Genus: Dravidosaurus YADAGIRI & AYYASAMI, 1979
Etymology: Is derived from the Indian word Dravidanadu, commonly used of the part of the Indian peninsula, and Greek, sauros, "lizard."

Species: blanfordi YADGIRI & AYYASAMI, 1979
Etymology: In honor of Blanford, who did the pioneering work in the Cretaceous rocks of southern India, and who first reported on dinosaurian fossils from those Cretaceous sediments.

Holotype: GSI SR PAL 1

Locality: Siranattam Village, Lat. 11’10”N, Long. 79’01”E, Tiruchirapalli District, India.

Horizon: Trichinopoly Group.

Biostratigraphy: Kossmaticeras theobaldianum zone.

Age: Coniacian Stage, lower Senonian subepoch, Middle Gulf Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Partly preserved skull.

Referred specimens:

SR PAL 2: Tooth.

SR PAL 3: Sacrum.

SR PAL 4: Ilium.

SR PAL 5: Ischium.

SR PAL 6: Armored plate.

Sr PAL 7: Tail spike.

Note: Sankar Chatterjee said that this is an indeterminate plesiosaur and not a stegosaur.