Species: garnettense PEABODY, 1958 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: In reference to Garnett, Anderson County, Kansas.
Holotype: KUVP 9976
Locality: Hardesty Farm, approximately 6 miles northwest of Garnett, NW 1/4, NW 1/4, NE 1/4, Sec. 5, T20S, R19E, Anderson County, Kansas.
Horizon: Stanton Limestone Formation, Lansing Group.
Age: Missourian, Kasimovian Epoch, Late Pennsylvanian (Late Late Carboniferous).
Material: Right scapulo-coracoid and neural arch.
Referred material:
KUVP 10295: Various cranial elements, right mandible, vertebrae, right scapulo-coracoid, right clavicle, left forelimb.