Genus:  Kappochelys HIRAYAMA, ISAJI, & HIBINO, 2013
Etymology: From "kappa", a ghost in Japanese folklore, larely inspired by the native, extant soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis), pluse Greek, chelys, "turtle," a common suffix for turtle generic names.

Species:  okurai HIRAYAMA, ISAJI, & HIBINO, 2013
Etymology: In honor of Mr. Masatoshi Okura who collected the only known specimen on 02. December 1994.

Holotype: SBEI 1728

Locality: Orashidani Locality, Shiramine area, Kakusan city, southeastern Ishikawa Prefecture, Honshu Island, Japan.

Horizon: Lower or Altrnation Member, Akaiwa Formation, Tetori Group.


Age:Probably late Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Isolated 7th left peripheral.

Referred material:

SBEI 1729: An isolated right seventh costal.