= cf. Prochelidella sp PREVITERA & GONZALEZ RIGA, 2005, 2008

Locality: In the area of Calmu-Co, Mendoza Province, Argentina.

Horizon: Loncoche Formation.


Age: Late Campanian Stage-Maastrichtian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


IANIGLA-PV 240-246: Shell fragments.


= cf. Prochelidella sp STERLI, VLACHOS, KRAUSE, PUERTA & ORIOZABALA, 2021

Locality: Cerro Mesa, Estancia Daniel and Dionide Mesa, Chubut Province, Patagonia, Argentina.

Horizon: Bardas Coloradas Member, Los Adobes Formation, Chubut Group.


Age: Early Aptian Stage, Early Gallic Subepoch, Middle Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.


MPEF-PV 3165: Bridge peripheral bone.

MPEF-PV 3165a: Fragment of suprapygal.

MPEF-PV 3165b: Xiphiplastron fragment.

MPEF-PV 3165c: Carapacial and postcranial remains.

MPEF-PV3165d: Distal end of left humerus.


Locality: Estancia Opazo, Chubut Province, Patagonia, Argentina.

Horizon: Puesto La Paloma Member, Cerro Barcion Foramtion.


Age: Late Aptian Stage, Early Gallic Subepoch, Middle Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.


MPEF-PV 11451/1: neural 3 or 5.

MPEF-PV 11451/2 neural.

MPEF-PV 11451/3: Fragment of suprygal.

MPEF-PV 11451/4: Pygal.

MPEF-PV 11451/5: ?Right costal.

MPEF-PV 11451/6: Left costal ?5.

MPEF-PV 11451/7: Left costal ?5.

MPEF-PV 11451/8: ?Right costal 5.

MPEF-PV 11451/9: Left costal 8.

MPEF-PV 11451/10: 6 fragmetns of unparied costals.

MPEF-PV 11451/11: 9 fragmetns of paried costals.

MPEF-PV 11451/12: Very small paired costal.

MPEF-PV 11451/13: 2 costals 1 with buttresses.

MPEF-PV 11451/14: Right peripheral 1.

MPEF-PV 11451/15: Right bridge peripheral ?3.

MPEF-PV 11451/16: Left bridge peripheral ?3.

MPEF-PV 11451/17: Right bridge peripheral ?4.

MPEF-PV 11451/18: Right bridge peripherial ?4.

MPEF-PV 11451/19: Right bridge peripheral ?4.

MPEF-PV 11451/20: ?Right brige peripheral ?6.

MPEF-PV 11451/21: Left bridge peripheral ?6.

MPEF-PV 11451/22: Left bridge peripheral ?6.

MPEF-PV 11451/23: Bridge peripheral ?6.

MPEF-PV 11451/24: Small-sized right bridge periphral.

MPEF-PV 11451/25: Bridge peripheral.

MPEF-PV 11451/26: Bridge peripheral.

MPEF-PV 11451/27: Bridge peripheral.

MPEF-PV 11451/28: Bridge peripheral.

MPEF-PV 11451/29: Bridge peripheral.

MPEF-PV 11451/30: Very small-sized bridge peripheral.

MPEF-PV 11451/31: ?Right bridge peripheral ?7.

MPEF-PV 11451/32: Right bridge peripheral ?7.

MPEF-PV 11451/33: left bridge peripheral ?7.

MPEF-PV 11451/34: Left peripheral 8 or 9.

MPEF-PV 11451/35: Left free peripheral (small).

MPEF-PV 11451/36: left bridge peripheral.

MPEF-PV 11451/37: Free peripheral (?right).

MPEF-PV 11451/38: Free peripheral (?left).

MPEF-PV 11451/39: Free peripherial (?left).

MPEF-PV 11451/40: Free peripheral.

MPEF-PV 11451/41: Right peripheral 11.

MPEF-PV 11451/42: 9 fragments of peripherals.

MPEF-PV 11451/43: Right hyoplastron.

MPEF-PV 11451/44: Left hyoplastron or right epiplastron.

MPEF-PV 11451/45: Left ?hyoplatron.

MPEF-PV 11451/46: ?Mesoplastron.

MPEF-PV 11451/47: ?Mesoplasron.

MPEF-PV 11451/48: Buttress.

MPEF-PV 11451/49: 5 hyo[hypoplastral fragment.

MPEF-PV 11451/50: left xiphiplastron.

MPEF-PV 11451/51: Let xiphiplastron.

MPEF-PV 11451/52: Right xiphiplastron.

MPEF-PV 11451/53: ?Xiphiplasron.

MPEF-PV 11451/54: 2 plastral remains.

MPEF-PV 11451/55: Sevral indetermina shell remains.

MPEF-PV 11451/56: Proximal end of right humerus.

MPEF-PV 11451/57: Proximal end of left humerus.

MPEF-PV 11451/58: Right acetabulum.

MPEF-PV 11451/59: ?left ilium.

MPEF-PV 11451/60: Carapace ramain indet.


Locality: Huaniman, Chubut Province, Patagonia, Argentina.

Horizon: Cerro Castano Member, Cerro Barcino Formation.


Age: Albian Stage, Early Gallic Subepoch, Middle Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.


MPEF-PV 11442: Bridge peripherla plate, fagment fo costal bone, remaisn of axillary or inguinal butresses adn indeterminate shell remains.