Therapsids (Genus: 325; Species: 420)




Incertae sedis

Genus: Aloposaurus HUENE, 1937 non BROOM, 1910
A. gracilis HUENE, 1937

Genus: Arctognathus HAUGHTON, 1924 non OWEN, 1876
A. whaitsi HAUGHTON, 1924 (Type)
A. sp

Genus: Arctosuchus BROOM, 1911
A. tigrinus (OWEN, 1876) BROOM, 1911(Type)
= Lycosaurus tigrinus OWEN, 1876

Genus: Cerdodon BROOM, 1915
C. tenuidens BROOM, 1915 (Type)

Genus: Cerdognathus BROOM, 1915
C. greyi BROOM, 1915 (Type)

Genus: Cynaroides non BROOM, 1925
C. gracilis BROOM, 1930 (Type)

Genus: Cyniscodon BROOM, 1915
C. lydekkeri BROOM, 1915 (Type)
= Cynosuchus suppostus LYDEKKER, 1890

Genus: Cynodracon OWEN, 1876
= Cynodraco (sic)
C. serridens OWEN, 1876 (Type)
C. major OWEN, 1876
= Cynodraco major (OWEN, 1876) (sic)

Genus: Delphaciognathus BROOM, 1932
= Asthenognathus BROOM, 1915
D. paucidens (BROOM, 1915) BROOM, 1932 (Type)
= Asthenognathus paucidens BROOM, 1915

Genus: Eoarctops HAUGHTON, 1929
E. vanderbyli HAUGHTON, 1929 (Type)
E. sp

Genus: Eriphostoma BROOM, 1911
E. microdon BROOM, 1911 (Type)

Genus: Galesuchus HAUGHTON, 1915
G. gracilis HAUGHTON, 1915 (Type)
G. sp

Genus: Genovum HUENE, 1950
G. broilii HUENE, 1950 (Type)

Genus: Gorgonognathus HAUGHTON, 1915
G. longifrons HAUGHTON, 1915 (Type)
= Gorgonops longifrons (HAUGHTON, 1915)

Genus: Lycosaurus OWEN, 1876
L. pardalis OWEN, 1876 (Type)
L. sp

Genus: Nochnitsa KAMMERER & MASYUTIN, 2018
N. geminidens KAMMERER & MASYUTIN, 2018 (Type)

Genus: Pseudohipposaurus BOONSTRA, 1952
P. kitchingi (BROOM, 1948) BOONSTRA, 1952 (Type)
= Hipposaurus kitchingi BROOM, 1948

Genus: Scylacognathus BROOM, 1913
S. parvus BROOM, 1913 (Type)
= Scylacognathus major BROOM, 1935

Genus: Scymnognathus BROOM, 1915 non BROOM, 1912
S. parvus BROOM, 1915 (Type)
= Gorgonops parvus (BROOM, 1915)
S. major OLSON & BROOM, 1937
S. sp

Genus: Sycosaurus HUENE, 1950 non HAUGHTON, 1924
S. laticeps HUENE, 1950

Gen. sp indet.

Family? HUNT & LUCAS, 1995

= Superfamily: RUBIDGINOIDEA Haughton & Brink, 1954

Family: ICTIDORHINIDAE Broom, 1932
= Family: RUBIDGINIDAE Haughton & Brink, 1954

Genus: Biarmosuchoides TVERDOKHLEBOVA & IVACHNENKO, 1994

Genus: Ictidorhinus BROOM, 1913
I. martinsi BROOM, 1913 (Type)

Genus: Rubidgina BROOM, 1942
R. angusticeps BROOM, 1942 (Type)

Genus: Ustia IVAKHENKO, 2003
U. atra IVAKHNENKO, 2003 (Type)


Family: PHTHINOSUCHIDAE Efremov, 1954

Genus: Dinosaurus FISCHER, 1847
= Phthinosuchus EFREMOV, 1954
= Rhopalodon SEELEY, 1894
D. murchisoni FISCHER, 1847 (Type)
= Rhopalodon murchisoni PAND, 1898
= Phthinosuchus discors EFREMOV, 1954
= Rhapalodon sp SEELEY, 1894
= Rhopalodon fischeri WATSON, 1921

Genus: Kamagorgon TATARINOV, 1999
K. ulanovi TATARINOV, 1999 (Type)
K. sp

Genus: Viatkogorgon TATARINOV, 1999
V. ivakhnenkoi TATARINOV, 1999 (Type)

Gen. sp indet.

Superfamily: GORGONOPIOIDEA Lydekker, 1890
= Superfamily: RUBIDGEOIDEA Broom, 1938

Family: GORGONOPIDAE Lydekker, 1890
= Family: GORGONOPSIDAE Lydekker, 1890

Incertae sedis

Genus: Broomisaurus non JOLEAUD, 1920
B. rubidgei BROOM, 1940
= Leontocephalus rubidgei (BROOM, 1940)

Genus: Prorubidgea non BROOM, 1940
P. sp

Genus: Nova (Njalila nomen scriptum) GEBAUER, 2007
= Arctognathus ? cookei (BROOM, 1948)
= Cyniscops cookei BROOM, 1948
= Dixeya nausta HUENE, 1950
= Dixeya quadrataHUENE, 1950 non HAUGHTON, 1926
= Arctognathus? nasuta (HUENE, 1950)
= Galerhinus rubidgei HUENE, 1950

Subfamily: RUBIDGEINAE Broom, 1938 (sensu Sigogneau, 1970)  
= Family: RUBIDGEIDAE Broom, 1938
= Subfamily: BROOMICEPHALINAE Brink & Kitching, 1953
= Family: SYCOSAURIDAE Watson & Romer, 1956
= Subfamily: SYCOSAURINAE Watson & Romer, 1956 sensu TATARINOV, 1974

Genus: Aelurognathus HAUGHTON, 1924
= Dixeya HAUGHTON, 1926
= Gorgonorhinus BROOM, 1937
= Leontocephalus BROOM, 1940
= Prorubidgea BROOM, 1940
A. tigriceps (BROOM, & HAUGHTON, 1913) HAUGHTON, 1924 (Type)
= Scymnognathus tigriceps BROOM, & HAUGHTON, 1913
= Scymnognathus angusticeps BROOM, 1913
= Lycaenops angusticeps (BROOM, 1913)
= Lycaenoides angusticeps  (BROOM, 1913) BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
= Scymnognathus minor BROOM, 1913
= Scymnognathus major OLSEN & BROOM, 1937
= Scymnognathus serratidens HAUGHTON, 1915
= Aelurognathus serratidens (HAUGHTON, 1915) HAUGHTON, 1924
= Gorgonorhinus luckhoffi BROOM, 1937
= Leontocephalus cadlei BROOM, 1940
= Prorubidgea maccabei BROOM, 1940
= Aelurognathus maccabei (BROOM, 1940) GEBAUER, 2007
= Prorubidgea pugnax BROOM, 1940 (nomen nudum)
Note: This is the name used in the figure caption.
= Gorgonorhinus minor BROOM, 1948
= Arctops? minor (BROOM, 1948) SIGOGNEAU, 1970
= Tigricephalus kingwilli BROOM, 1948
= Lycaenops kingwilli (BROOM, 1948) SIGOGNEAU, 1970
= Aelurognathus kingwilli (BROOM, 1948) GEBAUER, 2007
= Sycosaurus brodiei BROOM, 1949a
= Prorubidgea brodiei (BROOM, 1949a) SIGOGNEAU, 1970
= Aelurognathus broodiei GEBAUER, 2007 (sic)
= Lycaenops alticeps BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
= Prorubidgea alticeps (BRINK & KITCHING, 1953) SIGOGNEAU, 1970
= Aelurognathus alticeps (BRINK & KITCHING, 1953) GEBAUER, 2007
= Prorubidgea brinki MANTEN, 1958
A. quadrata (HAUGHTON, 1926)
= Dixeya quadrata HAUGHTON, 1926
A. nyassaensis HAUGHTON, 1926
A. sollasi BROILI & SCHROEDER, 1935
= Scymnognathus holmesi BROOM, 1948
A. sp

 Genus: Clelandina BROOM, 1948
= Dracocephalus BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
= Tigrisaurus BROOM & GEORGE, 1950
C. rubidgei BROOM, 1948 (Type)
= Clelandina major BROOM, 1948
= Tigrisaurus pricei BROOM & GEORGE, 1950
= Dinogorgon pricei (BROOM & GEORGE, 1950) SIGOGNEAU, 1970
= Rubidgea pricei (BROOM & GEORGE, 1950) GEBAUER, 2007
= Dracocephalus scheepersi BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
= Clelandina scheepersi (BRINK & KITCHING, 1953) SIGOGNEAU, 1970
= Dinogorgon (Dracocephalus) scheepersi (BRINK & KITCHING, 1953) WATSON, & ROMER, 1956

Genus: Dinogorgon BROOM, 1936
D. rubidgei BROOM, 1936 (Type)
D. sp

Genus: Leogorgon IVAKHNENKO, 2003
L. klimovensis IVAKHNEKNO, 2003 (Type)

Genus: Leontosaurus BROOM & GEORGE, 1950
L. vanderhorsti BROOM & GEORGE, 1950 (Type)
= Sycosaurus vanderhorsti (BROOM & GEORGE, 1950) SIGOGNEAU, 1970
= Rubidgea platyrhina BRINK & KITCHING, 1953

Genus: Rubidgea BROOM, 1938
= Broomicephalus BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
= Titanogorgon MAISCH, 2002
R. atrox BROOM, 1938 (Type)
= Rubidgea kitchingi BROOM, 1938
= Rubidgea majora BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
= Rubidgea laticeps BROOM, 1940
= Broomicephalus laticeps BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
= Dinogorgon (Broomicephalus) laticeps (BRINK & KITCHING, 1953) WATSON & ROMER, 1956
= Gorgonognathus maximus HUENE, 1950
= Clelandina maximus (HUENE, 1950)
= Titanogorgon maximus (HUENE, 1950) MAISCH, 2002
R. sp

Genus: Ruhuhucerberus MAISCH, 2002
R. haughtoni (HUENE, 1950) KAMMERER, 2016 (Type)
= Aelurognathus haughtoni HUENE, 1950
= Leontocephalus haughtoni (HUENE, 1950) SIGOGNEAU, 1970
= Ruhuhucerberus terror MAISCH, 2002
= Sycosaurus terror (MAISCH, 2002) GEBAUER, 2007
= Cephalicustriodus kingoriensis PARRINGTON, 1974 (referred material)

Genus: Smilesaurus BROOM, 1948
= Pardocephalus BROOM, 1948
S. ferox BROOM, 1948 (Type)
= Arctops? ferox (BROOM, 1948)
= Smilesaurus maccabei BROOM, 1948
= Parodocephalus wallacei BROOM, 1948

Genus: Sycosaurus HAUGHTON, 1924
= Cephalicustriodus PARRINGTON 1974
= Tetraodon BROILI & SCHRODER, 1936 non LINNAEUS, 1758 (Tetraodon lineatus, Actinopterygii, Tetraodontidae)
= Leontosaurus BROOM & GEORGE, 1950
= Tetraodontonius KUHN, 1961
= Tetraodon
S. laticeps HAUGHTON, 1924 (Type)
S. nowaki (BROILI & SCHRODER, 1936) KAMMERER, 2016
= Tetraodon nowaki BROILI & SCHRODER, 1936
= Tetraodontonius nowaki (BROILI & SCHRODER, 1936) KUHN, 1961
= Lycaenops kingoriensis HUENE, 1950
= Sycosaurus? kingoriensis (HUENE, 1950) SIGOGNEAU, 1970
= Cephalicustriodus kingoriensis (HUENE, 1950) PARRINGTON, 1974
= Leontocephalus intactus KEMP, 1969

Gen. sp indet.

