Genus: Aphrosaurus WELLES, 1943
Etymology: Greek, aphros, “foam” and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: Sea-foam lizard.

Species: furlongi WELLES, 1943

Holotype: CIT 2748

Locality: CIT loc. 338, 1,000 feet E and 900 feet S of NWC, or 650 feet E and 1,000 feet S of NW cor., Sec. 13, T 14S, R 11E, MDB and M. this is either 750 feet NW or 1,000 feet NNW of UC loc. V3735 in the Panoche Hills, Fresno County, California.

Horizon: Moreno Formation.


Age: Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Partial skeleton consisting of pectrum, pelvis, paddles and 10 posterior cervicals preceded by 11 indeterminate cervicals and followed by 17 crushed dorsals.

YPM-PU 16432/CIT2748: Gastroliths.

Referred material:

Locality: CIT loc 316, Panoche Hills, Fresno County, California.

Horizon: Moreno Formation.


Age: Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


CIT 2832: Articular region of the lower jaws, a few skull fragments, 57 cervicals, 3 pectorals and 8 dorsal vertebrae, pectrum without clavicular arch and most of the right pectoral paddle of a very young individual.