Species: insperatus HARRIS & CARPENTER, 1996
Etymology: Latin, insperatus, “unexpected.”
Holotype: DMNH 21684
Locality: DMNH Quarry 6 (Small’s Quarry), DMNH Loc., 6111, 1992 Stegosaurus stenops Quarry, Garden Park, near Canon City, Fremont County, Colorado.
Horizon: Lower Part, Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Zone 2.
Age: Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Cervical vertebra, a left humerus, the left proximal phalanx of
the wing finger, the distal end of the right proximal wing finger phalanx,
the proximal end of the left 2nd wing finger, phalanx, and a metatarsal.