Species: pilosus SHAROV, 1971
Etymology: Latin, pliosus, “hair”; Hairy devil.
Holotype: PIN NR 2585/3
Locality: Aulie, near Mikhailovka, in the Chayan area, Karatau ridge in the Chimkent district of southern Kazakhstan.
Horizon: Intermontae lake, Karabastauian suite, Karabastau Formation.
Age: Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian Stage, Lower-Middle Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Skull and skeleton, with impression of wing membrane and hair like scales.
Reconstruction of the skull.
Referred material:
PIN 104/73, 2470/1, 2585/3, 2585/25, 2585/36, 2585/37: 9 individuals, 3 semi-complete.
One specimen might have come from Chokhai, west of Mikhailovka village, in the Katchkar-Ata river valley (BAKHURINA & UNWIN, 1995)