Subfamily: GORGONOPINAE Lydekker, 1890 (sensu Sigogneau, 1970)
= Subfamily: GORGONOPSINAE Lydekker, 1890 (sensu Sigogneau, 1970)
= Family: GALESUCHIDAE Watson & Romer, 1956
= Family: SCYMNOGNATHIDAE Watson & Romer, 1956
= Family: GORGONGNATHIDAE Lydekker, 1890 (sensu Watson & Romer, 1956)
= Family: ARCTOGNATHOIDIDAE Watson & Romer, 1956
= Family: ARCTOGNATHIDAE Hartiman-Weinberg, 1939 emend Watson & Romer, 1956
= Family: AELUROSAUROPSIDAE Watson & Romer, 1956
= Family: SCYLACOCEPHALIDAE Watson & Romer, 1956
= Family: BROOMISAURIDAE Watson & Romer, 1956

Genus: Arctognathus BROOM, 1911
= Arctognathoides BOONSTRA, 1934
= Lycaenodontoides HAUGHTON, 1929
A. curvimola (OWEN, 1876) BROOM, 1911 (Type)
= Lycosaurus curvimola OWEN, 1876
= Aelurosaurus curvimola (OWEN, 1876) LYDEKKER, 1890
= Lycaenodontoides bathyrhinus HAUGHTON, 1929
= Lycaenops pricei BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948
= Arctognathus breviceps (BOONSTRA, 1934) SIGOGNEAU, 1970
= Arctognathoides breviceps BOONSTRA, 1934

Genus: Arctops WATSON, 1914
A. willistoni WATSON, 1914 (Type)
= Aarctops watsoni BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
= Arctops kitchingi SIGOGNEAU, 1970
= Aelurognathus minor BRINK & KICHING, 1953

Genus: Broomisaurus JOLEAUD, 1920
B. planiceps (BROOM, 1913) JOLEAUD, 1920 (Type)
= Scymnorhinus planiceps BROOM, 1913

Genus: Gorgonops OWEN, 1876
= Chiwetasaurus HAUGHTON, 1926
= Leptotrachelus WATSON, 1921
= Pachyrhinos BROILI & SCHROEDER, 1934
= Scymnognathus BROOM, 1911
G. torvus OWEN, 1876 (Type)
G. whaitsi (BROOM, 1912)
= Scymnognathus whaitsi BROOM, 1912
= Scymnosuchus whaitsi WATSON, 1921 (sic)
= Scymnognathus whaitsi
(WATSON, 1921)
G. eupachygnathus (WATSON, 1921)
= Leptotrachelus eupachygnathus WATSON, 1921
= Leptotracheliscops eupachygnathus (WATSON, 1921)
G. dixeyi (HAUGHTON, 1926)
= Chiwetasaurus dixeyi HAUGHTON, 1926
= Pachyrhinos kaiseri BROILI & SCHROEDER, 1934
G. sp

Genus: Lycaenops BROOM, 1925
= Lycaenoides BROOM, 1925
= Tangagorgon? BOONSTRA, 1953
= Tigricephalus BROOM, 1948
L. ornatus BROOM, 1925 (Type)
L? minor (BRINK & KITCHING, 1953)
= Aelurognathus minor BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
L? microdon (BOONSTRA, 1934)
= Aelurognathus microdon BOONSTRA, 1934
L? tenuirostris (BOONSTRA, 1953)
= Tangagorgon tenuirostris BOONSTRA, 1953

Genus: Pravoslavelvia VJUSHKOV, 1953
P. parva (PRAVOSLAVELV, 1927) VJUSHKOV, 1953 (Type)
= ?Inostrancevia parva PRAVOSLAVELV, 1927
= Pravoslavelvia parva VJUSHKOV, 1953 (sic)
P. sp

Galesuchid gen. sp indet

Subfamily: CYONOSAURINAE Tatarinov, 1974

Genus: Aloposauroides BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
A. tenuis BRINK & KITHCHING, 1953 (Type)
= Aelurognathus serratidens BROILI & KITCHING, 1934

Genus: Cerdorhinus BROOM, 1936
= Galerhynchus? BROOM, 1936
C. parvidens BROOM, 1936 (Type)
= Galerhynchus rubidgei BROOM, 1936
= Cerdorhinus? rubidgei (BROOM, 1936)

Genus: Cyonosaurus OLSEN, 1937
= Alopecorhynchus BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
= Cyniscops BROOM, 1937
= Cyniscopoides BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
C. longiceps OLSEN, 1937 (Type)
= Cyniscops longiceps BROOM, 1949a
= Cynosaurus longiceps ERICKSON & PICKETT, 1987 (sic)
C. rubidgei (BROOM, 1937)
= Cyniscops rubidgei BROOM, 1937
= Cyniscopoides broomi BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
C. kitchingi (BROOM, 1948)
= Cyniscops kitchingi BROOM, 1948
= Alopecorhynchus rubidgei BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
C. sp
= Nanogorgon gracilis BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948
= Aelurosaurus? watermeyeri SIGOGNEAU, 1970

Genus: Paragalerhinus SIGOGNEAU, 1970
P. rubidgei (BROOM, 1936) SIGOGNEAU, 1970 (Type)
= Galerhinus rubidgei BROOM, 1936

Subfamily: CYNARIOPINAE Watson & Romer, 1956
= Family: CYNARIOPSIDAE Watson & Romer, 1956
= Family: SCYLACOPSIDAE Watson & Romer, 1956
= Family: SYCOSAURIDAE Watson & Romer, 1956
= Subfamily: SCYLACOPONAE Watson & Romer, 1956

Genus: Aloposaurus BROOM, 1910
A. gracilis BROOM, 1910 (Type)
A. sp
= Aelurosaurus? watermeyeri SIGOGNEAU, 1970

Genus: Cynariops BROOM, 1925
C. robustus BROOM, 1925 (Type)
= Scylacognathus robustus (BROOM, 1925)

Genus: Cynaroides BROOM, 1925
C. tenuis BROOM, 1925 (Type)
C. grimbeeki BROOM, 1935
= Scylacognathus grimbeeki (BROOM, 1935)
= Cynaroides laticeps BROOM, 1935
C. broomianus HUENE, 1950

Genus: Sauroctonus BYSTROW, 1955
S. progressus (HARTMANN-WEINBERG, 1938) BYSTROW, 1955 (Type)
= Arctognathus progressus HARTMANN-WEINBERG, 1938
= Inostrancevia progressus (HARTMANN-WEINBERG, 1938) EFREMOV, 1940
S. parringtoni (HUENE, 1950) GEBAUER, 2014
= Scymnognathus parringtoni HUENE, 1950
= Aelurognathus? parringtoni (HUENE, 1950) SIGOGNEAU, 1970

Genus: Scylacops BROOM, 1913
= Sycocephalus BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
S. capensis BROOM, 1913 (Type)
S. bigendens (BRINK & KITCHING, 1953)
= Sycocephalus bigendens BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
S. sp

Genus: Suchogorgon TATARINOV, 2000
S. golubevi TATARINOV, 2000 (Type)
S. sp

Superfamily: INOSTRANCEVIOIDEA Pravoslavlev, 1927 (sensu Huene, 1948)

Family: INOSTRANCEVIIDAE Pravoslavlev, 1927
= Subfamily: INOSTRANCEVIINAE Pravoslavlev, 1927 (sensu Sigogneau-Russell, 1989)

Genus: Inostrancevia AMALITSKI, 1922
= Amalitzkia PROVOSLAVLEV, 1927
I. alexandri AMALLITZKI, 1922 (Type)
= Inostrancevia proclivis PRAVOSLAVELV, 1937
I. latifrons PRAVOSLAVELV, 1937
= Amalitzkia annae PRAVOSLAVLEV, 1927
= Amalitzkia vladimiri PRAVOSLAVLEV, 1927
= Amalitkia annae VJUSHKOV, 1953
I. uralensis TATARINOV, 1974
I. sp



Incertae sedis

Genus: Impumlophantsi MATLHANGA, BENOIT & RUBIDGE, 2024
I. boonstrai MATLHANGA, BENOIT & RUBIDGE, 2024 (Type)

Genus: Isengops SIDOR, TABOR & SMITH, 2021
I. luangwensis SIDOR, TABOR & SMITH, 2021 (Type)

Genus: Lemurosaurus BROOM, 1949b
L. pricei BROOM, 1949b (Type)
L. sp

Genus: Lobalopex SIDOR, HOPSEN & KEYSER, 2004
L. mordax SIDOR, HOPSEN & KEYSER, 2004 (Type)

Genus: Lophorhinus SIDOR & SMITH, 2007
L. willodenensis SIDOR & SMITH, 2007 (Type)

Gen. sp indet.

Superfamily: BURNETIOIDEA Broom, 1923

Family: BURNETIIDAE Broom, 1923
= Family: STYRACOCEPHALIDAE Haughton, 1929

Genus: Leucocephalus DAY, SMITH, BENOIT, FERNANDEZ & RUBIDGE, 2018

Gen. sp indet.

