Genus: Dimorphodon OWEN, 1859
Etymology: Greek, di, "two," Greek, morphe, "form" and Greek, odon, "tooth"; In reference to the two distinct forms of teeth; large conical ‘stabbing’ teeth in the front of the jaws which is typical in reptiles, and the tiny pointed teeth behind the conical teeth, “borrowed, as it were, from the fish or batrachians” Owen, 1859.

Species: macronyx (BUCKLAND, 1829) OWEN, 1859
Etymology: Greek, markos, "long" and Greek, onyx, "claw."
= Pterodactylus macronyx BUCKLAND, 1829
= Pterodactylus (Rhamphorhynchus) macronyx BUCKLAND, 1829 per MEYER, 1846
= Rhamphorhnychus (Pterodactylus) macronyx (BUCKLAND, 1829) MEYER, 1847
= Dimorphodon macronyx (BUCKLAND, 1829) OWEN, 1858 (nomen nudum)
= Rhamphorhynchus macronyx (BUCKLAND, 1829) MEYER, 1847

Holotype: BMNH R 1034

Locality: Lyme Regis coast, Pinhay Bay- Charmouth, (SY 3291-SY 3794), Gloucester County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Lower Liassic.


Age: Hettangian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Lower Early Jurassic.

Material: Skull, coracoid, scapula, Humerus, ulna, radius, metacarpals, phalanges I-III, anterior IV, pelvis, femur, tibia, fibula, metatarsals, 3 caudals and a few dorsal vertebrae, and a jaw fragment.

BMNH R41212: Skeleton.

From Seeley, 1901.

From Seeley, 1901.

From Seeley, 1901.

Referred material:

9182 A: Left maxillary and jugal.

9182 B: Upper jaw fragment.

9182 C: Right humerus.

9182 D: Distal end of first wing-phalanx.

9182 E: Second wing-phalanx.

9182 F: Left femur, missing proximal end.

9182 G: Right femur.

9182 H: Right tibia-fibula.

9182 I: Fused right distal tarsals.

9182 J: Metatarsal.

9182 K: Unidentified shaft fragment near B.


BMNH R1034: Fragmentary skeleton.

BMNH R1035: Skull and fragmentary skeleton.

BMNH 41213: Skull.

BMNH 43486-7: 2 imperfect mandibular rami.

BMNH 41346: The entire caudal series.

BMNH R590: Fragmentary skull.

BMNH 42016: Distal end of right humerus.

BMNH 43974: Left humerus.

BMNH R591: Right humerus.

BMNH R1036: Fragmentary left humerus.

BMNH R35: Fragmentary metacarpal.

BMNH 41347: 3 phalangeals of the ulnar digit of manus.

BMNH 42053: A phalangeal of the ulnar digit of manus.

BMNH 43052: A bone probably belonging to the manus.

BMNH 41347a: An imperfect bone which is probably the femur.

BMNH 43973: Fragmentary tibia and fibula.

BMNH 43051,BMNH 41347b: Tibiae and fibulae.

BMNH 47464: Tibia and fibula of a juvenile.

BMNH 41347c: An undetermined long-bone.

BMNH R233: An apparently homologous bones.

Also; OWEN, 1865

Skull and fragmentary skeleton.

Fragmentary skeleton.

Also; UNWIN 1988

GSM 1546: Fragmentary skeleton.


Locality: South bank of the River Severn, Lyme Region, Gloucester County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Lower Liassic.


Age: Hettangian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Lower Early Jurassic.


Accession Number YPM 456, YPM 350:

350 A: Metacarpal.

350 B: Right tibia-fibula.

350 C: Third wing-phalanx.

350 D: Second wing-phalanx.

350 E: Phalanx of right manus.

350 F: Right humerus.

350 G: Phalanx of pes.

350 H: Right lateral carpal.

350 I: Metatarsals III and IV of left pes.

350 J: Phalanx of right manus.

350 K: ?Partial 4th wing-phalanx of phalanx of 5th toe.

350 L: Metacarpal.

350 M: Left lateral distal tarsal.

350 N: Phalanx of pes.

350 P: Metatarsals II-IV of right pes.

350 R: Left medial distal tarsal.

YPM 9175: Rib ("no.1")

YPM 9176: 2nd wing-phalanx ("No.1")

YPM 9177: ?Ulna ("No. 1")

YPM 9178: Distal end of right humerus ("No. 1")

YPM 9179: 3rd wing-phalanx ("No. 26?")

YPM 9180: Left wing-metacarpal ("No. 18")

Accession number 462, YPM 9181: Distal end of right humerus.

Accession Number 1503, YPM 9182



= Pterodactylus marderi OWEN, 1874 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: In honor of Mr. J. W. Marder of Lyme Regis, England.

Holotype: BMNH 41348

Locality: Lyme Regis, Gloucester County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Lower Liassic.


Age: Hettangian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Lower Early Jurassic.

Material: Proximal end of right humerus.


Etymology: In honor of the late Dr. Robert L. Weintraub.
= Dimorphodon weintraubi CLARK, HOPSON, HERNANDEZ & MONTELLANO, 1997 (nomen nudum)

Holotype: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Instituto Geologia de Mexico, IGM 3494

Locality: Huizachal Canyon, Tamaulpas State, Mexico.

Horizon: Lower part of the La Boca Formation.


Age: Late Early-Early Middle Jurassic.

Material: Uncrushed partial skeleton. A complete wing (the nearly complete right wing lacking the proximal part of the humerus and two of the short digit’s), the left scapulocoracoid and humerus, a partial skull and 4 cervical vertebrae and an ankle and nearly complete foot, much of the tibia, and what appears to be a portion of the braincase.