Genus: Nuurtherium VELAZCO, BUCZEK & NOVACEK, 2017
Etymology: Mongolia, nuur-, "lake," fossils at Shar Teg were preserved in a cyclic sequence of fluvial and lake beds and Greek, therioin, "beast."

Species: baruunensis VELAZCO, BUCZEK & NOVACEK, 2017
Etymology: Mongolian, baruun-, "west," refers to location of the Shar Teg beds in far western Mongolia.

Holotype: PSS-MAE 632

Locality: Ulaan Malgait Hills, Shar Teg, Gobi-Altai Aimag, Mongolia.

Horizon: Ulan Malgait Beds (Red Beds).


Age: Late Jurassic.

Material: A damaged skull with cheek teeth, partial edentuolous left dentary, partial right dentary with 3 postcanine teeth, left quadrate, and partial skeleton including 2 dorsal, and 2 caudal vertebtae, 3 ribs, right clavicle, right scapula, left ulna, left femur, right tibia, left astragalus, 2 metacarpals and 1 metatarsal.