Species: kirkpatricki CHATTERJEE, 1985
Holotype: TTU P9000
Locality: Miller Quarry (Post Quarry MOTT VPL 3624, TUPP, DMNH Locality 1160), 2 km due south of Cooper Creek on the R. C. Miller's Ranch, 8 km southeast of Post, Lat. 33°31’17”N, Long. 101°18’54"W, 9 miles southeast of Post Garza County, West Texas.
Horizon: Upper Part, Lower Cooper Canyon Member, Dockum Formation.
Age: Early Norian Epoch, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Material: Well-preserved skull and partial postcranial skeleton.
TTU P 9002: Nearly complete skeleton of an intermediate-sized individual.
Quadrapedal stance.
Bipedal stance (after Weinbaum, 2013).
Postosuchus kirkpatricki after Long & Murry, 1995: A) dorsal; B) lateral; C) ventral and D) posterior views.
Postosuchus kirkpatricki after Weinbaum, 2011: A) dorsal and B) lateral views.
Referred material:
= Coelophysis sp CASE, 1922
Locality: West side of the Blanco River, North of Cedar Mountain, breaks to the south of the old Spur-Crosbyton mail-road, Crosby County, Texas.
Horizon: Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UMMP 7473: Posterior cranial region.
= Coelophysis sp CASE, 1932
Locality: Potter County, Texas.
Horizon: Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UMMP 13670: 31 caudal vertebrae, thoracic rib, proximal half of a more posterior rib.
CASE, 1943
Locality: Trilophosaurus Quarry 1, TMM Quarry 1 (TMM Locality 31025), SMU 122, 32°10’20”N, 101°14’50”W, Hyman 7.5’ Quadrangle, approximately 5 km north of Otis Chalk, Howard County, Texas.
Horizon: “Pre-Tecovas Horizon”, Dockum Group.
Age: Middle Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
TMM 31025-12: Right ilium.
Locality: Localities MNA 214, 360, 853, 791, Ward Terrace, east of the Little Colorado River and west of the Moenkopi Plateau, within an area bounded by Moenkopi Wash to the north and the Tloi Echii Cliffs to the South, Cocconino County, Arizona.Horizon: Owl Rock Formation, Upper Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Numbers: Not given: Dorsal and caudal vertebrae, femoral, tibial, and tarsal elements, and a fragmentary jaw with associated teeth, (Some elements belong to "Chatterjeea elegans" LONG in prep.)
Locality: Dying Ground (PF 121, SMU #228), Sec. 23, T 18N, R 24E in variegated siltstone bed, Blue Mesa W Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP: Cervical vertebra.
Locality: Lacey Point Southwest 1 (Mesa Mount, “Dinosaur Hill”), PEFO 085106 (UCMP Loc. V82242, PF27, SMU 229), R24E, 35°2’46”N, 109°49’47”W, NW 1/4 of SE 1/4, Sec. 18, T 19N, R 24E, between 1st and 2nd Painted Desert Sandstones, Zuni Well Road Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.Horizon: Upper Petrified Forest Formation.
Age: Revueltian, Early Norian Substage, Early Norian Epoch, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP: Proximal extremity of left femur.
Locality: Patricia Site, near Post, Garza County, Texas.
Horizon: Cooper Canyon Member, Dockum Formation.
Age: Early Norian Epoch, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Number: Not given: Cranial elements.
HUNT & LUCAS, 1988
Locality: Near Lamy, Santa Fe County, New Mexico.
Horizon: Los Esteros Member, Santa Rosa Formation.
Age: Adamanian, Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
NMMNH P3019: A caudal vertebral
HUNT & LUCAS, 1989Locality: Apache Canyon, Secs. 3-4, and 9-10, T 9N, R 33E, Guadalupe County, New Mexico.
Horizon: Redonda Formation.
Age: Apachean, Late Norian Stage- Rhaetian Stage, Upper Late Triassic Epoch, Late Late Triassic.
