Etymology: In reference to the city of Santa Maria where it was found, and Greek, gnathus, "jaws."
Etymology: In reference to the city of Santa Maria where it was found, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil.
Holotype: UFRGS-PV-1419-T
Locality: Arroio Cancela site, Santa Maria City, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil.
Horizon: Candelaria Sequence, Santa Maria Supersequence.
Biostratigraphy: Hyperodapedon AZ.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Material: Almost complete skull with associated lower jaw.
UFRGS-PV-1416-T, -1417 T, -1418 T: Paired lower jaws.
Referred material:
UFRGS-PV-1420-T: Left humerus with associated ribs, upper postcanine tooth and canine?
UFRGS-PV-1421-T: Left femur.
UFRGS-PV-1422-T: Right humerus.
UFRGS-PV-1423-T: Right femur with associated upper postcanine tooth and an unidentified bone.
UFRGS-PV-1424-T: Associated vertebrae and ribs.
UFRGS-PV-1425-T: 77 isolated ribs.
UFRGS-PV-1426-T: Right femur.
UFRGS-PV-1427-T: Right femur.
UFRGS-PV-1428-T: Left ulna.
UFRGS-PV-1429-T: Right ulna.
UFRGS-PV-1430-T: Left ulna.
UFRGS-PV-1431-T: 41 rib fragments.
UFRGS-PV-1432-T: Left femur.
UFRGS-PV-1433-T: Right radius.
UFRGS-PV-1434-T: Right scapula.
UFRGS-PV-1435-T: Right tibia.
UFRGS-PV-1436-T: Left tibia.
UFRGS-PV-1437-T: Left ulna.
UFRGS-PV-1438-T: Left radius.
UFRGS-PV-1439-T: Right ulna.
UFRGS-PV-1440-T: Right scapula.
UFRGS-PV-1441-T: Left scapula.
UFRGS-PV-1442-T: Right clavicle.
UFRGS-PV-1443-T: Right ulna.
UFRGS-PV-1444-T: Left ulna.
UFRGS-PV-1445-T: Left radius.
UFRGS-PV-1446-T: Left radius.
UFRGS-PV-1447-T: Right radius.
UFRGS-PV-1448-T: Left radius.
UFRGS-PV-1449-T: Right tibia.
UFRGS-PV-1450-T: Right ischium.
UFRGS-PV-1451-T: Left ischium.
UFRGS-PV-1452-T: Right ischium.
UFRGS-PV-1453-T: Right ischium (associated with UFRGS-PV-1454-T).
UFRGS-PV-1454-T: Right ilium associated with rib and vertebral column.
UFRGS-PV-1455-T: Right/left? radius.
UFRGS-PV-1456-T: Right ilium.
UFRGS-PV-1457-T: Portion of right maxilla.
UFRGS-PV-1459-T: Fragmetn of left capula.
UFRGS-PV-1460-T: Unidentifed bone.
UFRGS-PV-1461-T: Proximal portion of left femur.
UFRGS-PV-1462-T: Skull fragment.
UFRGS-PV-1463-T: Skull fragment.
UFRGS-PV-1464-T: unidentified bone.
UFRGS-PV-1465-T: Isolated right jugal.
UFRGS-PV-1466-T: Left ischium.
UFRGS-PV-1467-T: Fused distal portion of ischium.
UFRGS-PV-1468-T: Proximal portion of left femur and associated rib.
UFRGS-PV-1469-T: Right scapula and ribs.
UFRGS-PV-1470-T: 3 articulaed vertebrae.
UFRGS-PV-1471-T: 23 vertebral centra.
UFRGS-PV-1472-T: 46 isoalted vertebrae plus fragments.
UFRGS-PV-1473-T: Proximla half of right stapes.
UFRGS-PV-1474-T: 3 isolated sacral ribs.
UFRGS-PV-1475-T: 3 isolated claviculae.
UFRGS-PV-1476-T: Isoalted lacrimal.
UFRGS-PV-1477-T: Several unidentified bones, fragment sof ribs and vertebrae fragments.
UFRGS-PV-1478-T: 10 isoatled and articualted phalanges.
UFRGS-PV-1479-T: 18 isoated teeth.
UFRGS-PV-1485-T: Left jugal.
UFRGS-PV-1486-T: Angular.
UFRGS-PV-1487-T: Several unidentifed fragments.