Species: weii YOUNG, 1964
Etymology: In honor of Mr. C. M. Wei of the Paleontological Division, Institute
of Science, Bureau of Petroleum of Sinkiang, China, who made avaible the specimens
for study.
Holotype: IVPP V. 2776
Locality: From Urho, near the mouth of Chiangmuho (Paiyangho), N. W. border of Dsungari Basin, Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu (Sinkang) Province, China.
Age: Upper part of the Early Cretaceous.
Material: Anterior part of the skull and lower jaws, 2 cervical, 13 consecutive vertebrae, 3 posterior dorsal, 3 notarium, 7 consecutive caudal, and 2 isolated caudal vertebrae, proximal end of left humerus, probably a left ulna, the distal part of both wing-metacarpal’s, both 1st digits, of the 4th finger and 3 following digits of the left side, nearly complete pelvic girdle.
Referred material:
IVPP V.2777: Proximal and distal ends of humerus and probably ulna, a distal part of a femur and damage to both pelvic girdles and some fragments.
YOUNG, 1973
Locality: Wuerho, Jungar Basin, Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu (Sinkang) Province, China.
Horizon: Tugulu Formation.
Age:?Valanginian Stage, Middle Neocomian Subepoch-Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Middle Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
64041-3: Skull and dentary.
64045-3: Skull.
64045-9: Skull missing tip, sacrum and scapula.
IVPP V 4065: Skull, notarium, sternum and proximal end of the left scapulocoracoid.
IVPP V 28299: Incomplete right first wing phalanx and complete right third wing phalanx, partial dorsal vertebra, 2 partial pelves, partial right femur, 2 tibiotarsals and left pes (a notarium preserved nearby is too small to represent the same individual).
IVPP V 33002-1~7: 2 first dorsal ribs (-1~2), 2 free dorsals (-3~4), proximal end of left ulna (-5), proximal end of left wing metacarpal (-6) and distal end of right femur (-7).
IVPP V 33004: Posterior portion of the skull and mandible; well preserved postcranial elements include cervicals ii-IV, VI, VII, VIII neural arch, partial notarium, proximal ends of both scapulocoracoids, proximal ends of both humeri and distal end of the right humerus, and proximal end of right first wing phalanx.
IVPP V 33005: Posterior portion of left mandibular ramus, right wing metacarpal, first wing phalanx, shafts of distal wing phalanges.
IVPP V 33006: Cervical V, right scapulocoraoid missing distal end of the scapular blade and an incomplete third ing phalanx.
IVPP V 33007: An isolated tooth and alveolous, cervicals III, V-VII, proximal end of left ulna and fragments of wing phalanges.
IVPP V 33008: Left wing elements including disal portion of radius, distal end of ulna, distal syncapral, pteroid, partial shaft of metacarpal III, wing metacarpal, manual phalanx ph 1d3, and wing phalanges 2-4.
IVPP V 33009: Distal end of right tibiotarsus, distal tarsals and fragmentary pes, including a complete MT1, articular ends of Mts II-V and ph1d1, complete non-ungual phalanges of distals II-V except for ph4d4 which only preserves the proximal end, 2 pedal unguals (likely ph2d1 and ph5d4), and some fragmentary shafts.
IVPP V 33010: Skull and mandiblar fragments, 2 middle-series cervicals (likely cervicals IV and VI), cervicals VIII and IX, free dorsal centrum, partial dorsal ribs, 1 caudal vertebra, both humeri, ulnae, radii, proximal syncaprals, distal syncarpals, and preaxial carpals, left wing metacarpal, proximal portion of right wing metacarpal, disal end of right metacarpal III, both manual phalanx ph1d3, both first wing phalanges, proixmal end of left second wing phalanx, right third wing phalanx missing the disal end, other fragments of wing phalanges, both ends of left femur, proximal portion of right femur, complete right tibiotarsus and partial fibula, partial left tibiotarsus, metatarsal and pedal phalangeal fragments.
IVPP V 33011: Partial skull and mandible, incomplete sternum, humerus, radius and ulna, distal ends of metacarpals I-IV, procimal ends of manual phalanges ph1d1, ph1d2, ph1d3 and first wing phalanx, ph2d3.
IVPP V 33012: Proximal and distal syncarpals, proximal end of partial shaft of metacarpal II.
IVPP V 33013.1: Atlas, axial centrum, and part of the axial neural arch.
IVPP V 33013.2: Axial neural arch.
IVPP V 33014.1-6: Middle-series cervicals.
IVVP V 33015.1: 2 cervcals VIII.
(64-41 (1)) & .2
IVPP V 33016.1: Last 5 dorsal centra and partial first sacral centrum.
IVPP V 33016.2: 3 free dorsal centra.
IVPP V 33017.1: Poserior portion of the last dorsal, first 5 sacrals and left pelvis.
IVPP V 33018.1: Complete left scapulocoracoid.
IVPP V 33019.1: Right humerus the head.
IVPP V 33019.2: Complete left humerus missing the deltopectoral crest.
IVPP V 33019.3: Left humerus missing part of the proximal end.
IVPP V 33020.1: Complete left ulna.
IVPP V 33021.1: Right radius proximal end.
IVPP V 33021.2: Left radius distal end.
IVPP V 33022.1: Right preaxial carpal.
IVPP V 33023.1: Complete left wing metacarpal.
IVPP V 33023.1: Left metacarpal distal end.
(64041 (1))
IVPP V 33024.1: Right first wing phalanx missing distal end.
IVPP V 33024.2: Complete left first wing phalanx.
IVPP V 33025.1: Complete right femur.
IVPP V 33026.1: Nearly complete right tibiotarsus missing minor part of proximal shaft.
IVPP V 33027: Left pes including distal ends of metatarsals metatarsals and pedal digits I-IV with unguals II-IV lost, and fragmentary right pes.
YLSNHM0182: Partial mandible, cervicals II-IX, dorsals I-V and parital scapulocoracoids of both sides.
IVPP V 4602, 4604, 26256-26259, 26560, 26561, mcugb 05-01-09:
LI & JI, 2010
Locality: Near Wucaicheng, eastern margin of the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu (Sinkang) Province, China.
Age: Early Cretaceous.
China University of Geosciences Museum in Beijing, 05-01-09: Skull and mandible.
Locality: Tatal, 48°45'15"N, 92°35'52"E,Western Mongolia.
Horizon: Tsagan-tsab Formation.
Age: Berriasian/Valanginian Stage, Lower-Middle Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
GIN125/1010-2, GIN1251010-3, GIN125/1010-4: Fragmentary remains.
Note: A large pterosaur (Dsungaripterus weii) with some smaller bones belonging to Noripterus complicidens.