UCMP V6148/65266: Neural spine of a dorsal vertebra.
Locality: Barranca Creek NMMNH L00056, Secs. 6-7, T 10N, R 33E, Secs. 1-2, T 10N, R 32E, Sec. 31, T 11N, R 33E, Quay County, New Mexico.
Horizon: Bull Canyon Formation.
Age: Revueltian, Early Norian Substage, Early Norian Epoch, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
NMMNH P4258: Partial pelvis of a very large individual including much of right ilium, sacral vertebrae, partial pubis and ischium.
?NMMNH P17130: Left femur of a juvenile?
Locality: Ghost Ranch Quarry or the Whitaker Quarry, SE 1/4, SE. 1/4, SW 1/4, Section 1, Township 24 North, Range 4 East, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico.
Horizon: Rock Point Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Apachean, Late Norian Stage, Upper Late Triassic Epoch, Late Late Triassic.
CM: Articulated skeleton of a small individual missing skull, neck and forelimb.
RHMP GR 1007: Left ilium and possible associated hind limb of a very small individual.
NOVAK, 2003
CM 73372: Nearly complete skeleton lacking the skull.
Locality: Canada Colorado, NMMNH locality 149, NW 1/4, SW 1/4, NW 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec. 2, T14N, R10E, 4 km east of Lamy, Santa Fe County, New Mexico.Horizon: Los Esteros Member, Santa Rosa Formation.
Age: Adamanian, Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
NMMNH P3019: Anterior caudal vertebra.
LONG & MURRY, 1995
Locality: Placerias quarry (UCMP A269, MNA 207C), Big Hollow Wash near Romero Springs, a small valley 6 1/2 miles (approximately 10.4 km) S 65"W of St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona.
Note: Located 0.3 miles northwest of Romero Springs at approximately Long. 109°28'W and lat. 34°27'N on the USGS St. Johns quadrangle of 1921.Horizon: Bluewater Creek Formation, Lower Chinle Group.
Age: Adamanian, Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
The collections include the following:
UCMP 27481: Left and right nasals from single individual.
UCMP 27478: Left and right frontals (Probably same individual as UCMP 27480)
UCMP 27480: Right frontal and postparietal.
UCMP 27477: Right frontal and postparietal.
UCMP 27478: Left frontal.
UCMP 27449, 27450: Left quadrates.
UCMP 24921: Proximal extremity of left quadrate (probably part of UCMP 27450).
UCMP 21477: (Same individual as UCMP 27450).
UCMP 25480: Right quadrate.
UCMP 27439: Right? Squamosal.
UCMP 21441, 27440, 27493: Right squamosals.
UCMP A269/C82, 27441, 27440, 27483: Left squamosals.
UCMP 27412: Occipital condyle and portion of basicranium.
UCMP 27411: Occipital condyle and portion of basicranium.
UCMP 27572: Left and right premaxilla.
UCMP 27570: Right premaxilla.
UCMP 124586: Left maxilla.
UCMP 27490: (same individual as UCMP 27485).
UCMP 27489, 27492: Right articular/surangular.
UCMP 27491: Right articular.
UCMP 27485: Left articular/surangular.
UCMP 124553, 124554, 124555, 124557: Anterior cervical vertebrae.
UCMP 124560, 123559, 124556, 124558: Posterior cervical vertebrae.
UCMP 124569, 124563, 124568, 124570, 78706: Anterior dorsal vertebrae.
UCMP 124571, 124572, `24573, `14574, 124575, 124565, 124572, 124556, 124567, 124564: Mid- to posterior dorsal vertebrae.
UCMP 124577: Cossified first and second sacral vertebrae with sacral ribs.
UCMP 124592, 124889, 124890, 123892, 32389, 32387, 124893: Anterior caudal vertebrae.
UCMP 32380, 124898, 124908, 32384, 124905, 124895: Mid-caudal vertebrae.
UCMP 25346: Left scapula.
UCMP 32204: Left coracoid.