Subfamily: BURNETIINAE Broom, 1923

Genus: Bullacephalus RUBIDGE & KITCHING, 2003
B. jacksoni RUBIDGE & KITCHING, 2003 (Type)

Genus: Burnetia BROOM, 1923
B. mirabilis BROOM, 1923 (Type)


Genus: Niuksenitia TATARINOV, 1977
N. sukhonensis TATARINOV, 1977 (Type)

Genus: Pachydectes RUBIDGE, SIDOR & MODESTO, 2006
P. elsi RUBIDGE, SIDOR & MODESTO, 2006 (Type)

 Genus: Styracocephalus HAUGHTON, 1929
S. platyrhynchus HAUGHTON, 1929 (Type)


Subfamily: PROBURNETIINAE Kammerer, 2016a

Genus: Paraburnetia SMITH, RUBIDGE & SIDOR, 2006
P. sneeubergensis SMITH, RUBIDGE & SIDOR, 2006 (Type)

Genus: Proburnetia TATARINOV, 1968
P. viatkensis TATARINOV, 1968 (Type)

Gen. sp indet.

Subfamily: HIPPOSAURINAE Watson & Romer, 1956
= Family: HIPPOSAURIDAE Watson & Romer, 1956

Genus: Hipposaurus HAUGHTON, 1929
H. boonstrai HAUGHTON, 1929 (Type)
= Hipposaurus major BOONSTRA, 1952
H? brinki SIGOGNEAU, 1970

Genus: Lycaenodon BROOM, 1925
= Hipposauroides BOONSTRA, 1952
L. longiceps BROOM, 1925 (Type)
= Hipposaurus rubidgei BROOM, 1940
= Hipposauroides rubidgei BOONSTRA, 1952

Superfamily: RHOPALODONTOIDEA Seeley, 1894
= Superfamily: ESTEMMENOSUCHOIDEA Chudinov, 1950

Family: RHOPALODONTIDAE Seeley, 1894
= Family: PHTHINOSAURIDAE Tatarinov, 1976
= Subfamily: RHOPALODONTINAE Seeley, 1894
= Superfamily: RHOPALODONTIDEA Seeley, 1894

Genus: Parabradysaurus EFREMOV, 1954
P. udmurticus EFREMOV, 1954 (Type)
= Parabradysaurus dubius EFREMOV, 1941 (nomen dubium)
= Rhopalodon wangenbeimi STUCKENBERG, 1898
= Scutosaurus wangenbeimi (STUCKENBERG, 1898)
P. silantjevi IVAKHNENKO, 1996

Genus: Phthinosaurus EFREMOV, 1954
P. borissiaki EFREMOV, 1954 (Type)
P. sp

Genus: Rhopalodon FRISCHER de WALDHEIM, 1841
R. wangenheimi FISCHER de WALDHEIM, 1841 (Type)
= Rhopalodon murchisoni PAND, 1898
= Rhopalodon fischeri ECHWALD, 1898
= Phthinosuchus discors SEELEY, 1894
R. sp

Gen. sp indet.

Family: ESTEMMENOSUCHIDAE Chudinov, 1960

Genus: Estemmenosuchus CHUDINOV, 1960
= Anoplosuchus CHUDINOV, 1968
= Zopherosuchus CHUDINOV, 1963
E. uralensis CHUDINOV, 1960 (Type)
= Zopherosuchus luceus CHUDINOV, 1963
= Anoplosuchus tenuirostris CHUDINOV, 1968
E. mirabilis CHUDINOV, 1968
= Estemmenosuchus uralensis CHUDINOV, 1965 (partim)
E. sp

Genus: Molybdopygus CHUDINOV, 1964
M. arcanus CHUDINOV, 1964 (Type)
= Deuterosaurus biarmicus EFREMOV, 1954 (partim)
= Brithopus priscus EFREMOV, 1954 (partim)


Family: AELUROSAURIDAE Broom, 1903

Genus: Aelurosaurus OWEN, 1881
= Aelurosauropsis BROOM, 1940
= Galerhinus BROOM, 1935
= Nanogorgon BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948
= Scylacocephalus BROOM, 1940
A. felinus OWEN, 1881 (Type)
= Aelurosaurus tenuirostris BROOM, 1911
= Aelurosaurus striatidens BROOM, 1912
= Aelurosauroides watsoni BOONSTRA, 1934
A. whaitsi BROOM, 1911
= Aelurosaurus felinus BROOM, 1910
= Aelurosaurus breviceps BROOM, 1911
A. polyodon (BROOM, 1935)
= Galerhinus polyodon BROOM, 1935
A. wilmanae (BROOM, 1940)
= Aelurosauroides wilmanae BROOM, 1940
= Aelurosauropsis wilmanae (BROOM, 1940)
A? watermeyeri (BROOM, 1940)
= Scylacocephalus watermeyeri BROOM, 1940
A. brevirostris BROOM, 1948
A. sp
= Aelurosauropsis wilmanae HAUGHTON & BRINK, 1954 non BROOM, 1940
= Aelurosauroides wilmanae (HAUGHTON & BRINK, 1954 non BROOM, 1940)
= Aelurosaurus wilmanae (HAUGHTON & BRINK, 1954 non BROOM, 1940)
A. sp



Incertae sedis

Genus: Theriodesmus SEELEY, 1887
T. phylarchus SEELEY, 1887 (Type)

Gen. sp indet.

Family: CRAPARTINELLIDAE Mendrez, 1975

Genus: Crapartinella MENDREZ, 1975
C. croucheri MENDREZ, 1975 (Type)

Family: CHTHONOSAURIDAE Tatarinov, 1976

Genus: Chthonosaurus VJUSHKOV, 1955
C. velocidens VJUSHKOV, 1955 (Type)
C. sp


= Family: ALOPECODONTIDAE Broom, 1932

Genus: Alopecideops BROOM, 1932
A. gracilis BROOM, 1932 (Type)

Genus: Alopecodon BROOM, 1908
A. priscus BROOM, 1908 (Type)
= Alopecodon rugosus BROOM, 1908
= Alopecodon minor BROOM, 1925

Genus: Alopecognathus BROOM, 1915
A. angusticeps BROOM, 1915 (Type)
A. minor HAUGHTON, 1918
A. megalops BROOM, 1935
A. angustioriceps BOONSTRA, 1953
A. sp

Genus: Alopecorhinus BROOM, 1912
A. parvidens BROOM, 1912 (Type)

Genus: Cynariognathus BROOM, 1931
C. platyrhinus (BROOM, 1912) BROOM, 1931 (Type)
= Pristerognathus playrhinus BROOM, 1912
C. gallowayi BROOM, 1936
C. paucioridens BOONSTRA, 1954
C. seeleyi BROILI & SCHRODER, 1936
C. sp

Genus: Hexacynodon TATARINOV, 1976
H. purlinensis TATARINOV, 1976 (Type)

Genus: Hyorhynchus SEELEY, 1889
H. platyceps SEELEY, 1889 (Type)

Genus: Ictidoparia BROOM, 1925
I. brevirostris BROOM, 1925 (Type)

Genus: Karrowalteria KUHN, 1958
= Walteria BRINK & KITCHING, 1951 non SCHULZE, 1885 (Walteria flemmingii, Porifera, Corbitellinae)
K. skinneri (BRINK & KITCHING, 1951) KUHN, 1958 (Type)
= Walteria skinneri BRINK & KITCHING, 1951

Genus: Lycedops BROOM, 1935
L. scholtzi BROOM, 1935 (Type)

Genus: Maraisaurus BOONSTRA, 1953
M. parvus BOONSTRA, 1953 (Type)

Genus: ?Notaelurodon BROOM, 1936
N. kitchingi BROOM, 1936 (Type)

Genus: Pardosuchus BROOM, 1908
P. whaitsi BROOM, 1908 (Type)

Genus: Porosteognathus VJUSHKOV, 1955
P. efremovi VJUSHKOV, 1955 (Type)
P. sp

Genus: Pristerognathoides BOONSTRA, 1954
P. minor (HAUGHTON, 1918) BOONSTRA, 1954 (Type)
= Pristerognathus minor HAUGHTON, 1918
P. roggeveldensis (BOONSTRA, 1953)
= Pristerognathus roggeveldensis BOONSTRA, 1953
P. vanwyki (BROOM, 1925)
= Pristerognathus vanwyki BROOM, 1925
P. parvus BOONSTRA, 1954
P. sp

Genus: Pristerognathus SEELEY, 1895
P. polyodon SEELEY, 1895 (Type)
P. baini BROOM, 1904
P. platyrhinus BROOM, 1912
P. peyeri BROILI & SCHRODER, 1936
P. vanderbyli BROOM, 1925
P. sp

Genus: Pristerosaurus BOONSTRA, 1954
P. microdon BOONSTRA, 1954 (Type)
P. watsoni (BROOM, 1914) BOONSTRA, 1954
= Scymnosaurus watsoni BROOM, 1903
= Lycosuchus watsoni (BROOM, 1903)

Genus: Ptomalestes BOONSTRA, 1954
P. avidus BOONSTRA, 1954 (Type)

Genus: Scylacoides BROOM, 1915
S. ferox BROOM, 1915 (Type)

Genus: Scymnosaurus BROOM, 1903
S. ferox BROOM, 1903 (Type)
S. major BOONSTRA, 1954
S. sp

Genus: Tamboeria SEELEY, 1904
T. maraisi SEELEY, 1904 (Type)

Genus: Therioides BOONSTRA, 1953
T. cyniscus BOONSTRA, 1953 (Type)

Genus: Zinnosaurus BOONSTRA, 1964
Z. paucidens BOONSTRA, 1964 (Type)vb

Gen. sp indet.


Incertae sedis

Genus: Caodeyao LIU & ABDALA, 2020
C. liuyufengi LIU & ABDALA, 2020 (Type)

Genus: Dalongkoua LIU, & ABDALA, 2016
D. fuae LIU, & ABDALA, 2016 (Type)

I. munyamadziensis HUTTENLOCKER, SIDOR & ANGIELCZYK, 2015 (Type)

Gen. sp indet.

Family: AKIDNOGNATHIDAE Haughton & Brink 1954

Genus: Akidnognathus HAUGHTON, 1918
A. parvus HAUGHTON, 1918 (Type)

Genus: Jiufengia LIU & ABDALA, 2019
J. jiai LIU & ABDALA, 2019 (Type)

Genus: Shiguaignathus LIU & ABDALA, 2017
S. wangi LIU & ABDALA, 2017 (Type)

Gen. sp indet.

Family: SCYLACOSAURIDAE Broom, 1903
= Superfamily: SCYLACOSAUROIDEA Broom, 1903

Genus: Glanosuchus BROOM, 1904
G. macrops BROOM, 1904 (Type)

Genus: Ictidosaurus BROOM, 1903
I. angusticeps BROOM, 1903 (Type)

Genus: Kotelcephalon TATARINOV, 1999
K. viatkensis TATARINOV, 1999 (Type)

Genus: Scylacorhinus BROOM, 1915
S. falkenbachi BROOM, 1915 (Type)

Genus: Scylacosaurus BROOM, 1903
S. sclateri BROOM, 1903 (Type)

Gen. sp indet.

