Genus: Ictidosaurus BROOM, 1903
Etymology: Greek, iktid- (iktis), “ferret, weasel” and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: Ferret lizard.

Species: angusticeps BROOM, 1903

Holotype: SAM 630

Locality: “Near Beaufort West”, Western Cape Province, South Africa.

Horizon: Middle Abrahamskraal Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Pristerognathus Assemblage zone (Diictodon-Pristerognathus Assemblage zone, Tapinocephalus zone of WATSON 1914, KITCHING, 1970,1977)

Age: Early Tatarian age, Guadelupian Stage, Middle Zeichstein Epoch, Middle Permian.

Material: Imperfect snout with lower jaw.

Referred material:


Locality: Farm Modderdrift, near Prince Albert, western Cape Province, South Africa.

Horizon: Lowermost portion of the Abrahamskraal Formation, base of the Beaufort Group and directly overlies the Waterford Formation, Ecca Group.

Biostratigraphy: Eodicynodon-Tapiocanius Assemblage Zone.

Age: Kazanian substage, Capitanian Stage, Middle Zechstein Epoch, Late Middle Permian.


NM QR2910: Fragmentary skull.


BROOM, 1908

Locality: Beaufort West, Western Cape Province, South Africa..

Horizon: Middle Abrahamskraal Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Pristerognathus Assemblage zone (Diictodon-Pristerognathus Assemblage zone, Tapinocephalus zone of WATSON 1914, KITCHING, 1970,1977)

Age: Early Tatarian age, Guadelupian Stage, Middle Zeichstein Epoch, Middle Permian.


AMNH 5527: Antorbital portion of skull with mandible.