Genus: Styxosaurus WELLES, 1943
Etymology: Styx, mythological river in Hades, and Greek, sauros, “lizard”;
Styx lizard.
= Alzadasaurus WELLES 1943 (partim)
Etymology: In reference to the town of Alzada, Montana, near where the specimen
was found, Greek, sauros, “lizard”: Alzada lizard.
= Hydralmosaurus WELLES, 1943
Etymology: Greek, hydralme, “salt water” and Greek, sauros, “lizard”:
Salt water lizard.
= Thalassonomosaurus WELLES, 1943
Etymology: Greek, thalassa, “sea”, Greek, nomo, “dwell”
and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: Sea-living lizard.
Species: snowii (WILLISTON, 1890) WELLES, 1943
= Cimoliasaurus snowii WILLISTON, 1890
= Elasmosaurus snowii (WILLISTON, 1890) WILLISTON, 1906
Holotype: KUVP 1301
Locality: Hell Creek, Logan County (was Plum County), Kansas.
Horizon: Niobrara Formation, or Upper Smoky Hill Member.
Biostratigraphy: Spinaptychus sternbergi or Hesperornis zone.
Age: Santonian Stage, or basal Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Triassic.
Material: Skull and 28 cervical vertebrae.
WELLES, 1943, Holotype: DMNH 1588; A) right lateral and B) left lateral views.
Modifed from WELLES, 1943, Holotype: DMNH 1588; A) right lateral mouth closed and B) right lateral with mouth open.
Referred material:
Locality: Logan County, Kansas.
Horizon: Sharon Springs Member, Pierre Shale.
Age: Upper Lower to Lower Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous
NJSM 15435: Nearly complete skeleton lacking skull.
Note: Gastroliths (95) and fragments of Enchodus.WILLISTON & MOODIE, 1917
= Ogmodirus ischiadicus referred material
= Styxosaurus snowii WELLES 1943 referred material.Locality: Plum Creek, Logan County, Western Kansas.
Horizon: Niobrara Formation or Upper Smoky Hill Member.
Biostratigraphy: Spinaptychus sternbergi or Hesperornis zone.
Age: Basal Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
YPM 1644 (YPM 636): Scapulae, coracoids, pubes and vertebrae.
Species: marshii (WILLISTON, 1906) emend OTERO, 2016
= Elasmosaurus marshii WILLISTON, 1906 (nomen dubium)
Etymology: In honor of Othneil Charles Marsh.
= Thalassonomosaurus marshii (WILLISTON, 1906) WELLES, 1943 (nomen dubium)
Otero (2016) placed Thalassonomosaurus marshi in Styxosaurus sp. However, because there is an
assigned species name to the specimen, the name should be Styxosaurus
marshii not Styxosaurus sp.
Locality: Logan County, Kansas.
Horizon: Niobrara Formation or Upper Smoky Hill Member.
Biostratigraphy: Spinaptychus sternbergi or Hesperornis zone.
Age: Basal Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: 14 vertebral centra (cervical, pectoral and dorsal, listed as 32 or 33, but the difference now cannot be accounted for [STORRS, 1999]), numerous spine, centrum and rib fragments, left scapula, and a nearly complete left fore limb, numerous tiny girdle fragments.
Referred material:
YPM 2062: Scapulae.
Species: pembertoni (WELLES & BUMP, 1949) emend OTERO, 2016
= Alzadasaurus pembertoni WELLES & BUMP, 1949
Otero (2016) placed Alzadasaurus pembertoni in Styxosaurus sp. However, because there is an
assigned species name to the specimen, the name should be Styxosaurus
pembertoni not Styxosaurus sp.
Holotype: Museum of Geology, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, No. 451
Locality: 25 miles south of Chamberlain and 11 miles northeast of Iona, Missouri River, Lyman County, South Dakota.
Horizon: Sharon Springs Member, Pierre Shale.
Age: Upper Lower to Lower Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous
Material: Skull and nearly complete skeleton.
Note: Found with 253 quartzite gastroliths.
Note: Paleopathology, humerus shows avascular necrosis (ROTHSCHILDS & STORRS,
Referred material:
= Alzadasaurus cf. pembertoni NICHOLLS, 1988
Locality: Manitoba Province, Canada.
Horizon: Pembina Member, Pierre Shale.
