Genus: Scaphognathus WAGNER, 1861
Etymology: Greek, skaphe, "boat or tub" and Greek, gnathos, "jaw"; in reference to the blunt shape of the lower jaws.
= Brachytrachelus GIEBEL, 1852 (nomen oblitum)
Etymology: Greek, brakhys, “snout” and Greek, trakhelos, “neck”.
= Jianchangnathus CHENG, WANG, JIANG & KELLNER, 2012
Etymology: In refernce to Jianchang County, Liaoning Province, China, where the specimen was located, and Greek, gnathus, "jaw."
= Pachyramphus FITZINGER, 1843 (nomen oblitum)
= Pachyrhamphus LYDEKKER, 1888 (sic)
Etymology: Greek, pakhys, “thick” and Greek, rhamphos, "beak."
= Pycnorhamphus ZITTEL, 1882 (sic)

Species: crassirostris (GOLDFUSS, 1831) WAGNER, 1861
Etymology: Latin, crassus, “thick” and Latin, rostrum, “beak.”
= Pterodactylus crassirostris GOLDFUSS, 1831
= Brachytrachelus crassirostris (GOLDFUSS, 1831) GIEBEL, 1852
= Ornithocephalus crassirostris (GOLDFUSS, 1831) WAGNER, 1851
= Pachyramphus crassirostris (GOLDFUSS, 1831) FITZINGER, 1843
= Rhamphorhynchus crassirostris (GOLDFUSS, 1831) WAGNER, 1858

Holotype: Geologisch-Palaontologisches Instiut der Universitat Bonnn, 1304

Locality: Eichstatt, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.

Horizon: Solnhofen.


Age: Upper Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.

Material: Skull and skeleton.

From Seeley, 1901.

Skull of Scaphognathus: A) after Wellnhofer, (1975); B) new interpretation, C) after Bennett, (2014).

Scaphognathus crassirostris, A-C) Holotype: Geologisch-Palaontologisches Instiut der Universitat Bonnn, 109, after Wellnhofer (1975); A) right lateral; B) new reconstruction (based on Bennett, 2014); C) left lateral views; D) Geologisch-Palaontologisches Instiut der Universitat Bonnn, 1304, left lateral view of the skull, after Wellnhofer (1975).

Scaphognathus crassirostris, Holotype: Geologisch-Palaontologisches Instiut der Universitat Bonnn, 109, A) after Wellnhofer (1975); B, C) new reconstruction: B) dorsal and C) lateral views.

Referred material:

Locality: Muhlheim, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.

Horizon: Solnhofen.


Age: Upper Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.


Museum an Solnhofer Aktienverein, Maxberg no 110: Skull and skeleton of a juvenile.

Scaphognathus crassirostris, Museum an Solnhofer Aktienverein, Maxberg, no. 110, after Wellnhofer (1975): A) as preserved: and B) new reconstruction.

Scaphognathus crassirostris, Museum an Solnhofer Aktienverein, Maxberg, no. 110, after Wellnhofer (1975): A) as preserved: and B, C) new reconstruction; B) dorsal, and C) lateral views.


SMNS 59395: Skull and skeleton.

Note: With stomach contents of fish remains.

Scaphognathus crassirostris, SMNS 59395, after Bennett (2014): A) as preserved, and B) lateral viewsLYDEKKER, 1888

Scaphognathus crassirostris, SMNS 59395, after Bennett (2014): A) as preserved, and B, C) lateral views; B) dorsal and C) lateral views.

Scaphognathus crassirostris, SMNS 59395, showing the fish vertebrae (after Bennett, 2014).


Locality: Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.

Horizon: Solnhofen.


Age: Upper Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.


NHMUK (old BMNH) 43468: Cast of a split slab with fragmentary skull and skeleton.

B3437: Cast of skull.


Species: robustus (CHENG, WANG, JIANG & KELLNER, 2012) BENNETT, 2014
Etymology: In refernce to Jianchang County, where the specimen was located, and Greek, gnathus, 'jaw'.

= Jianchangnathus robustus CHENG, WANG, JIANG & KELLNER, 2012
Etymology: Latin, robustus, "strong"; in allustion to the powerful jaws of this species.

Holotype: IVPP V16866

Locality: Linglongta, Jianchang County, Western Liaoning Province, China.

Horizon: Daohugou Bed (Formation) or Tiaojishan Formation.


Age: Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous.


Skull of Scaphognathus (Jianchangnathus) robustus Holotype: IVPP V16866, after Cheng, et al, (2012): A) as preserved, and B) new reconstruction.


Skeleton of Scaphognathus (Jianchangnathus) robustus Holotype: IVPP V16866, after Cheng, et al, (2012): A) as preserved, B, C) new reconstruction; B) dorsal and C) lateral view.

Referred materal:

ZHOU, 2014

Locality: Near Daxishan Village, Huludao City, Linglongta, 40°52.210'N, 119°59.297'E, Jiangchang County, Western Liaoning Province, China.

Horizon: Tiaojishan Formation.


Age: Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous.


PMOL-AP00028: Nearly complete skull.


Scaphognathus (Jianchangnathus) robustus PMOL-AP00028, after Zhou, (2014): A) right side of skull; B) cervical vertebra; C) humerus and scapulocoracoid; D) close up of the mandible; E) reconstruction slightly modified from Zhou, (2014).