Family: LYCOSAURIDAE Broom, 1918
= Family: TROCHOSUCHIDAE Romer, 1956

Genus: Gorynychus KAMMERER & MASYUTIN, 2018
G. masyutinae KAMMERER & MASYUTIN, 2018 (Type)
G. sandyrensis SUTSCHKOVA & GOLUBEV, 2019

Genus: Lycosuchus BROOM,1903
L. vanderrieti BROOM, 1903 (Type)
L. mackayi BROOM, 1903

Genus: Trochorhinus BROOM, 1936
T. vanhoepeni BROOM, 1936 (Type)

Genus: Trochosuchus BROOM, 1908
= Trochosaurus HAUGHTON, 1915
T. acutus BROOM, 1908 (Type)
T. major BROOM, 1915
= Trochosaurus major (BROOM, 1915)
= Trochosaurus intermedius HAUGHTON, 1915
T. dirus (BROOM, 1936)
= Trochosaurus dirus BROOM, 1936

Gen. sp indet.

Family: HOFMEYRIIDAE, Hopson, & Barghusen, 1986

 Genus: Hofmeyria BROOM, 1935
H. atavus BROOM, 1935 (Type)

Genus: Ictidostoma BROOM, 1931
= Ictidognathus BROOM, 1912
I. hemburyi (BROOM, 1912) BROOM, 1931 (Type)
= Ictidognathus hemburyi BROOM, 1912

Superfamily: WHAITSIOIDEA Haughton, 1918

Incertae sedis

Genus: Ophidostoma HUTTENLOCKER & SMITH, 2017
O. tatarinovi HUTTENLOCKER & SMITH, 2017 (Type)

Family: WHAITSIIDAE Haughton, 1918

Genus: Cerdosuchoides BROOM, 1936
C. brevidens BROOM, 1936 (Type)

Genus: Cerdosuchus BROOM, 1936
C. aulodon BROOM, 1936 (Type)

Genus: Hyenosaurus BROOM, 1935
H. platyceps BROOM, 1935 (Type)

Genus: Megawhaitsia IVAKHNENKO, 2008a
M. patrichae IVAKHENKO, 2008a (Type)

Genus: Microwhaitsia HUTTENLOCKER & SMITH, 2017
M. mendrezi HUTTENLOCKER & SMITH, 2017 (Type)

Genus: Proalopecopsis BRINK & KITCHING, 1951
P. haughtoni BRINK & KITCHING, 1951 (Type)

Genus: Scylacosuchus TATARINOV, 1968
S. orenburgensis TATARINOV, 1968 (Type)

Genus: Theriognathus OWEN, 1876
= Alopecopsis BROOM, 1920
= Aneugomphius BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948
= Hyaenasuchus BROOM, 1908
= Moschorhynchus BROOM, 1936
= Notaelurops BROOM, 1936
= Notosollasia BROOM, 1925
= Whaitsia HAUGHTON, 1918
T. microps OWEN, 1876 (Type)
= Endothiodon microps (OWEN, 1876) LYDEKKER, 1890
= Hyaenasuchus whaitsi BROOM, 1908
= Whaitsia platyceps HAUGHTON, 1918
= Alopecopsis atavus BROOM, 1920
= Notosollasia laticeps BROOM, 1925
= Whaitsia majora BROOM, 1931
= Moschorhynchus latirostris BROOM, 1936
= Notaelurops paucidens BROOM, 1936
= Notosollasia luckhoffi BROOM, 1936
= Aneugomphius ictidoceps BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948
= Whaitsia pricei BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948
= Moschorhynchus gracilis BRINK, 1954
= Moschorhynchus brachyrhinus BRINK, 1954
= Notosollasia boonstrai BRINK, 1954
= Notosollasia longiceps BRINK, 1954

Gen. sp indet.

Family: MOSCHORHINIDAE Brink, 1958
= Family: MOSCHOWHAITSIIDAE Tatarinov, 1963

Genus: Cerdops BROOM, 1948
C. burgheri BROOM, 1948 (Type)

Genus: Hewittia BRINK, 1959
H. albanensis BRINK, 1959 (Type)

Genus: Moschorhinus BROOM, 1920
= ?Tigrisuchus OWEN, 1876
M. warreni (BROOM, 1907)
= Scymnosaurus warreni BROOM, 1907
M. kitchingi BROOM, 1920 (Type)
= ?Tigrisuchus simus OWEN, 1876
M. minor BROOM, 1936
M. esterhuyseni BROOM, 1940
M. natalensis BRINK, 1959

Genus: Promoschorhynchus BRINK, 1954
P. platyrhinus BRINK, 1954 (Type)

Family: MOSCHOWHAITSIIDAE Tatarinov, 1963

Genus: Moschowhaitsia TATARINOV, 1963
M. vjuschkovi TATARINOV, 1963 (Type)
M. sp

Genus: Viatkosuchus TATARINOV, 1995
V. sumini TATARINOV, 1995 (Type)

Genus: Nova ? TATARINOV, 2004

Family: ANNATHERAPSIDAE Kuhn, 1961

Genus: Annatherapsidus KUHN, 1961
= Anna VJUSHKOV 1955 non AMALITSKY, 1922
A. petri (AMALITSKY, 1922) KUHN, 1961 (Type)
= Anna petri AMALITSKY, 1922

Family: EUCHAMBERSIIDAE Broom, 1931

Genus: Euchambersia BROOM, 1931
= Euchambresia BROOM, 1931 (sic)
E. mirabilis BROOM, 1931 (Type)

Genus: Olivierosuchus KAMMERER & SIDOR, 2002
= Olivieria BRINK, 1965 non ROBINEAU-DESVOIDY, 1830 (Olivieria lateralis, Insecta, Dipteria)
O. parringtoni (BRINK, 1965) KAMMERER & SIDOR, 2002 (Type)
= Olivieria parringtoni BRINK, 1965

Family: ORDOSIIDAE Hau, 1979

Genus: Hazhenia SUN & HOU, 1981
H. concava SUN & HUO, 1981 (Type)

Genus: Ordosyodon YOUNG, 1974
= Ordosia HOU, 1979 non LU, 1954 (Trilobita, Corynexochida)
= Ordosidon YOUNG, 1961 non
O. lincheyuensis (YOUNG, 1961) YOUNG, 1974 (Type)
= Ordosidon lincheyuensisYOUNG, 1961
O. youngi (HOU, 1979)
= Ordosia youngi HOU, 1979



Superfamily: LYCIDEOPSOIDEA Broom, 1931 (sensu Brink, 1986)

Family: LYCIDEOPSIDAE Broom, 1931

Genus: Arnognathus BROOM, 1907
A. parvidens BROOM, 1907 (Type)

Genus: Lycideops BROOM, 1931
L. longiceps BROOM, 1931 (Type)

Superfamily: SCALOPOGNATHOIDEA Tatarinov, 1976 (sensu Brink, 1986)

Family: SCALOPOGNATHIDAE Tatarinov, 1976

Genus: Scalopognathus TATARINOV, 1976
S. multituberculatus TATARINOV, 1976 (Type)

Family: NOTHOGOMPHODONTIDAE Tatarinov, 1976

Genus: Nothogomphodon TATARINOV, 1976
N. danilovi TATARINOV, 1976 (Type)
N. sanjiaoensis LIU & ABDALA, 2015

Superfamily: ICTIDOSUCHOIDEA Broom, 1903 (sensu Brink, 1986)

Family: NANICTIDOPSIDAE Watson & Romer, 1956

Genus: Ictidochampsa BROOM, 1948
I. platyceps BROOM, 1948 (Type)

Genus: Ictidosuchoides BROOM, 1931
I. longiceps (BROOM, 1920) BROOM, 1931 (Type)
= Ictidosuchus longiceps BROOM, 1920
I. rubidgei BROOM, 1937
I. sp

Genus: Ictidosuchops BROOM, 1938
I. rubidgei BROOM, 1938 (Type)
I. intermedius (BROOM, 1938)
= Ictidosuchoides intermedius BROOM, 1938
I. baurioides BROOM, 1940
I. watermeyeri BROOM, 1941

Genus: Mirothenthes ATTRIDGE, 1956
M. digitipes ATTRIDGE, 1956 (Type)

Genus: Nanictidops BROOM, 1940
N. kitchinigi BROOM, 1940 (Type)

Genus: Pelictosuchus BROOM, 1940
P. paucidens BROOM, 1940 (Type)

Family: ICTIDOSUCHIDAE Broom, 1903

Genus: Ictidosuchus BROOM, 1900
I. primaevus BROOM, 1900 (Type)

Genus: Yikezhaogia LI, 1984
Y. megagfenestrala LI, 1984 (Type)

Family: PERPLEXISAURIDAE Tatarinov, 2000

Genus: Chlynovia TATARINOV, 2000
C. serridentatus TATARINOV, 2000 (Type)

Genus: Perplexisaurus TATARINOV, 1997
P. foveatus TATARINOV, 1997 (Type)

Superfamily: SILPHOLESTIDAE Watson & Romer, 1956 (sensu Brink, 1986)

Family: SILPHOLESTIDAE Watson & Romer, 1956

Genus: Ictidodraco BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948
I. loingiceps BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948 (Type)

Genus: Scaloporhinus BOONSTRA, 1953
S. angulorugatus BOONSTRA, 1953 (Type)

Genus: Silphedosuchus TATARINOV, 1977
S. orenburgensis TATARINOV, 1977 (Type)

Genus: Silpholestes BROOM, 1948
S. jackae BROOM, 1948 (Type)

Genus: Tetracynodon BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948
= Homodontosaurus BROOM, 1949b
T. tenuis BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948 (Type)
= Homodontosaurus kitchingi BROOM, 1949b

Superfamily: SCALOPOSAUROIDEA Broom, 1914 (sensu Brink, 1986)

Family: SCALOPOSAURIDAE Broom, 1914
= Family: MACROSCELESAURIDAE Haughton, 1924

Genus: Blattoidealestes BOONSTRA, 1954
B. gracilis BOONSTRA, 1954 (Type)

Genus: Choerosaurus HAUGHTON, 1929
C. dejageri HAUGHTON, 1929 (Type)

Genus: Icticephalus BROOM, 1915
I. polycynodon BROOM, 1915 (Type)

Genus: Ictidodon BROOM, 1925
I. agilis BROOM, 1925 (Type)

