Genus: Ictidostoma BROOM, 1931
Etymology: Greek, iktid- (iktis), “ferret” and Greek, stoma, “mouth”: Ferret mouth.
= Ictidognathus BROOM, 1912
Etymology: Greek, iktid- (iktis), “ferret” and Greek, gnathos, “jaw”: Ferret jaw.

Species: hemburyi (BROOM, 1912) BROOM, 1931
= Ictidognathus hemburyi BROOM, 1912

Holotype: AMNH 5520

Locality: Beaufort West, Western Cape Province, South Africa.

Horizon: Middle Abrahamskraal Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Pristerognathus Assemblage zone (Diictodon-Pristerognathus Assemblage zone, Tapinocephalus zone of WATSON 1914, KITCHING, 1970,1977)

Age: Early Tatarian age, Guadelupian Stage, Middle Zeichstein Epoch, Middle Permian.

Material: Middle and front portion of skull with mandibles.

Topotype: 5521: Anterior skull and mandibles.

Referred material:


Locality: 2 miles northwest of Richmond in a river bed alongside the De Aar Road, South Africa.

Horizon: Hoedemaker member, Middle Teekloof Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Tropidostoma zone (Tropidostoma-Endothidon Assemblage zone KEYSER, 1979, SACS, 1980, Tropidostoma microtrema zone KEYSER & SMITH, 1977-78, Lower Cistecephalus zone KITCHING, 1970, 1977, Endothiodon zone, WATSON, 1914).

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.


BP 341: Skull and mandible.