UCMP 27972, 32197, 32203: Right coracoids.
UCMP 28350: Proximal extremity of right humerus.
UCMP 28352: Distal extremity of right humerus (Same individual as UCMP 28350).
UCMP 32171: Right humerus missing proximal surface.
UCMP 28353: Distal half of left humerus.
UCMP 32185: Proximal extremity of right humerus.
UCMP 35919: Distal extremity of right humerus.
UCMP 25828: Distal extremity of right humerus.
UCMP 32169: Left humeral shaft.
UCMP 25944: Ilium lacking anterior and posterior blades.
UCMP 34470, 32151: Proximal eremites of right pubes.
UCMP 34468: Left pubis (Same individual as UCMP 34470).
UCMP 34469: Proximal extremity of left pubis.
UCMP 25900: Proximal extremity of right femur.
UCMP 25906: Distal extremity of right femur.
UCMP 28358: Proximal extremity of left femur.
UCMP 25290: Distal extremity of right femur (same individual as UCPM 28358).
UCMP 25808, 25890: Distal extremities of left tibiae.
UCMP 27989, 25879: Distal extremities of right tibiae.
UCMP 34472, 34473, 34474, 24476: Right calcanei.
UCMP 32275: Distal extremity of right calcaneum.
UCMP 34471: Left calcaneum.
UCMP 24497: Metatarsal V.
The MNA collection includes:
MNA V3070: Left quadrate.
MNA Pl. 3027: Anterior extremity of a left dentary and a distal caudal vertebra.
MNA Pl. 3020, 2960, 2966: Isolated teeth.
Locality: Downs Quarry (MNA Loc. 207N), approximately 72 m east of Placerias Quarry, Big Hollow Wash near Romero Spring, approximately 10.4 km southwest of St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Bluewater Creek Formation, Lower Chinle Group.
Age: Adamanian, Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
MNA V3740: Distal extremity of a right humerus.
Note: MNA Pl. 2675: Mentioned by Jacobs and Murry as a “beautifully preserved rauisuchid braincase” belongs to Leptosuchus sp.
Locality: Big Hollow Wash, (UCMP V80003), St. Johns area, Apache County, Arizona.Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP: Fragmentary cervical centrum.
Locality: Phytosaur Basin of C. L Camp., PEFO 085023 (UCMP V7039, MNA 302:101, PF120), in Blue Mesa W Area, NW 1/4 of SE 1/4, Sec. 26, T 18N, R 24 E, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 125538: Proximal extremity of a right femur.
Locality: Agate Bridge N (UCMP V82339, PF 161), NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of NE 1/4, SEC. 4, T 17N, R 24E, near base of black/grey siltstone, approximately 6 m below Sonsela Sandstone, resting on a loose sandstone, Lot’s Wife Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 126747: Partial pelvis.
PEFO 9935: Dorsal vertebra.
PEFO 34044: Isolated left and right postorbitals.
Locality: Devil’s Playground area (?UCMP 7034), Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 40171: Anterior portion of a right dentary bearing 7 alveoli.
Note: This specimen was given to Charles Camp by a man in a store in Adamana, Arizona.
Locality: Ward’s Bonebed (UCMP V4121, V4150, V3309, V7317, etc), 5 km northeast to 10 km southeast of Cameron, Near Tanner's Crossing, Cameron Area, Petrified Forest, Coconino County, Arizona.Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 36718: Partial pelvis and several dorsal vertebra.
Locality: Black Forest, PEFO 05086 (UCMP Loc. V82241). SE 1/4 of Sec. 28, T 10N, R 24E, just below Black Forest Tuff, Black forest Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Upper Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Early Norian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP: Proximal extremity of left ischium.
Locality: PEFO 085112 (UCMP V84241, PF33), Zuni Well Road 4, above Painted Desert Sandstone 2, Zuni Well Road Area, Petrified Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Painted Desert Member, Upper Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Early Norian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP: Partial ischium, pubis and presacral vertebra.