Genus: Ictidognathus BROOM, 1911
I. parvidens BROOM, 1911 (Type)

Genus: Malasaurus TATARINOV, 2002
M. germanus TATARINOV, 2002 (Type)

Genus: Macroscelosaurus HAUGHTON, 1918
=Haughtoniscus KUHN, 1929 Note: Kuhn believed the hame was similar to Maroscelosaurus, a prolacertiform Muenster vide Meyer, 1852 which has an ‘o’ not an ‘e’ in the name. This is unwarranted and the original name is valid.
M. janseni HAUGHTON, 1918 (Type)
= Haughtoniscus janseni (HAUGHTON, 1918) KUHN, 1929

Genus: Nanictocephalus BROOM, 1940
N. richardi BROOM, 1940 (Type)

Genus: Scalopocephalus HUENE, 1938
S. watsonianus HUENE, 1938 (Type)

Genus: Scalopodon TATARINOV, 1999
S. tenuisfrons TATARINOV, 1999 (Type)

Genus: Scalopodontes TATARINOV, 2000
S. kotelnichi TATARINOV, 2000 (Type)

Genus: Scalopolacerta MENDREZ & CARROLL, 1979
S. hoffmani (CROMPTON, 1955) MENDREZ & CARROLL, 1979 (Type)
= Scaloposaurus hoffmani CROMPTON, 1955

Genus: Scaloposaurus OWEN, 1876
S. constrictus OWEN, 1876 (Type)
S. sp

Genus: Scaloposuchus BROOM, 1940
S. rubidgei BROOM, 1940 (Type)

Genus: Zorillodontops CLUVER, 1969
Z. gracilis CLUVER, 1969 (Type)


Incertae sedis

Genus: Herpetochirus SEELEY, 1895
H. brachycnemus SEELEY, 1895 (Type)

Genus: Nanictosuchus BROOM, 1936
N. kitchinigi BROOM, 1936 (Type)
N. melinodon BROOM, 1940

Genus: Notictoides SIDOR, KULIK, HUTTENLOCKER, 2022
N. absens SIDOR, KULIK, HUTTENLOCKER, 2022 (Type)

Genus: Polycynodon BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948
= Octocynodon BROOM, 1940
P. elegans (BROOM, 1940) BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948 (Type)
= Octocynodon elegans BROOM, 1940

Genus: ?Theromus SEELEY, 1895
T. leptonotus SEELEY, 1895 (Type)

Gen. sp indet.

Superfamily: BAURIOIDEA Watson, 1911 (sensu Brink, 1986)

Incertae sedis

Genus: Jiucaiyuangnathus LIU & ABDALA, 2024
J. confuses LIU & ABDALA, 2024 (Type)

Genus: Pedaeosaurus COLBERT & KITCHING, 1977
P. parvus COLBERT & KITCHING, 1977 (Type)

Genus: Rhigosaurus COLBERT & KITCHING, 1977
R. glacialis COLBERT & KITCHING, 1977 (Type)

Genus: Silphoictidoides HUENE, 1950
S. ruhuhuensis HUENE, 1950 (Type)

Family: KARENITIDAE Tatarinov, 1997

Genus: Karenites TATARINOV, 1995
K. ornamentatus TATARINVO, 1995 (Type)

Genus: Mupashi HUTTENLOCKER & SIDOR, 2016
M. migrator HUTTENLOCKER & SIDOR, 2016 (Type)

Family: BAURIIDAE Watson, 1911
= Family: BAURIAMORPHIDAE Watson, 1911 (sensu Huene, 1948)

Genus: Aelurosuchus BROOM, 1909
A. browni BROOM, 1909 (Type)

Genus: Bauria BROOM, 1909
= Baurioides HAUGHTON & BRINK, 1954
= Sesamodontoides pauli BROOM, 1950
B. cynops BROOM, 1909 (Type)
= Sesamodontoides pauli BROOM, 1950
= Sesamodon pauli
(BROOM, 1950)
= Baurioides watsoni (HAUGHTON & BRINK, 1954)
= Bauria watsoni (HAUGHTON & BRINK, 1954)
= Bauria cynops WATSON, 1914 non BROOM, 1909
B. robusta BRINK, 1965
B. sp

Genus: Microgomphodon SEELEY, 1895
= Herpetogale KEYSER, 1979
= Melinodon BROOM, 1905
= Sesamodon BROOM, 1905
= Watsoniella BROILI & SCHRODER, 1935
M. oligocynus SEELEY, 1895 (Type)
= Melinodon simus BROOM, 1905
= Sesamodon browni BROOM, 1905
= Watsoniella breviceps BROILI & SCHRODER, 1935
= Herpetogale marsupilis KEYSER, 1979
 M. sp (Sesamodon sp)

Genus: Microhelodon BROOM, 1931
M. eumerus (SEELEY, 1895) BROOM, 1931 (Type)
= Microgomphodon eumerus SEELEY, 1895

Genus: Scalenodon non CROMPTON, 1955
S. boreus TATARINOV, 1973

Genus: Traversodontoides YOUNG, 1974
T. wangwuensis YOUNG, 1974 (Type)

Famliy: REGISAURIDAE Hopson & Barghusen, 1986

Genus: Regisaurus MENDREZ, 1972
R. jacobi MENDREZ, 1972 (Type)
R. sp

Genus: Urumchia YOUNG, 1952
U. lii YOUNG, 1952 (Type)

Family: SIMORHINELLIDAE Mendrez, 1975

Genus: Simorhinella BROOM, 1915
S. baini BROOM, 1915 (Type)

Family: ERICIOLACERTIDAE Watson & Romer, 1956

Genus: Dongusaurus VJUSHKOV, 1964
D. schepetovi VJUSHKOV, 1964 (Type)

Genus: Ericiolacerta WATSON, 1931
E. parva WATSON, 1931 (Type)


Incertae sedis

Genus: Archaeotherium HUENE, 1925
A. reuningi HUENE, 1925 (Type)

Genus: Belesodon non HUENE, 1936
B? angustidens CABRERA, 1943
B. neidermeyer HOPSON, 1964 (nomen vanum)
B. leribeensis ELLENBERGER, 1970 (nomen vanum)
B. sp

Genus: Cromptodon BONAPARTE, 1972
C. mamiferoides BONAPARTE, 1972 (Type)
C. sp

Genus: Habayia GODEFROIT, 1999
H. halbardieri GODEFROIT, 1999 (Type)

Genus: Hahnia GODEFROIT & BATTAIL, 1997
H. obliqua GODEFROIT & BATTAIL, 1997 (Type)

Genus: Maubeugia GODEFROIT & BATTAIL, 1997
M. lotharingica GODEFROIT & BATTAIL, 1997 (Type)

Genus: Miscrocalenodon HAHN, LEPAGE & WOUTERS, 1988
M. nanus HAHN, LEPAGE & WOUTERS, 1988 (Type)
M. sp

Genus: Mitredon SHAPIRO & JENKINS, 2001
M. cromptoni SHAPIRO & JENKINS, 2001 (Type)

Genus: Panchetocynodon DAS & GUPTA, 2012
P. damodarensis DAS & GUPTA, 2012 (Type)

Genus: Rosieria GODEFROIT & BATTAIL, 1997
R. delsatei GODEFROIT & BATTAIL, 1997 (Type)
R. sp

Gen. sp indet.

Family: CHARASSOGNATHIDAE Kammerer, 2016

Genus: Charassognathus BOTHA, ABDALA & SMITH, 2007
C. gracilis BOTHA, ABDALA & SMITH, 2007 (Type)

Subfamily: ABDALODONTINAE HUTTENLOCKER & SIDOR, 2020 (published in 2021)

Genus: Abdalodon KAMMERER, 2016c
A. diastematicus KAMMERER, 2016c (Type)

Genus: Nshimbodon HUTTENLOCKER & SIDOR, 2020 (published in 2021)
N. muchingaensis HUTTENLOCKER & SIDOR, 2020 (published in 2021) (Type)


Family: DVINIIDAE Tatarinov, 1968
= Superfamily: DVINIOIDEA Sushkin, 1928

Genus: Dvinia AMALITZKY, 1922
= Dvina AMALITZKY, 1922 (sic)
= Dwinia HUENE, 1956 (sic)
= Permocynodon EFREMOV, 1940
D. prima AMALITZKY, 1922 (Type)
= Permocynodon sushkini EFREMOV, 1940

Family: MADYSAURIDAE Tatarinov, 2005

Genus: Madysaurus TATARINOV, 2005
M. sharovi TATARINOV, 2005 (Type)

Family: PROCYOSUCHIDAE Broom, 1937
= Family: SILPHEDESTIDAE Haughton & Brink, 1954
= Superfamily: GALESAUROIDEA Lydekker, 1889

Genus: Cyrbasiodon BROOM, 1931
C. boycei BROOM, 1931 (Type)
C. vladimiriensis TATARINOV, 2004

Genus: Hwanghocynodon YOUNG, 1979
H. multienspidus YOUNG, 1979 (Type)

Genus: Parathrinaxodon PARRINGTON, 1936
P. proops PARRINGTON, 1936 (Type)

Genus: Procynosuchus BROOM, 1937
= Aelurodraco BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948
= Galophrys BROOM, 1948
= Galecranium BROOM, 1948
= Leavachia BROOM, 1948
= Mygalesaurus BROOM, 1942
= Mygalesuaurus BRINK, 1986 (sic)
= Paracynosuchus BROOM, 1940
= Protocynodon BROOM, 1949b
= Scalopocynodon BRINK, 1961
= Silphedestes BROOM, 1949a
= Silphedocynodon BRINK, 1951
P. delaharpeae BROOM, 1937 (Type)
= Procynosuchus rubidgei BROOM, 1938
= Paracynosuchus rubidgei BROOM, 1940
= Mygalesaurus platyceps BROOM, 1942
= Leavachia duvenhagei BROOM, 1948
= Aelurodracon microps BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948
= Leavachia microps (BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948)
= Galophrys kitchingi BROOM, 1948
= Galecranium liorhynchus BROOM, 1948
= Galophrys liorhynchus (BROOM, 1948)
= Protocynodon pricei BROOM, 1949b
= Silphedestes polyodon BROOM, 1949a
= Leavachia gracilis BRINK & KITCHING, 1950
= Silphedocynodon gymnotemporalis BRINK, 1951
= Scalopocynodon gracilis BRINK, 1961
P. sp

Genus: Sludica IVACHNENKO, 2012
S. bulanovi IVACHNENKO, 2012 (Type)

Genus: Uralocynodon TATARINOV, 1987
U. tverdokhlebovae TATARINOV, 1987 (Type)
U. sp

Genus: Nova?
= Nanictosaurus robustus BROOM, 1940
= Nanictosuchus robustus (BROOM, 1940)
= Galeosaurus? robustus (BROOM, 1940)

Gen .sp indet.


