Genus: Gephyrosaurus EVANS, 1980

Species: bridensis EVANS, 1980

Holotype: Zoology Department, University College London, UCL T. 1503

Locality: Pontalun quarry near Bridgend, South Glamorgan County, Wales, Southern United Kingdom.



Age: Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.

Material: Right dentary.

Referred material:

T. 752, 1554, 1855: Left squamosals.

T. 1633: Left jugal.

T. 753: Parietal.

T. 755: Frontal.

T. 766, 773: Left postfrontals.

T. 769, 950, 1251: Left quadrates.

T. 783: Left postorbital.

T. 791: Right and left premaxilla.

T. 844: Posterior region of right dentary.

T. 856: Posterior region of right dentary of a juvenile.

T. 860: Anterior symphysial region of a right dentary.

T. 865: Right premaxilla.

T. 940: An almost complete dentary.

T. 1001: Right anterior maxilla.

T. 1007, 1492, 1502, 2323: Maxillae.

T. 1008: Left posterior maxilla.

T. 1015: Middle part of a right maxilla.

T. 1055: Left vomer.

T. 1177: Right jugal.

T. 1290: Frontal of a juvenile.

T. 1379: Left ectopterygoid.

T. 1454: Parabasiphenoid.

T. 1466: Parabasiphenoid.

T. 1481: Left premaxilla.

T. 1512: Right dentary.

T. 1515: Coronoid.

T. 1522: Posterior region of a right dentary.

T. 1528: Right palatine.

T. 1543: Parabasisphenoid.

T. 1553: Frontal process of a right prefrontal.

T. 1621: Right squamosal.

T. 1693: Right jugal.

T. 1751: Left coronid.

T. 1840, 1841: Basiocciptal.

T. 1845: Postero-lateral part of a right vomer.

T. 1847: Part of the quadrate flange of a left pterygoid.

T. 1853: Exoccipital.

T. 1859: Fragment of a left prefrontal with parts of maxilla and lachrymal in natural association.

T. 2216: Posterior part of a left nasal.

T. 2225: Left nasal.

T. 2227: Right nasal.

T. 2231: Posterior part of left nasal.

T. 2311: Central region of a left pterygoid.

T. 2313: Lateral flange of a left pterygoid.

T. 2319: Anterior tip of right vomer.

T. 2320: Anterior tip of left vomer.

T. 2325: Mid region of a left dentary of a juvenile.

T. 2335: Right epipterygoid.

T. 2336: Left epipterygoid.

T. 2337: Dorsal tip of a ?left epipterygoid.

T. 2338: Right lachrymal.

T. 2346: Quadrate.

T. 2348, 2349: Parasphenoids.

T. 2351, 2352, 2358: Articulars.

T. 2357: Parasphenoid and a coronid.

T. 2359, 2360, 2361: Surangulars.

T. 2644: Dentary fragment.

EVANS, 1985 (pathologies)

T. 1478, 1509, 2687: 3 fragmentary mandibles with rehealed fractures.

T. 1519: Jaw fragment which is malformed.