Genus: Bennettazhia NESOV, 1991
Etymology: In honor of Chris Bennett, pterosaur expert.

Species: oregonensis (GILMORE, 1928) NESOV, 1991
Etymology: In reference to Oregon, the state where the specimen was found.
= Pteranodon oregonensis GILMORE, 1928 (nomen dubium)

Holotype: MPUC V.126713

Locality: "Mitchell Quadrangle, SE 1/4 sec. 36, T. 26 S., R 21 E. About 200 feet above gorge of a small east gully leading into Nelson Creek about 1/4 mile above its mouth, not more than 200 feet from southward bend in Nelson Creek Road after it reaches the flat,” Wheeler County, Oregon.

Horizon: Hudspeth Formation, Upper Chico or Lower Horestown.


Age: Albian, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Left humerus, 2 ossified dorsal vertebrae and the articular end of an undetermined bone.


Referred material:


Locality: From an emergency spillway for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Somervill County, Texas.

Horizon: Glen Rose Formation, Trinity Group.


Age: Comanchean, Lower Cashenranchian age, Early to Middle Albian Stage, Middle Gallic subepoch, upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.


SMU 72547: Humerus.