Incertae sedis
= Family: NYTHOSAURIDAE Broom, 1903 (partim)

Genus: Nythosaurus OWEN, 1876
N. larvatus OWEN, 1876 (Type)

Genus: Vetusodon ABDALA, GAETANO, SMITH, & RUBIDGE, 2019
V. elikhulu ABDALA, GAETANO, SMITH, & RUBIDGE, 2019 (Type)

Family: GALESAURIDAE Lydekker, 1890
= Family: CYNOSUCHIDAE Broom, 1915
= Family: CYNOSAURIDAE Haughton & Brink, 1954

Genus: Cynosaurus SCHMIDT, 1927
= Cynosuchoides BROOM, 1931
= Cynosuchus OWEN, 1876
= Mygalesuchus BROOM, 1942
C. suppostus (OWEN, 1876) SCHMIDT, 1927 (Type)
= Cynosuchus suppostus OWEN, 1876
= Cynosuchus whaitsi HAUGHTON, 1918
= Cynosaurus whaitsi (HAUGHTON, 1918)
= Cynosuchoides whaitsi (HAUGHTON, 1918) BROOM, 1931
= Mygalesuchus peggyae BROOM, 1942

Genus: Galesaurus OWEN, 1859
= Glochinodon HOEPEN, 1916
= Glochinodontoides HAUGHTON, 1924
= Nanictosaurus BROOM, 1936
G. planiceps OWEN, 1859 (Type)
= Glochinodontoides gracilis HAUGHTON, 1924
= Galesaurus gracilis (HAUGHTON, 1924)
= Notictosaurus luckhoffi BROOM, 1936 (partim)
= Glochinodon detinens HOEPEN, 1916
= Notictosaurus trigonocephalus BRINK & KITCHING, 1951

Genus: Progalesaurus SIDOR & SMITH, 2004
P. lootsbergensis SIDOR & SMITH, 2004 (Type)

Gen. sp indet.

Family: THRINAXODONTIDAE Seeley, 1894

Genus: Bolotriodon COAD, 1977
= Tribolodon SEELEY, 1894 non SAVAGE, 1883 (Tribolodon punctatus, Actinopterygii, Pseudaspinninae)
B. frerensis (SEELEY, 1894) COAD, 1977 (Type)
= Tribolodon frerensis SEELEY, 1894

Genus: Nanictosaurus BROOM, 1936
= Baurocynodon BRINK, 1951
N. rubidgei BROOM, 1936 (Type)
= Galeosaurus rubidgei BROOM, 1940
= Nanictosuchus rubidgei (BROOM, 1940)
= Nanictosaurus rubidgei (BROOM, 1940)
= Baurocynodon gracilis BRINK, 1951

Genus: Nanocynodon TATARINOV, 1968
N. seductus TATARINOV, 1968 (Type)

Genus: Novocynodon IVAKHNENKO, 2012
N. kurtorgai IVAKHNENKO, 2012 (Type)

Genus: Platycraniellus HOEPEN, 1917
= Platycranion HOEPEN, 1916 non
= Platycranium HOEPEN, 1917
P. elegans HOEPEN, 1917 (Type)
= Platycranion elegans HOEPEN, 1916
= Platycranium elegans (HOEPEN, 1917) HOEPEN, 1917

Genus: Thrinaxodon SEELEY, 1894
= Ictidopsis BROOM, 1912
= Micrictodon BROOM, 1937
T. liorhinus SEELEY, 1894 (Type)
= Ictidopsis elegans BROOM, 1912
= Ictidopsis formosa HOEPEN, 1916
= Notictosaurus luckhoffi BROOM, 1936 (partim)
= Micrictodon marionae BROOM, 1937
= Thrinaxodon putterilli BROOM, 1932
= Notictosaurus gracilis BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948
T. bengalensis SATSANGI, 1987 (nomen nudum)


Incertae sedis

Genus: Candelariodon OLIVEIRA, SCHULTZ, SOARES & RODRIGUES, 2011
C. barberenai OLIVEIRA, SCHULTZ, SOARES & RODRIGUES, 2011 (Type)

Genus: Kataigidodon KLIGMAN, MARSH, SUES & SIDOR, 2020
K. venetus KLIGMAN, MARSH, SUES & SIDOR, 2020 (Type)

Gen. sp indet.

Family: CISTECYNODONTIDAE Tatarinov, 1974 (Eucynodontia incertae sedis)

Genus: Cistecynodon BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
C. parvus BRINK & KITCHING, 1953 (Type)

Family: ECTENINIIDAE Martinez, Fernandez & Alcober, 2013

Genus: Diegocanis MARTINEZ, FERNANDEZ & ALCOBER, 2013
D. elegans MARTINEZ, FERNANDEZ & ALCOBER, 2013 (Type)

Genus: Ecteninion MARTINEZ, MAY & FORSTER, 1996
E. lunensis MARTINEZ, MAY & FORSTER, 1996 (Type)

Superfamily: CYNOGNATHOIDEA Seeley, 1895

Family: CYNOGNATHIDAE Seeley, 1895
= Subfamily: EUCYNOGNATHINAE Leham in Pivetau, 1961
= Family: NYTHOSAURIDAE Broom, 1903 (

Genus: Cynognathus SEELEY, 1895
= Cynidiognathus HAUGHTON, 1922
= Cynogomphius BROOM, 1932
= Karoomys BROOM, 1903
= Lycognathus BROOM, 1913
= Lycaenognathus BROOM, 1925
= Lycochampsa BROOM, 1915
C. crateronotus SEELEY, 1895 (Type)
= Cynognathus berryi SEELEY, 1895
= Cynogomphius berryi (SEELEY, 1895) BROOM, 1932
= Cynognathus platyceps SEELEY, 1895
= Lycaenognathus platyceps (SEELEY, 1895) BROOM, 1925
= Karoomys browni BROOM, 1903
= Nythosaurus browni BROOM, 1912
= Lycognathus ferox BROOM, 1913
= Lycochampsa ferox (BROOM, 1913)
= Cynognathus ferox (BROOM, 1913)
= Cynidiognathus longiceps HAUGHTON, 1922
= Cynognathus longiceps (HAUGHTON, 1922)
= Cynidiognathus broomi HAUGHTON, 1922
= Cynognathus broomi (HAUGHTON, 1922)
= Lycaenognathus kannemeyeri BROOM, 1931
= Cynognathus kannemeyeri (BROOM, 1931)
= Cynidiognathus merenskyi BROILI & SCHRODER, 1935
= Cynognathus merenskyi (BROILI & SCHRODER, 1935)
= Cyniariognathus seeleyi BROILI & SCHRODER, 1936
= Cynognathus seeleyi (BROILI & SCHRODER, 1936)
C. minor BONAPARTE, 1969
C. sp

Gen. sp indet.


Incertae sedis


Superfamily: CHINIQUODONTOIDEA Huene, 1936

Incertae sedis

Genus: Kunminia YOUNG, 1947
K. minima YOUNG, 1947 (Type)

Gen. sp indet.

Family: LUMKUIA Hopson & Kitching, 2001

Genus: Lumkuia HOPSON & KITCHING, 2001
L. fuzzi HOPSON & KITCHING, 2001 (Type)

Family: CHINIQUODONTIDAE Huene, 1936
= Subfamily: CHINIQUODONTINAE Huene, 1936 (sensu Leham in Pivetau, 1961)

Genus: Chiniquodon HUENE, 1936
= Belesodon HUENE, 1936
= Probelesodon ROMER, 1969
C. theotonicus HUENE, 1936 (Type)
= Belesodon magnificus HUENE, 1936
= Probelesodon lewisi ROMER, 1969
= Probelesodon minor ROMER, 1973
= Chinquodon kitchingi (TEIXERIA, 1982)
= Probelesodon kitchingi TEIXERIA, 1982
C. sanjuanensis (MARTINEZ & FORSTER, 1996) ABDALA & GIANNINI, 2002
= Probelesodon sanjuanensis MARTINEZ & FORSTER, 1996
C. kalanoro KAMMER, FLYNN, RANIOVOHARIMANANA, & WYSS, 2010 (published in 2011)
C. omaruruensis MOCKE, GAETANO & ABDALA, 2019 (2020)
C. sp

Genus: Deccanodon NATH & YADAGIRI, 2007
D. maleriensis NATH & YADAGIRI, 2007 (Type)

Genus: Lepagia HAHN, WILD & WOUTERS, 1987
L. gaumensis HAHN, WILD & WOUTERS, 1987 (Type)

Genus: Microconodon OSBORN, 1886
= Tytthoconus PALMER, 1903
M. tenuirostris OSBORN, 1886 (Type)
= Tytthoconus tenuirostris (OSBORN, 1886) PALMER, 1903
M. sp

Genus: Trucidocynodon OLIVEIRA, SOARES & SCHULTZ, 2010
T. riograndensis OLIVEIRA, SOARES & SCHULTZ, 2010 (Type)

Genus: Nova? (SCHWANKE & KELLNER, 1999)
= Probelesodon Nova? SCHWANKE & KELLNER, 1999

Genus: Nova FERNANDEZ & MARTINEZ, 2006

Gen. sp indet.

Subfamily: ALEODONTINAE Martinelli, Ezcurra, Fiorelli, Escobar, Hechenleitner, von Baczko, Taborda & Desojo, 2024

Genus: Aleodon CROMPTON, 1955
A. brachyrhamphus CROMPTON, 1955 (Type)
A. sp.


Gen. sp indet.


