Genus: Perplexisaurus TATARINOV, 1997
Etymology: Generic name from Latin, perplexux, "perplexed, puzzled" and Greek, sauros, "lizard."

Species: foveatus TATARINOV, 1997
Etymology: Latin, fovea, "a rounded pit", to indicate the longitudinal row of hemispheric pits developed on the maxillary surfaces.

Holotype: PIN 2212/15

Locality: Kotel’nich locality, Kotel’nichskii District, Kirov Region, Eastern European Russia.

Horizon: Tatarian Series, Upper Severodvinian Substage, Severodvinian Horizon.

Biostratigraphy: Sokolki Faunal Assemblage, Kotelnich Faunal Subassemblage, Zone IV.

Age: Lowermost part of the Upper Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, upper Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.

Material: An incomplete skull roof (premaxillary missing) with palatal bones of the right side and lower jaw.

Referred material:


PIN 2212/19: Left dentary.

PIN 2212/55: Block of rock containing the parietal, right frontal, bones of the forelimbs, including the left humerus.

Some unidentified bone fragments from the sale locality also recorded.