Species: curvidentatus (JI & JI, 1998) JI, JI & PADIAN, 1999
Etymology: Greek, curvus, "curve" and Latin, dentis, "tooth."
= Dendrorhynchus curvidentatus JI & JI, 1998
Holotype: GMV2128
Locality: Lujiatun site, Shangyuan, Beipiao City, Western Liaoning Province, northeastern China.
Horizon: Jiangshangou Member, Yixian Formation, Jehol Group.
Age: Barremain Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: Fragmentary skull and nearly complete skeleton.
Referred material:
HONE & LU, 2010
GLGMV 0002: Fragmentary skeleton.