Genus: Chlynovia TATARINOV, 2000
Etymology: Khlynov, old name of the city Kirov, Kirov Region, Eastern European Russia.

Species: serridentatus TATARINOV, 2000
Etymology: Greek, serridentatus, "serrated."

Holotype: PIN 2212/90

Locality: Kotel’nich locality, Kotel’nichskii District, Kirov Region, Eastern European Russia.

Horizon: Tatarian Series, Upper Severodvinian Substage, Severodvinian Horizon.

Biostratigraphy: Sokolki Faunal Assemblage, Kotelnich Faunal Subassemblage, Zone IV.

Age: Lowermost part of the Upper Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, upper Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.

Material: Isolated skull fragments.

Break down as follows.

PIN 2212/90-1: Skull roof.

PIN 2212/90-2: Anterior palatine and palatine palte of the premaxilla, right maxilla.

PIN 2212/90-3 to 4: 2 fragments of left maxilla.

PIN 2212/90-5: Fragment of left maxilla with possible dentary fragment.

PIN 2212/90-6: Right ramus.

PIN 2212/90-7: Left dentary fragment with incisors and canine.

PIN 2212/90-8: Articular, posterior part of the prearticular, fragmentary surangular, and posterior part of the angular.

PIN 2212/90-9: Squamoal bone and quadratic block of left side of the skull.

PIN 2212/90-10, 11: Anterior part of a pterygoind.

PIN 2212/90-12: Right and left anterolateral tubercles beargin teeth.

PIN 2212/90-13: Right ectopterygoid and small fragments.