Genus: Bonacynodon MARTINELLI, SOARES, & SCHWANKE, 2016
B. schultzi MARTINELLI, SOARES, & SCHWANKE, 2016 (Type)

Genus: Probainognathus ROMER, 1969
P. jenseni ROMER, 1969 (Type)
P. sp

Genus: Santacruzgnathus MARTINELLI, SOARES, & SCHWANKE, 2016
S. abdalai MARTINELLI, SOARES, & SCHWANKE, 2016 (Type)




Genus: Alemoatherium MARTINELLI, ELTINK, DA-ROSA & LANGER, 2017
A. huebneri MARTINELLI, ELTINK, DA-ROSA & LANGER, 2017 (Type)

Genus: Botucaraitherium SOARES, MARTINELLI, & OLIVEIRA, 2014
B. belarminoi SOARES, MARTINELLI, & OLIVEIRA, 2014 (Type)

Family: PROZOSTRODONTIDAE Stefanello, Martinelli, Müller, Dias-da-Silva & Kerber, 2023

Genus: Prozostrodon BONAPARTE & BARBERENA, 2001
= Thrinaxodon brasiliensis BARBERENA, BONAPARTE & TEIXETRA, 1987

Genus: Pseudotherium WALLACE, MARTINEZ & ROWE, 2019
P. argentines WALLACE, MARTINEZ & ROWE, 2019 (Type)

Family: BRASILODONTIDAE Bonaparte, Martinelli & Schultz, 2005

B. quadrangularis BONAPARTE, MARTINELLI, SCHULTZ & RUBERT, 2003 (Type)
= Brasilitherium riograndensis BONAPARTE, MARTINELLI, SCHULTZ & RUBERT, 2003
= Minicynodon maieri BONAPARTE, SCHULTZ, SOARES & MARTINELLI, 2010 (Type)

Family: DROMATHERIIDAE Gill, 1872

Genus: Dromaeotherium EMMONS, 1857
D. sylevestre EMMONS, 1857 (Type)

Genus: Gaumia HAHN, WILD & WOUTERS, 1987
G. longiradicata HAHN, WILD & WOUTERS, 1987 (Type)
G? incisa HAHN, WILD & WOUTERS, 1987

P. sp

Genus: Pseudotriconodon HAHN, LEPAGE & WOUTERS, 1984
P. wildi HAHN, LEPAGE & WOUTERS, 1984 (Type)
P. chatterejeei LUCAS & OAKES 1988

Genus: Rewaconodon DATTA, DAS & LUO, 2004
R. tikiensis DATTA, DAS & LUO, 2004 (Type)

Genus: Tricuspes HUENE, 1933
T. tuebingensis HUENE, 1933, emend HAHN, HAHN & GODEFROIT, 1994 (Type)
= Tricuspes tubingensis HUENE, 1933 (sic)
T. sigogneauae HAHN, HAHN & GODEFROIT, 1994
T. tapeinodon GODEFROIT & BATTAIL, 1997
T. sp

Gen. sp indet.

Family: THERIOHERPETDAE Battail, 1991 emend Bonaparte & Barberena, 1975
= Family: THERIOHERPETONTIDAE Bonaparte & Barberena, 1975

= Family: RIOGRANDIDAE Bonaparte, Ferigolo & Ribeiro, 2001

Genus: Charruodon ABDALA & RIBEIRO, 2000
C. tetracuspidatus ABDALA & RIBEIRO, 2000 (Type)

Genus: Meurthodon SIGOGNEAU-RUSSELL, & HAHN, 1994
M. gallicus SIGOGNEAU-RUSSELL & HAHN, 1994 (Type)

Genus: Riograndia BONAPARTE, FERIGOLO & RIBEIRO, 2001
R. guaibensis BONAPARTE, FERIGOLO & RIBEIRO, 2001 (Type)

Genus: Therioherpeton BONAPARTE & BARBERENA, 1975
T. cargnini BONAPARTE & BARBERENA, 1975 (Type)


Family: TRITHELEDONTIDAE Broom, 1912

Subfamily: TRITHELEDONTINAE Broom, 1912
= Subfamily: PACHYGENELINAE Martinelli & Rougier, 2007

Genus: Diarthrognathus CROMPTON, 1958
= Broomitherium HUENE, 1956 (nomen nudum)
D. broomi CROMPTON, 1958 (Type)
= Broomitherium (no species name given) HUENE, 1956 (nomen nudum)
D. sp


Genus: Pachygenelus WATSON, 1913
P. monus WATSON, 1913 (Type)
P. milleri CHATTERJEE, 1983
P. sp

Genus: Trithelodon BROOM, 1912
T. riconoi BROOM, 1912 (Type)


Gen. sp indet.

Subfamily: CHALIMININAE Martinelli & Rougier, 2007

Genus: Chaliminia BONAPARTE, 1978
C. musteloides BONAPARTE, 1978 (Type)

Genus: Elliotherium SIDOR & HANCOX, 2006
E. kerstenae emend SIDOR & HANCOX, 2006 (Type)
= Ellotherium kersteani SIDOR & HANCOX, 2006
(Note: The authors used the wrong Latin ending for honoring a woman, it is not "i" it is "ae").


Superfamily: TRITYLODONTIA Cope, 1884 (sensu Kuhne, 1943)

Family: DIADEMODONTIDAE Haughton, 1925
= Family: GOMPHOGNATHIDAE Seeley, 1895
= Subfamily: GOMPHODONTOINAE Lehman in Piveteau, 1961 (
= Subfamily: EUDIADEMODONTINAE Lehman in Piveteau, 1961
= Superfamily: GOMPHOGNATHOIDEA Broom, 1903

Genus: Diademodon SEELEY, 1895
= Cynochampsa OWEN, 1860
= Cragievarus BRINK, 1965
= Cyclogomphodon BROOM, 1919
= Gomphognathus SEELEY, 1895
= Gomphodontoides BRINK & KITCHING, 1951
= Octagomphus BROOM, 1919
= Protacmon WATSON, 1920
= Sysphictostoma BROILI & SCHRODER, 1936
D. tetragonus SEELEY, 1895 (Type)
= Cynochampsa laniaria OWEN, 1860
= Diademodon? laniaria (OWEN, 1860)
= Cyclogomphodon laniaria (OWEN, 1860) BROOM, 1919
= Diademodon brachytiara SEELEY, 1894
= Diademodon brachytious
= Diademodon entomophonus SEELEY, 1895
= Gomphognathus browni SEELEY, 1895
= Diademodon browni (SEELEY, 1895)
= Gomphognathus kannemeyeri SEELEY, 1895
= Diademodon kannemeyeri (SEELEY, 1895)
= Gomphognathus mastacus SEELEY, 1895
= Diademodon mastacus (SEELEY, 1895)
= Gomphognathus polyphagus SEELEY, 1895
= Diademodon polyphagus (SEELEY, 1895)
= Gomphognathus dimorphodon SEELEY, 1908
= Gomphognathus minor BROOM, 1911
= Cyclogomphodon platyrhinus BROOM, 1913
= Diademodon platyrhinus (BROOM, 1913)
= Octagomphus woodi BROOM, 1919
= Diademodon woodi (BROOM, 1919)
= Protacmon brachyrhinus WATSON, 1920
= Gomphognathus grossarthi BROILI & SCHRODER, 1935
= Diademodon grossarthi (BROILI & SCHRODER, 1935)
= Gomphognathus haughtoni BROILI & SCHRODER, 1935
= Diademodon haughtoni (BROILI & SCHRODER, 1935)
= Gomphognathus broomi BROILI & SCHRODER, 1935
= Diademodon broomi (BROILI & SCHRODER, 1935)
= Sysphinctostoma smithi BROILI & SCHRODER, 1936
= Sysphinctostoma gracilis BROOM, 1950
= Protacmon reubsameni BROOM, 1950
= Gomphodontoides megalops BRINK & KITCHING, 1951
= Diademodon? laticeps BRINK, 1955
= Diademodon parringtoni BRINK, 1955
= Diademodon rhodesiensis BRINK, 1955
= Cragievarus kitchingi BRINK, 1965
D. sp

Genus: Gornogomphodon RENESTO & LUCAS, 2009
G. caffii RENESTO & LUCAS, 2009 (Type)

Genus: Titanogomphodon KEYSER, 1973
T. crassuis KEYSER, 1973 (Type)
T. sp

Gen. sp indet.

Family: TRIRACHODONTIDAE Crompton, 1955

Genus: Redondagnathus SPIELMANN, & LUCAS, 2012
R. hunti SPIELMANN, & LUCAS, 2012 (Type)

Subfamily: TRIRACHODONTINAE Crompton, 1955

Genus: Cricodon CROMPTON, 1955
C. metabolus CROMPTON, 1955 (Type)
C. kannemeyeri (SEELEY, 1894) SIDOR & HOPSON, 2017
= Trirachodon kannemeyeri SEELEY, 1894
C. sp


Genus: Langbergia ABDALA, NEVELING & WELMAN, 2006
L. modisei ABDALA, NEVELING & WELMAN, 2006 (Type)

Genus: Neotrirachodon TATARINOV, 2002
N. expectatus TATARINOV, 2002 (Type)

Genus: Trirachodon SEELEY, 1894
= Inusitatodon BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
= Trirachodontoides BROOM, 1932
T. berryi SEELEY, 1894 (Type)
= Trirachodontoides berryi (SEELEY, 1894) BROOM, 1932
= Trirachodon minor BROOM, 1905
= Trirachodon? browni BROOM, 1915
= Inusitatodon smithi BRINK & KITCHING, 1953
T. sp

Genus: Nova GAO & FOX, 2006

Gen. sp indet.

Subfamily: SINOGNATHINAE Gao, Fox, Zhou, & Li, 2010

Genus: Beishanodon GAO, FOX, ZHOU & LI, 2010
B. youngi GAO, FOX, ZHOU & LI, 2010

Genus: Sinognathus YOUNG, 1959
S. gracilis YOUNG, 1959 (Type)

Family: TRAVERSODONTIDAE Huene, 1936
= Subfamily: GOMPHODONTOSUCHINAE Watson & Romer, 1956
= Family: GOMPHODONTOSUCHIDAE Watson & Romer, 1956

Genus: Ruberodon RAY, 2015
R. roychowdhurii RAY, 2015 (Type)



Incertae sedis

Genus: Colbertosaurus MINOPRIO, 1957  (nomen dubium)
= Colbertia MINOPRIO 1954 non COUTO, 1952 (Colbertia magellanica, Mammalia, Oldfieldthomasiidae)
C. muralis (MINOPRIO, 1954) MINOPRIO, 1957 (Type)
= Colbertia muralis MINOPRIO, 1954 (nomen dubium)

Genus: Theropsodon HUENE, 1950  (nomen dubium)
T. njalilus HUENE, 1950 (Type)

Genus: Traversodon non type HUENE, 1936
T. major HUENE, 1936 (nomen dubium)
= Exaeretodon major (HUENE, 1936) BARBERENA, 1974  (nomen dubium)

Subfamily: TRAVERSODONTINAE Huene, 1936 (sensu Lehman in Piveteau, 1961)
= Subfamily: SCALENODONTINAE Tatarinov, 1973

Genus: Andescynodon BONAPARTE, 1967
=Rusconiodon BONAPARTE, 1970
A. mendozensis BONAPARTE, 1967 (Type)
= Rusconiodonmignonei BONAPARTE, 1970
A. sp

Genus: Antecosuchus TATARINOV, 1973
A. ochevi TATARINOV, 1973 (Type)

Genus: Arctotraversodon SUES, HOPSEN & SHUBIN, 1992
A. plemmyridon (HOPSEN, 1984) SUES, HOPSEN & SHUBIN, 1992 (Type)
= Scalenodontoides? plemmyeidon HOPSON, 1984

Genus: Boreogomphodon SUES & OLSON, 1990
=Plinthogomphodon SUES, OLSEN & CARTER, 1999
B. jeffersoni SUES & OLSON, 1990 (Type)
B. herpetairus (SUES, OLSEN & CARTER, 1999) LIU & ABDALA, 2014
= Plinthogomphodon herpetairus SUES, OLSEN & CARTER, 1999
B. sp

Genus: Luangwa BRINK, 1963
L. drysdalli BRINK, 1963 (Type)
= Scalenodon drysdalli (BRINK, 1963)
L. sudamericana ABDALA & TEIXEIRA, 2004
L. sp.

