Genus: Chaoyangopterus WANG & ZHOU, 2003
Etymology: In reference to Chaoyang.

Species: zhangi WANG & ZHOU, 2003
Etymology: In honor of Mr. Wanlian Zhang, a senior reporter of the Chaoyang Daily, who has contributed a lot to the protection of the fossil localities and expedition of the Liaoxi Project of the IVPP in Chaoyang.

Holotype: IVPP V 13397

Locality: Gonggao, Dapingfang, Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province, China.

Horizon: Jiufotang Formation.


Age: Aptian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Maaterial: An incomplete skeleton including anterior skull, a nearly complete lower jaw, most cervical vertebrae, pectoral girdle, forelimb, pelvis and hindlimbs.

Note: Orignially described as a Nyctosaurid, but more than likely an AZHDARCHID.

Referred material:

ZHOU, 2010

Locality: On a hill near Yuanjiawa Village, 41°34'20"N, 120°09'30"E, Dapingfang, Chaoyang City, Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province, China.

Horizon: Jiufotang Formation.


Age: Aptian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.


LPM-R00076: Partial skull and lower jaws, 6 cervical, 9 dorsal vertebrae, partial pectoral girdles, humeri, ulnae, radii, wing metacarpals, wing phalanges 1-4, femora and tibiotarsi.