Locality: Dry Creek Tank SE (UCMP V82040, PF55), Dry Creek Tank Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.Horizon: Upper Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Early Norian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
PEFO 4851: Complete left ilium.
Locality: Paulcell Shellbed, PEFO 085133 (UCMP V82040, PF 56), Dry Creek Tank Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.Horizon: Upper Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Early Norian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP: Anterior dorsal centrum, and cervical centrum.
Locality: Mud Spring (UCMP 7049), Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.Horizon: Upper Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Early Norian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 27029: Left surangular-articular fragment of a very large individual.
Locality: Canjilion Quarry (also UCMP V2816, NMMNH locality 900), on Ghost Ranch property, Rio Arribia County, NE 1/4, SW 1/4, SW 1/4, sec. 3, T24N, R4E, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico.Horizon: Petrified Forest Formation.
Age: Revueltian, Early Norian Substage, Early Norian Epoch, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
RHMP GR1028: Very large right femur missing distal extremity.
Locality: TMM Site 1 (TMM Locality 31213), Borden County, Texas.
Horizon: “Pre-Tecovas Horizon”, Dockum Group.
Age: Middle Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
TMM 31213-7: 2 anterior-to mid-dorsal vertebrae, one nearly complete neural spine, may belong to same individual as TMM 31213-27.
TMM 31213-27: Co-ossified ischia missing proximal and distal extremities.
TMM 31213-6: At least 2 dorsal vertebrae.
Locality: TMM Site 3, Quarry 3 (TMM Locality 31100), Howard County, Texas.
Horizon: “Pre-Tecovas Horizon”, Dockum Group.
Age: Middle Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
TMM 31100-508: Unprepared but complete right femur in four pieces.
TMM 31100-513: Distal portion of left tibia.
TMM 31100-514: Left astragalus.
Note: This material probably represents a single individual.
Locality: Herring Ranch/Rotten Hill Locality, Sierrita de la Cruz Creek, Potter County, Texas.
Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
PPHM WT 3056: Caudal vertebra.
PPHM WT 3204: Dorsal vertebra.
?PPHM WT 3122.1: Cervical vertebra.
Locality: Near head of Home Creek/Swenson Ranch area, Crosby County, Texas.Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UMMP 7266: Excellent pair of ilia with sacrum (CASE, 1922, p. 72, figs 27 e, 28A, pl. 12, figs A and B).
Locality: East side of White River, Crosby County, Texas.Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UMMP 7333: Left ilium of an immature individual (CASE, 1922, p. 72: 71-72, figs. 27D, pl. 12. fig. F).
Locality: Approximately 3 km west of white river crossing on Spur-Crosbyton Road, Crosby County, Texas.Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UMMP 7440: 4 distal caudal vertebrae.
Locality: North of Cedar Mountain, the first breaks to the south of the old Spur-Crosbyton Road, Crosby County, Texas.
Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UMMP 7473: Braincase.
(CASE, 1922, p. 78, pl. 13, figs. D-F).UCMP V72183/113314: Incomplete pelvis.
Locality: West of Walker’s Tank, no specific locality data, near Kalgery, Crosby County, Texas.Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UMMP 21237: Pelvis and sacrum, lacking ischia (CASE, 1943, p. 201).
Locality: TMM Site 41960, 13 km northwest of Dickens, Dickens County, Texas.Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
TMM 41960-1: Anterior dorsal vertebra.
Locality: DMNH Locality 1160, Miller Ranch, Garza County, Texas.Horizon: Cooper Canyon Member, Dockum Formation.
Age: Early Norian Epoch, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
DMNH 9923: Mid-cervical centrum exhibiting extreme pathological condition.
DMNH 9904: Mid-caudal vertebra of rather small individual.
DMNH 9929: Proximal extremity of left femur.
MURRY, 1989
Locality: Kalgary/Home Creek Localities (SMU #120), Head of Home (Homes; Holmes) Creek, 33°26’57”N, 101°10’08”W, Kalgary 7.5' Quadrangle, Crosby County, Texas.