Genus: Mandagomphodon HOPSON, 2014
M. hirschsoni (CROMPTON, 1972) HOPSON, 2014 (Type)
= Scalenodon hirschsoni CROMPTON, 1972
M. attridgei (CROMPTON, 1972) LIU & ABDALA, 2014
= Scalenodon attridgei CROMPTON, 1972
= Scalenodon charigi CROMPTON, 1972

Genus: Nanogomphodon HOPSON & SUES, 2006
N. wildi HOPSON & SUES, 2006 (Type)

Genus: Pascualgnathus BONAPARTE, 1966
P. polanskii BONAPARTE, 1966 (Type)

Genus: Scalenodon CROMPTON, 1955
S. angustifrons (PARRINGTON, 1946) CROMPTON, 1955 (Type)
= Trirachodon angustifrons PARRINGTON, 1946
S. ribeiroae MELO, MARTINELI & SOARES, 2017
S. sp

Genus: Traversodon HUENE, 1936
T. stahleckeri HUENE, 1936 (Type)
= Traversodon major HUENE, 1936
= Exaeretodon major (HUENE, 1936)


Genus: Nova REICHEL & SCHULTZ, 2005

Gen. sp indet.

Subfamily: MASSETOGNATHINAE Kammerer, Flynn, Ranivoharimanana, & Wyss, 2012


Genus: Massetognathus ROMER, 1967
= Megagomphodon ROMER, 1972
M. pasucuali ROMER, 1967
= Massetognathus teruggii ROMER, 1967
= Massetognathus major ROMER, 1972
= Megagomphodon oligodens ROMER, 1972
M. ochagaviae BARBERENA, 1981
M. sp

Genus: Santacruzodon ABDALA & RIBEIRO, 2003
S. hopsoni ABDALA & RIBEIRO, 2003 (Type)

Subfamily: GOMPHODONTOSUCHINAE Watson, & Romer, 1956

Genus: Exaeretodon CABRERA, 1943
= Ischignathus BONPARTE, 1963
= Proexaeretodon BONAPARTE, 1963
= Theropsis CABRERA 1943
E. argentinus (CABRERA, 1943) BONAPARTE, 1962 (Type)
= Belesodon? argentinus CABRERA, 1943
= Traversodon argentinus (CABRERA, 1943)
= Exaeretodon frenguellii CABRERA, 1943
= Theropsis robusta CABRERA, 1943= Ischignathus sudamericanus BONPARTE, 1963
= Exaeretodon statisticae CHATTERJEE, 1982
E. vincei (BONAPARTE, 1963)
= Proexaeretodon vincei BONAPARTE, 1963
E. riograndensis ABDALA, BARBERENA & DORNELLES, 2002
E. sp

Genus: Gomphodontosuchus HUENE, 1928
G. brasiliensis HUENE, 1928 (Type)


Genus: Protuberum REICHEL, SCHULTZ & SORES, 2009
P. cabralensis REICHEL, SCHULTZ & SORES, 2009 (Type)

Genus: Scalenodontoides CROMPTON & ELLENBERGER, 1957
S. macrodontes CROMPTON & ELLENBERGER, 1957 (Type)
S. sp

Gen. sp indet.

Family: TRITYLODONTIDAE Cope, 1884
= Family: BIENOTHERIIDAE Young, 1940
= Family: BIENOTHERIDAE Young, 1947 (
= Family: OLIGOKYPHIDAE Henning, 1922

Genus: Bienotherium YOUNG, 1940
B. yunnanense YOUNG, 1940 (Type)
B. elegans YOUNG, 1940
B. minor YOUNG, 1947 (partim)
B. magnunm CHOW, 1962

Genus: Bienotheroides YOUNG, 1982
B. wansienensis YOUNG, 1982 (Type)
B. zigongensis SUN, 1984
B. ultimus MAISCH, MATZKE & SUN, 2004
B. shartegensis WATABE, TSUBAMOTO, & TSOGTBAATAR, 2007
= Genus: Nova WATABE & TSOGTBAATAR, 2004
B. xingshanensis LIU, ZHOU, WANG & XUE, 2022
B. wucaiensis LIU, XU, CLARK, & BI, 2025

Genus: Bocatherium CLARK & HOPSEN, 1985
B. mexicanum CLARK & HOPSEN, 1985 (Type)

Genus: Chalepotherium SIMPSON, 1928
C. plieningeri (AMEGHINO, 1903) SIMPSON, 1928 (Type)
= Microlestes plieningeri AMEGHINO, 1903

Genus: Dianzhougia CUI, 1981
= Cianzhougia CUI, 1981 (sic)
D. longirostrata CUI, 1981 (Type)
= Cianzhougia loingirostrata CUI, 1981 (sic)

Genus: Dinnebitodon SUES, 1986
D. amarali SUES, 1986 (Type)

Genus: Eoraetia DIETRICH, 1937
E. siegerti DIETRICH, 1937 (Type)

Genus: Fossiomanus MAO, ZHANG, LIU & MENG, 2021
F. sinensis MAO, ZHANG, LIU & MENG, 2021 (Type)

Genus: Kayentatherium KEMACK, 1982
= Nearctylodon LEWIS, 1986
K. wellesi KERMACK, 1982 (Type)
= Nearctylodon broomi LEWIS, 1986

Genus: Lufengia CHOW & HU, 1959
L. delicata CHOW & HU, 1959 (Type)
L. minor (YOUNG, 1947)
= Bienotherium minor YOUNG, 1947 (partim)

Genus: Montrictus MATSUOKA, KUSUHASHI & CORFE, 2016
M. kuwajimaensis MATSUOKA, KUSUHASHI & CORFE, 2016 (Type)

Genus: Nuurtherium VELAZCO, BUCZEK & NOVACEK, 2017
N. baruunensis VELAZCO, BUCZEK & NOVACEK, 2017 (Type)

Genus: Oligokyphus HENNING, 1922
= Mucrotherium HUENE, 1933
= Uniserium HUENE, 1933
O. triserialis HENNING, 1922 (Type)
= Microlestes antiquus PLEIN, 1847
= Oligokyphus biserialis HENNING, 1922
= Mucrotherium cingulatum HUENE, 1933
= Uniserium enigmaticum HUENE, 1933
O. major KUHNE, 1956
= Oligokyphus minor KUHNE, 1956
O. sinensis YOUNG, 1974
O. lufengensis LUO & SUN, 1993
O. sp

Genus: Polistodon HE & CAI, 1984
P. chuannanensis HE & CAI, 1984 (Type)

Genus: Saurodesmus SEELEY, 1891
S. robertsoni SEELEY, 1891 (Type)

Genus: Shartegodon VELAZCO, BUCZEK & NOVACEK, 2017
S. altai VELAZCO, BUCZEK & NOVACEK, 2017 (Type)

Genus: Stereognathus CHALESWORTH, 1855
S. oolithicus CHALESWORTH, 1855 (Type)
S. hebridicus WALDMAN, 1973
S. sp

Genus: Tritylodon OWEN, 1884
= Likhoelia GINSBERG, 1962
= Triglyphus FRAAS, 1866
T. longaevus OWEN, 1884 (Type)
= Likhoelia ellenbergeri GINSBERG, 1962
T. fraasi LYDEKKER, 1877
= Triglyphus (no species name) FRAAS, 1866
= Triglyphus fraasi (LYDEKKER, 1887)
T. sp

Genus: Tritylodonotoides FOURJE, 1962
= Tritylodontoideus FOURJE, 1962 (sic)
T. maximus FOUFIER, 1962 (Type)

Genus: Xenocretosuchus TATARINOV & MATCHENKO, 1999
X. sibiricus TATARINOV & MATCHENKO, 1999 (Type)
X. kolossovi LOPATIN & AGADJANIAN, 2008

Genus: Yuanotherium HU, MENG & CLARK, 2009
Y. minor HU, MENG & CLARK, 2009 (Type)

Genus: Yunnanodon CUI, 1986
= Yunnania CUI, 1976 non MANSUY, 1912 (Yunnania meridionalis, Mollusca, Araeonematidae)
Y. brevirostre (CUI, 1976) CUI, 1986 (Type)
= Yunnania brevirostre CUI, 1976

Genus Nova MASCHENKO & LOPATIN, 1998

Gen sp indet.


Bibliography for taxa list




Abdala, F., Barberena, M. C., and Dornelles, J., 2002, A new species of the traversodontid cynodont Exaeretodon from the Santa Maria Formation (Middle/Late Triassic) of Southern Brazil: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v. 22, n. 2, p. 313-325.

Abdala, F., Gaetano, L. C., Smith, R. M. H., and Rubidge, B. S., 2019, A new large cynodont from the Late Permian (Lopingian) of the South African Karoo Basin and its phylogenetic significance: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, published online, 23pp.

Abdala, F., and Giannini, N. P., 2002, Chihniquodontid cynodonts: systematic and morphometeric considerations: Palaeontology, v. 45, p. 6, p. 1151-1170.

Abdala, F., Jashashvili, T., Rubidge, B. S., and van den Heever, J., 2014, New Material of Microgomphodon oligocynus (Eutherapsida, Therocephalia) and the taxonomy of Southern African Bauriidae: In: Early Evolutionary history of the Syapsida, Part III, Theriodontia, Chapter 13, Kammerer, C. F., Angielczyk, K. D., and Fröbisch, editors, Springer, p. 209-231.

Abdala, F., Neveling, J., and Welman, J., 2006, A new trirachodontid cynodont from the lower levels of the Burgersdorp Formation (Lower Triassic) of the Beaufort Group, South Africa and the cladistic relationships of Gondwanan gomphodonts: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 147, p. 383-413.

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