Genus: Suchogorgon TATARINOV, 2000
Etymology: From the Sukhona River, Velikoustyugskii District, Vologda Region, European Russia and generic name Gorgonops.

Specis: golubevi TATARINOV, 2000
Etymology: In honor of paleontologist V. K. Golubev.

Holotype: PIN 4548/1, 4548/3

Locality: Ust’e Strel’ny Locality, Mouth of the Strel’na River, Sukhona River, Velikoustyugskii District, Vologda Region, European Russia.

Horizon: Tatarian Series, Upper part of the Severodvinsk Substage, Servodvinsk Horizon (Northern Dvina Horizon).

Biostratigraphy: Proelginia permiana Zone, Sokolki Faunal Assemblage, Ilinskoe Faunal Subassemblage.

Age: Lower Upper Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, upper Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.

Material: Incomplete skull, occipital part of skull, complete right ramus of lower jaw, and postdentary part of left dentary, neural arches, proatlas, atlas, and left arch of the epistropheus.

Referred material:

PIN 4548/2: An incomplete skull.

IVAKHNENKO, 2003, 2005

PIN 4548/10: Almost complete calvarium.

PIN 4538/58-61: Canines.

PIN 4538.137: Right frontale.

PIN 4548/138: Almost complete calvarium lacking both pterygoids.

PIN 4548/158: Mandibula.

PIN 4548/159-162: Postcanies.

PIN 4548/163: Left frontal.

SGU 104/1767: Skull lacking anterior part, both lower jaw rami disarticulated into isolated bones.


IVAKHNEKNO, 2003, 2005

Locality: Poteryakha-2 locality, Nyuksenskii District, Vologda Region, European Russia.

Horizon: Upper part of the Severodvinian Horizon.


Age: Lower Upper Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, upper Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.


PIN 3713/40: Canine.

PIN 3713/41: Periotcs.

PIN 3713/42: Right maxilla.