Genus: Brancasaurus WEGNER, 1914
Etymology: In honor of Wilhelm von Branca (1844-1929), German paleontologist, Greek, sauros, “lizard”: Branca’s lizard.
 =  Gronausaurus HAMPE, 2013
Etymology: In reference to the name of the town of Gronau, North Rhine-Westphalia State, Germany and Greek, sauros, 'lizard'.

Species: brancai WEGNER, 1914
Etymology: In honor of Wilhelm von Branca (1844-1929), German paleontologist.

Holotype: GPMM A3.B4

Locality: Gerdemann & Co brick-works clay pit, northeast of Gronau (Westfalen), North Rhine-Westphalia State, Germany.

Horizon: Isterberg Formation ("Wealden 6"), Bückebertg Group.

Biostratigraphy: Pachycytheridea trapezoidalis ostracod zone.

Age: Uppermost Berriasian Stage, Lower Neocomian Substage, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Nearly complete skull and skeleton; both premaxilae, partial left and right maxilla, partial prefrontals (orignially complete), both frontals, partial left jugal, partial left postorbital (originally complete), left postrontal, both parietals, partial squamosals, both quadrates, both vomera, partial palatines, partial pterygoids, basioccipital, basispheoid, parasphenoid, partial left exoccipital-opisthoitic (originally complete), supraocciptial, partial prootics (orignally complete, partial dentaries, both surangualrs, both angulars, left articular, teeth, 37 cervical vertebrae (including the atlas-axis complex), partial cervical ribs, 3 pectoral vertebrae, 19 dorsal vertebrae, several complete and partial ribs, 22 gastralia (originally 37), 3 sacral vertebrae with sacral ribs, 22 caudal vertebrae (originally 25), partial caudal ribs, partial interclavicle, partial clavicales, partial scapulae, partial coracoids, both humeri, right radius, both pubes, both ischia, both ilia, rigth and left femur, right tibia, right fibula, 14 mesopodials, and 14 phalanges.

Note: Gastroliths were found.

Referred material:

= Gronausaurus wegneri HAMPE, 2013
Etymology: In honor of Thomas Wegner, palaeontologist and discoverer of the skeleton.

Holotype: GMM-A3B.2

Locality: Gerdemann & Co brick-works clay pit, northeast of Gronau (Westfalen), North Rhine-Westphalia State, Germany.

Horizon: Isterberg Formation ("Wealden 6"), Bückebertg Group.

Biostratigraphy: Pachycytheridea trapezoidalis ostracod zone.

Age: Uppermost Berriasian Stage, Lower Neocomian Substage, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: 3 isolated teeth, basioccipital, basisphenoid, partial parasphenoid, fragmentary maxillary and/or dentary components, parietal, squamosal arch, vomers, pterygoids, braincase, 6 cervical, 4 pectoral, 16 dorsal, 4 sacral, and 22 caudal vertebrae, rib fragments, pectoral girdle with left coracoid, glenoid ramus of the left scapula, fragments of the right proximal coracoid, pelvic girdle containing both pubes, left ischium and ilum, shaft of right ilium, propodials with rigth humerus, distal end of left humerus, both femora, 4 mesopodials, 2 metapodials, and 12 phalanges.