Genus: Anurognathus DÖDERLEIN, 1923
Etymology: Greek, an-, “without”, Greek, oura, “tail” and Greek, gnathos, “jaw”.

Species: ammoni DÖDERLEIN, 1923
Etymology: In honor of the Bavarian geologist Ludwing von Ammon, while in 1922 Döderlein acquired his collection.

Holotype: BSP. 1922 I 42

Locality: Eichstatt, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.

Horizon: Malm Zeta 2, Lithographic Shale, Solnhofen.


Age: Lower Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.

Material: Preorbital, naries, premaxilla, maxilla, quadrate, teeth, dentary missing posterior end, and most of the skeleton.


Top after Wellnhofer, 1975, bottom after Bennett, 2007

A, B) Skull after Wellnhofer (1975) and; C) new reconstruction based on Bennett, (2007).

Anurognathus ammoni (B.S. Nr. 1922 I 42) A) skeleton after Wellnhofer, (1975 (Teil II)), B) laterial view; C) dorsal view of skeleton, based on Bennett, (2007).

Referred material:

BENNETT, 2002, 2007

Locality: Eichstatt, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.

Horizon: Malm Zeta 2, Lithographic Shale, Solnhofen.


Age: Lower Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.


SMNS 81928a, b (casts): Skull, skeleton and wing impressions.
Note: Original is in a private collection.


Skull after Bennett (2007): A) skull as found; B) front view; C) dorsal view; D) ventral view;  E) left lateral view; F) left lateral view with mouth open.

Referred speciem of Anurognathus ammoni : ) A) dorsal view of skeleton as found (after Bennett, 2007); B) Reconstruction of skeleton; C) dorsal view of skeleton.