Genus: Amblydectes HOOLEY, 1916 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: Greek, amblys, "darkness"
and Greek, dektes, "fighter."
Species: crassidens (SEELEY, 1869)
HOOLEY, 1914 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: Latin, crassus, "thick, dense" and Latin, dens, "tooth."
= Ptenodactylus crassidens SEELEY, 1869
(nomen nudum)
= Ornithocheirus crassidens (SEELEY, 1869)
SEELEY, 1870 (nomen dubium)
= Pterodactylus crassidens (SEELEY, 1869) SAUVAGE, 1882 (nomen
= Criorhynchus crassidens (SEELEY, 1869) WELLNHOFER, 1978(nomen
= Coloborhynchus? crassidens (SEELEY,
1869) (nomen dubium)
Holotype: CAMSM B 5449 (old Woodwardian Museum.)
Locality: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Upper Cambridge Greensand.
Age: Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Middle Cretaceous.
Material: Fragment of premaxilla?
Preserved premaxilla of Amblydectes crassidens. A) left lateral view; B) ventral view, after Rodrigues & Kellner, (2013); C) hypothetical reconstruction.
Species: eurygnathus (SEELEY, 1869) SEELEY, 1870 (nomen dubium)
= Ptenodactylus eurygnathus SEELEY, 1869 (nomen nudum)
= Pterodactylus eurygnatus (SEELEY, 1869) SAUVAGE, 1882 (sic)
= Pterodactylus eurygnathus(SEELEY, 1869)
SAUVAGE, 1882 emend OLSHEVSKY, 1991 (nomen dubium)
= Amblydectes eurygnathus (SEELEY,
1869) HOOLEY, 1914 (nomen dubium)
= Criorhynchus eurygnathus (SEELEY, 1869) WELLNHOFER, 1978 (nomen
Etymology: Greek, eurys, “wide, broad” and Greek, gnathus,"jaw."
Holotype: CAMSM B54644 (old Woodwardian Museum.)
Locality: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Upper Cambridge Greensand.
Age: Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Middle Cretaceous.
Material: A fragment of premaxilla.
Preserved premaxilla of Amblydectes eurygnathus. A) left lateral view; B) ventral view after Rodrigues & Kellner, (2013); C) hypothetical reconstruction.