Age: Campanian Stage, Upper Senonian Subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
P83.02.18: Disarticulated specimen.
Species: kansasensis (WELLES, 1952) emend OTERO, 2016
= Alzadasaurus kansasensis WELLES, 1952
Etymology: In reference to the state of Kansas, where the specimen was found.
Otero (2016) placed Alzadasaurus kansensis in Styxosaurus sp. However, because there is an
assigned species name to the specimen, the name should be Styxosaurus
kansasensis not Styxosaurus sp.
Holotype: YPM 1130
Locality: Probably along the Smoky Hill River, Logan County, Kansas.
Note: Was thought to be Wallace County, Kansas.
Horizon: Smoky Hill Member, Niobrara Formation.
Biostratigraphy: Hesperornis zone.
Age: Santonian or Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: 28 cervicals, 5 pectorals, 3 dorsals, 5 sacrals, 22 caudal vertebrae, associated spine and other vertebral fragments, rib fragments, the nearly complete right rear limb, 6 isolated phalanges, and most of the pelvis.
Referred material:
= Elasmosaurus ischiadicus WILLISTON, 1906 (Referred specimen.)
= Ogmodirus ischiadicus WILLISTON & MOODIE, 1917 (Referred specimen.)Pelvis.
Species: serpentinus (COPE, 1871) emend OTERO, 2016
= Elasmosaurus serpentinus COPE, 1871
= Hydralmosaurus serpentinus (COPE, 1871) WELLES, 1943
Otero (2016) placed Hydralmosaurus serpentinus in Styxosaurus sp. However, because there is an
assigned species name to the specimen, the name should be Styxosaurus
serpentinus not Styxosaurus sp.
Holotype: AMNH 1495
Locality: A bluff of blue shale in Cedar, Dixon or Dakota County, Nebraska on the southwest side of the Missouri River between Yankton, South Dakota and Sioux City, Iowa.
Horizon: Smoky Hill Member, Niobrara Formation.
Age: Santonian or Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: 58 cervicals, 3 pectorals, 19 dorsals, 4 sacral, 20 caudal vertebrae, coracoid, humerus, femur, and fragmentary pectoral girdle.
Species: browni WELLES, 1952
Holotype: AMNH 5835
Locality: Red Bird, Niobrara County, Wyoming.
Note: Note Mule Creek, 15 miles west of Edgemont, South Dakota as reported
by WELLES, 1952, as per CARPENTER, 1999.
Horizon: Sharon Springs Member, Pierre Shale.
Age: Upper Lower to Lower Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Skull, 75 vertebrae, pectrum and a pectoral limb.
Skull modified from WELLES, 1943: A) jaws closed and B) jaws opened.
Referred material:
BROWN, 1904
Locality: Head of Hat Creek Basin, 18 miles, southwest of Edgemont, Fall River County, South Dakota.
Horizon: Sharon Springs Member, Pierre Shale.
Age: Upper Lower to Lower Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous
Note: Now believed to be from the Younger Pierre Shale (MARTIN, SCHUMACHER PARRIS & GRANDSTAFF, 1998)Material:
AMNH 5803: Fragmentary skeleton with gastroliths.
Note: Pteranodon sp found in the stomach region along with a teleost fish, Scaphites and gastroliths (CICIMURRI & EVERHART, 2001).
Species: rezaci SMITH & O’KEEFE, 2024
Etymology: In honor of the Rezac family of Valparaiso, Nebraska, USA, who graciously donated the specimen to the Univeristy of Nebraska.
= Thalassomedon haningtoni CARPENTER, 1999
Holotype: USNM 50132
Locality: From the property of the Adolph Rezac Family farm, Valparaiso, Saunders County, Nebraska.
Horizon: Graneros shale.
Age: Lower Cenomanian Stage, Upper Middle Gallic Subepoch, Lowermost Gulf Epoch, Middle Cretaceous.
Material: Complete skull with brittle deformaiton, a complete series of 63 cervical vertebfae, 3 dorsal vertebrae, and a forelimb.
Note: Cephalopods and gastroliths found in the stomach region (CICIMURRI & EVERHART,
Styxosaurus rezaci after SMITH & O’KEEFE, 2024
Styxosaurus rezaci modified from SMITH & O’KEEFE, 2024: A) skull with mouth closed and B) skull with mouth open.