Holotype: Group IV.
Locality: National-Strasse 14 von Diekirch nach Grevenmacher am nordlichen orts-Ausgang, Medernach, Luxembourg.
Horizon: Steinmergel group.
Age: Norian Stage, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Material: RM 1
Referred material:
RM 4: Group 1.
RM 21: Group V.
RM 13: Group IV.
RM 21: Group V.
RM 17: Group IV.
RM 19: Group IV.
RM 27: Group VII.
RM 4: Group I.
RM 10: Group II.
RM 12: Group III.
RM 7: Group II.
RM 8: Group II.
= Pseudotricondon cf. wildi CHENAL, DIEPENDAAL, SCHULP & REUMER, 2025
Locality: Avillers site, Mirecourt, department of Vosges, northeastern France.
Age: Late Norian - Rhaetian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Traissic.
AV-001: Right lower molariform tooth.
CUNY, 2004
Locality: Holwell Quarry near Frome in Somerset County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Age: Rheatian Stage, Uppermost Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic or Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.
C 108: Tooth.
CUNY, GODEFROIT & MARTIN, 1995Locality: Rinckebierg, Medernach, Luxemburg.
Age: Norian Stage, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
IRSNB R134, 27825/7, /8, /10, /16, /5D, /6D, /7D, /10I, ?/11D, /131, /151, /551: Teeth.
GODEFROIT & BATTAIL, 1997Locality: Saint-Nicolas-de-Port, Meurthe-et-Moselle Department, northeast France.
Age: Norian-Rhaetian Stage, Middle-Uppermost Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
IRSNB R156, R157, 28114/68, 28114/100, 28114/638, 28114/737, 28114/739, 28114/752, 28114/811, 28114/859, 28114/870, 28114/905, 28114/905, 28114/994, MNHP SNP25, SNP54, SNP115L, SNM61W, SNP63, SNP68W, SNP75W, ?MNHP SNP83W, SNP198W, SNP288W, SNP295W, SNP300W, SNP306W, ?MNHP SNP337W, SNP351W, SNP423W, SNP425W: Teeth.
= aff. Pseudotriconodon GODEFROIT, CUNY, DELSATE & ROCHE, 1998Locality: Syren, “Auf dem Heften”, city of Weyler-la-Tour, just at the northern wall of the cemetery, Luxembourg.
Biostratigraphy: Rhaetipollis germanicus Assemblage.
Age: Rhaetian Stage, Uppermost Late Triassic Epoch, Uppermost Late Triassic.
MNHNL Ko 166-171: Teeth.
= aff. Pseudotriconodon wildi HECKERT, 2001Locality: NMMNH Locality 1312, Crosby County, Texas.
Horizon: Colorado City Member, Dockum Formation, Chinle Group (Lower Kalgary).
Age: Upper Otischalkian, Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
NMMNH P-30815: Broken, polycuspate sectorial tooth.
Species: chatterejeei LUCAS & OAKES 1988
Etymology: In honor of Sankar Chatterjee.
Holotype: NMMNH P-4600 (originally described under catalogue number UNM MV-518)
Locality: Microvertebrate Locality, UNM locality V-601, SW 1/4, SW 1/4 SW 1/4 section 28, T9N, R26E, Bull Canyon, Guadalupe County, New Mexico.
Horizon: Upper Shale Member, Chinle Group.
Age: Norian Stage, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Material: Dentary fragment and tooth.