left premaxilla.

ZPAL RV/31: Right premaxilla.

ZPAL RV/33, 34: Palaines.

ZPAL RV/35: Right dentary.

ZPAL RV/36: Left dentary.

ZPAL RV/38: Right quadrate.

ZPAL RV/39: Right quadrate.

ZPAL RV/53: Quadratojugal.

ZPAL RV/59: Stapes.

ZPAL RV/66: Left profrontal.

ZPAL RV/72, 74: Fragmentary left pterygoids.

ZPAL RV/73: Basipterygoid facet and base of quadrate process.

ZPAL RV/78: Left premaxilla.

ZPAL RV/81: Middle part of a right maxilla.

ZPAL RV/83: Posterolateral porcess.

ZPAL RV/88a, 88b: Articulated premaxillae.

ZPAL RV/91: Left frontal.

ZPAL RV/96: Frontal.

ZPAL RV/114: Basioccipital.

ZPAL RV/115, 422: Left opisthotic + exoccipital.

ZPAL RV/123, 124: Prootic.

ZPAL RV/125, 420, 417: Supraoccipital.

ZPAL RV/134: Squamosal.

ZPAL RV/160: Posterior fragment of a rigth maxilla.

ZPAL RV/197: Anterior portion of right angular.

ZPAL RV/207, 208, 209, 214: Prearticular.

ZPAL RV/210, 304: Right splenial.

ZPAL RV/212: Posterior portion of angular.

ZPAL RV/250: Posterior fragment of a right frontal.

ZPAL RV/259, 291: Frontals.

ZPAL RV/270: Poster part of a jugal.

ZPAL RV/273: Jugal fragment.

ZPAL RV/274: Jugal fragment.

ZPAL RV/275: Fragment of jugal.

ZPAL RV/277: Central fragment of a jugal.

ZPAL RV/281: Anterior part of a jual.

ZPAL RV/285: Left parietal.

ZPAL RV/293: Left parietal.

ZPAL RV/304: Right splenial.

ZPAL RV/315: Postorbital.

ZPAL RV/318, 319: Right postorbitals.

ZPAL RV/321: Left articular.

ZPAL RV/394: Jugal and quadratojugal.

ZPAL RV/397, 1149: Atlas/axis.

ZPAL RV/398, 399: Right squamosals.

ZPAL RV/408: Right ectopterygoid.

ZPAL RV/412: Parabasiphenod.

ZPAL RV/413: Parabasiphenod with basioccipital.

ZPAL RV/424: Posterior part of braincase.

ZPAL RV/465: Left ectopterygoid.

ZPAL RV/484: Posterior portion of a maxilla.

ZPAL RV/540: Opisthotic associated with fragmentary prootic.

ZPAL RV/543: Right postfrontal.

ZPAL RV/544: Right postfrontal.

ZPAL RV/547: Postfrontal.

ZPAL RV/548: Posterior end of left surangular.

ZPAL RV/549: Left articular.

ZPAL RV/550: Posterior end of left surangular.

ZPAL RV/551: Anterior fragment of a right surangular.

ZPAL RV/ 562: Right dentary.

ZPAL RV/563: Middle part of right maxilla.

ZPAL RV/564-567: Teeth.

ZPAL RV/570: Axis.

ZPAL RV/571, 577: 2 possible 4th cervicals.

ZPAL RV/572: Posteror dorsal vertebra.

ZPAL RV/573: A possibel 5th cervical.

ZPAL RV/575, 632, 633: 3 roughly consecutive dorsals.

ZPAL RV/604: Right pterygoid combined with ectopterygoid.

ZPAL RV/605: Lateral part of the left pteryoid with ectopterygoid facet.

ZPAL RV/607: A possible 6th cervical.

ZPAL RV/630, 678, 679, 911-913, 918, 919, 924, 925: 10 ilia.

ZPAL RV/632, 633: Middorsal vertebrae.

ZPAL RV/635, 636: 2 possible third cervicals.

ZPAL RV/637: Cervical vertebra.

ZPAL RV/639: First sacral.

ZPAL RV/640: Second sacral.

ZPAL RV/642: First sacral.

ZPAL RV/659, 657, 658, 576, 660: Consecutive caudals.

ZPAL RV/672: Axis.

ZPAL RV/810: Calcaneum.

ZPAL RV/811: Astragalus.

ZPAL RV/812: 4th distal tarsal.

ZPAL RV/871: Squmosal.

ZPAL RV/872: Quadrate.

ZPAL RV/881-885, 902, 1161, 1261, 1282-1286: 12 scapulae.

ZPAL RV/887-889, 892: 4 ischia.

ZPAL RV/890-891, 903, 1166-1169, 1311: 8 coracoids.

ZPAL RV/905-907, 909, 910: 5 pubes.

ZPAL RV/938-940, 1252, 1254, 1264, 1287-2301, 1304: 15 femora.

ZPAL RV/1164, 1262-1263, 1266-1272, 1277: 11 humeri.

ZPAL RV/1182, 1225, 1247: Fragmentary fibulae.

ZPAL RV/1230, 1279: Ulnae.

ZPAL RV/1232: Fragmentary radius.

ZPAL RV/1335, 1338, 1339, 1341, 1342: Osteoderms.

ZPAL RV/1348: Spine tabel in anterodorsal vertebra.

ZPAL RV/1349: Chevron.

ZPAL RV/1370: Right frontal.


ZPAL RV/1346: Left MttV.

ZPAL RV/1347: Right MttV.

ZPAL RV/1976-1988: 12 fragmentary specimens.