Horizon: Dockum Formation.
Dockum Group.
Age: Carnian-Rhaetian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UMMP 23127: Pelvis and sacrum. From west of Walker's Tank.
UMMP 7233: Small left ilium, femoral head. East of White River.
UMMP 7440: Distal Caudals, From 2 miles west of the Crossing of the White River on the Spur-Crosbyton Mail road.
UCMP V 72183/11315: Incomplete pelvis from the north side of Cedar Mountain.
TMM 31172-21: Partial pelvis and sacrum, from the head of Home Creek on the A. J. Swenson Ranch.
Locality: Rotten Hill/Sierrita De La Crux Locality SMU #121, Badlands along Sierrita de la Crux Creek, Ady, 7.5' Quadrangle, Potter County, Texas.
Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UMMP 13756: Dorsal vertebrae.
UMMP 13717: 4 caudal vertebrae.
UMMP 16370: Middle and distal vertebrae (31 complete vertebrae and 3 incomplete, Case 1932, p. 81).
UMMP 45594: Left surangular/articular fragment.
Locality: Secs. 9-10, 14-16 and 21-22, T10N, R33E, Quay County, New Mexico.Horizon: Bull Canyon Formation.
Age: Revueltian, Early Norian Substage, Early Norian Epoch, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Numbers: Not given:
Locality: Dry Tank SE Locality, PFV 55, Petrified Forest National Monument, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Sonsela Member, Middle Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
PEFO 4851: Left ilium.
Locality: Giving Site (PFV 231), Petrified Forest National Monument, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Petrified Forest Member, Chinle Group.
Age: Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
PEFO 33954: Left and right astragali and calcanea, numerous vertebrae, and limb and pelvic fragments.
PEFO 33958: Distal fibula.
Locality: Bowman Locality (PFV 89), Petrified Forest National Monument, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Sonsela Member, Middle Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
PEFO 31183: A badly weathered femur.
Locality: Eastern Central New Mexico.
Horizon: Trujillo Formation.
Age: Late Triassic.
MCCDMP 1654: Left frontal.
Species: alisonae PEYER, CARTER, SUES, NOVAK & OLSEN, 2008
Etymology: In honor of Alison L. Chambers, honoring her dedication to the
popularization of paleontology in North Carolnia.
= Postosuchus NOVAK,
Holotype: UNC 15575
Locality: Durham sub-basin of the Deep River Basin, near Raleigh, Durham County, North Carolina.
Horizon: “Lithofacies Association II”, Newark Supergroup.
Age: Latest Carnian Stage- Early Norian Epoch, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Material: Partial skeleton comprising a few fragmentary cranial bones; nasal,
frontal, squamosal, prootic, supraoccipital, left and right opisthotic, articular,
angular, prearticular, and isolated teeth, the postcranial skeleton included
7 cervical, 1 dorsal, and 4 caudal vertebrae, and associated ribs, and cheverons,
partial sacral rib, cervical, dorsal, and caudal osteoderms, gastralia, right
and partial left coracoid, partial left and right scapulae, interclavicle,
clavicle, left and right humeri, radii, and ulnae, right carpus, nearly complete
right and partial left manus, distal ends of left and right pubes, left and
right tibiae, fibulae, tarsi, and pedes.
Note: Gut contents are of aetosaurian armor (Stegomus sp), a snout
and limb bones of a juvenile traversodont cynodont (Plinthogomphodon herpetairus),
a partial dicynodont digit and a dermal bone of an indeterminate temnospondyl.
Right underneath the specimen was a new gracile crocodylomorph Dromicosuchus
grallator which has bite marks on the skull and neck.
Skull of Postosuchus alisonae after PEYER, CARTER, SUES, NOVAK & OLSEN, 2008.
Skeleton of Postosuchus alisonae after PEYER, CARTER, SUES, NOVAK & OLSEN, 2008.