Genus: Ctenochasma MEYER, 1852
Etymology: Greek, ktenos (kteis), "comb" and Greek, khasma, "wide
opening, gape of the jaws"; in reference to the dense, comb-like arrangement of
teeth in the jaws.
= Ptenodracon Lydekker, 1888
Etymology: Greek, pteno, ‘bird’, and Greek, dracon, ‘dragon’; Bird dragon.
= Pterodracon Lydekker, 1888 (sic)
= Ptenodraco emend LYDEKKER, 1889
Species: roemeri MEYER, 1852
Etymology: In honor of Friedrich Adolph von Roemer.
Holotype: Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Technical University of Clausthal collection.
Locality: Hannover, Saschen (Saxony) State, Germany.
Horizon: Purbeck?
Age: Berriasian Stage, Early Neocomian Stage, Earliest Early Cretaceous Epoch, Earliest Cretaceous (orignailly believed to be from the Upper Tithonian Stage, Uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic).
Material: Anterior portion of dentary with teeth.
Species: brevirostris (SÖMMERRING,
= Ornithocephalus brevirostris SÖMMERRING,
Etymology: From Latin, brevis, “short” and Latin, rostrum, "for
bill or mouth".
= Ptenodracon brevirostris (SÖMMERRING,
1817) LYDEKKER, 1888
= Ptenodraco brevirostris (SÖMMERRING,
1817) emend LYDEKKER, 1889
= Pterodactylus brevirostris (SÖMMERRING,
1817) OKEN, 1819
= Pterodactylus nettecephaloides RITGEN,
1826 (nomen dubium)
Holotype: Descartes-Gymnasium, Neuburg/D.
Locality: Wintershof near Eichstatt, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Horizon: Solnhofen.
Age: Upper Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Skull and skeleton of a juvenile.
Referred material:
= Pterodactylus elegans WAGNER, 1861
Etymology: Latin, elegans, "elegant, fine"; in reference to the beautifully preserved specimen.
= Ctenochasma elegans (WAGNER, 1861) BENNETT, 1996Neotype: (ZITTEL, 1882) Bayer Stattssammlung Munchen 1875 XIV 501
Locality: Eichstätt, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Horizon: Solnhofen, Malm Zeta.
Age: Upper Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Skull and skeleton.
Referred material:
MAYR, 1964
Phil.-Theol. Hochschule Eichstätt 1950. 33: Skull and skeleton.
Wellhofer (1970) referred two specimens to Pterodacytlus micronyx; Pterodactylus micronyx (Winkler, 1870), TM 13104 (example 34 Wellnhofer, 1970), and Naturhist. Museum Wien (Plate) and Senckenberg-Museum Frankfurt a M. (Gegen Plat) R 405 (example 37 Wellnhofer, 1970), now SM 405/NHMW 2012/0118/0001 (Bennett, 2013). However, Bennett (2013) referred both specimens to Ctenochasma elegans.
ZITTEL, 1882
Bayer. Staatssammlung Munchen 1867 II 1: Skull and skeleton.
Museum Berger Harthof near Eichstätt: Skull and Skeleton.
Museum Berger Harthof near Eichstätt: Skull and skeleton.
Palaont. Inst. U. Mus. Universitat Zurich, A/III 100: Skull and skeleton
Locality: 4 m above the quarry floor at Zandt, about 25 km E of Eichstätt, Bavaria State, Germany.
Horizon: Zandt Member, Painten Formation.
Age: Lower Tithonian Stage, Late Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
SMNS 81803: Skull and atlas-axis.
= Pterodactylus elegans EDINGER, 1941 non WAGNER, 1861
Etymology:Locality: Solnhofen, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Horizon: Solnhofen, Malm Zeta.
Age: Upper Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
MCZ 1503:Skull and skeleton of a juvenile.
WAGNER, 1861
Locality: "Lithographischer Schiefer Bayerns", Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Age: Stage?, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Lost (Fruher Munchen): Skull and skeleton
Locality: Schernfeld, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Horizon: Solnhofen.
Age: Upper Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Geologisches Inst. der Universitat Erlangen : Skull and skeleton.
Note: The above are according to BENNETT, 1993 a junior specimen of Ctenochasma gracile.
= Ctenochasma gracile OPPEL, 1862
Etymology: Latin, gracilis, "slender."Holotype: AS VI. 30.
Locality: Eichstätt, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Horizon: Solnhofen, Malm Zeta.
Age: Upper Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Fragmentary skull.
Referred material:
BROILI, 1936
BSPHGM 1935, I, 24: Skull and skeleton.
de BUISONJE, 1981
Number: Private museum E. Schopfl: Lower jaw, femora, tibia-tarsus, metacarpals, humerus, ulna, radius, metacarpals, phalange 1, -5, pelvis? vertebrae and some ribs.
BROILI, 1924
Locality: Solnhofen, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Horizon: Lithographic shale, Solnhofen.
Age: Upper Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Number: reg. 1920, I, 57: Skull missing posterior portion of nasal and posterior portion of the back of the skull.
MAYR, 1964, WELLNHOFER, 1970
Number: Not given: Anterior part of the skull.
= Ctenochasma porocristatum de BUISONJE 1981
Etymology: Latin, porus, "pore" and Latin, cristatus, "with a crest."
= Ctenochasma porocristata de BUISONJE, 1981
Note: Olshevsky, 1991, genera ending in -chasma are neuter, not feminie, and so take neuter adjectival specific names. Hence the spelling change to C. porocristatum.Holotype: SoS-2179
Locality: Wintershof, an east-west longitudinal area of about 1.5 km in length, immediately north of Eichstätt, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Horizon: Solnhofen, Malm Zeta.
Age: Upper Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Skull lacking posterior portion from the middle of the naries and the top of the nasal crest.
Referred material:
Locality: Eichstätt, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Horizon: Solnhofen, Malm Zeta.
Age: Upper Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Jura Museum: Fragmentary Lower jaw?
Species: taqueti BENNETT, 2007b
Etymology: In honor of Philippe Taquet, the first describer of the specimen.
= Ctenochasma sp
TAQUET, 1972
Holotype: MMSD 75-1671
Locality: In the vicinity of St. Dizier, Haute-Marne Department, France.
Horizon: Lower Portlandian.
Biostratigraphy: Calcaires Tachetes zone.
Age: Lower Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Incomplete skull lacking the anterior jaw ends.