Anapasida (Genus: 175, Species: 213)


Gen.sp indet.

Gen. sp indet. marine


Incertae sedis

Genus: Colognathus CASE, 1933
= Xenognathus CASE, 1928 non GILBERT, 1915 (Xenognathus profundorum Osteichthyes: Teleostei)
C. obscurus (CASE, 1928) CASE, 1933 (Type)
= Xenognathus obscurus CASE, 1928

Genus: Macromerion FRITSCH, 1879
= Macromerium FRITSCH, 1887
M. bayeri FRITSCH, 1879
= Macromerion bayeri (FRITSCH, 1879) FRITSCH, 1885
M. abbreviatum FRITSCH, 1879
= Macromerion abbreviatum (FRITSCH, 1879) FRITSCH, 1885
M? juvenile FRITSCH, 1879
= Macromerion? juvenile (FRITSCH, 1879) FRITSCH, 1885
M? pauperum FRITSCH, 1879
= Macromerion? pauperum (FRITSCH, 1879) FRITSCH, 1885
M? simplex FRITSCH, 1879
= Macromerion? simplex (FRITSCH, 1879) FRITSCH, 1885
M. bicolor FRITSCH, 1879
= Macromerion? bicolor (FRITSCH, 1879) FRITSCH, 1885
M. scoticum LYDEKKER, 1890 (Type)

Genus: Pareiasauroides LULL 1924 (nomen dubium)
P. henneni (WHITE 1917) LULL, 1924, (Type)
= Pareiasaurus henneni WHITE 1917 (nomen dubium)

Genus: Quasicolognathus SUES, KLIGMAN & SCHOCH, 2022
Q. eothen SUES, KLIGMAN & SCHOCH, 2022 (Type)

Genus: Stremmeia NOPCSA, 1930
S. scabra NOPCSA, 1930 (Type)

Genus: Vitalia IVACHNEKO, 1973
= Coelodontognathus OCHEV, 1967 (partim)
V. grata IVACHNEKO, 1973 (Type)
= Coelodontognathus donensis OCHEV, 1967 (partim)

Gen. sp indet.




Genus: Microleter TSUJI, MÜLLER, & REISZ, 2010
M. mckinzieorum TSUJI, MÜLLER, & REISZ, 2010 (Type)

Gen sp indet.

= ORDER: THEROMORA COPE, 1890 (partim)

Family: MESOSAURIDAE Baur, 1889

Genus: Brazilosaurus SHIKAMA & OZAKI, 1966
= Brasilosaurus SHIKAMA & OZAKI, 1966 (sic)
B. sanpauloensis SHIKAMA & OZAKI, 1966 (Type)
= Brasilosaurus sanpauloensis SHIKAMA & OZAKI, 1966 (sic)

Genus: Mesosaurus GERVAIS, 1864-66
= Ditrochosaurus GURICH, 1889
= Ditrichosaurus HUENE, 1956 (sic)
M. tenuidens GERVAIS, 1864-66 (Type)
= Mesosaurus brasiliensis McGREGOR, 1908
= Ditrochosaurus capensis GURICH, 1889
= Mesosaurus capensis (GURICH, 1889) BROOM, 1908

Genus: Stereosternum COPE, 1885
S. tumidum COPE, 1885 (Type)
= Mesosaurus (Stereosternum) tumidum (COPE, 1885) KUHN, 1969

Incertae sedis

Genus: Mesosaurus non GERVAIS, 1864-66
M. pleurogaster SEELEY, 1892 (nomen dubium)

Genus: Noteosaurus BROOM, 1913 (nomen nudum)
N. africanus BROOM, 1913 (Type)

Gen. Sp indet.

Stereosternum or Brazilosaurus

Mesosaurus or Stereosternum


E. arsenaultorum MODESTO, SCOTT, MacDOUGALL, SUES, EVANS, REISZ, 2015 (Type)

Family: BOLOSAURIDAE Cope, 1878

Subfamily: BOLOSAURINAE Cope, 1878

Genus: Bolosaurus COPE, 1878
B. striatus COPE, 1878 (Type)
B. major BROOM, 1913
B. traati TATARINOV, 1974
B. grandis REISZ, BARKAS & SCOTT, 2002

Genus: Davletkulovo IVACHNENKO, 1990
D. gigantea IVACHNENKO, 1990 (Type)
Note: Reisz et al. (2002) suggests due to its large size Davletkulovo may be a herbivorous dinocephalian, Falconnet, (2012) disagrees.


Gen. sp indet.

Subfamily: PERMOTRITURINAE Tatarinov, 1968
= Family: PERMOTRITURIDAE Tatarinov, 1968
= Subfamily: BELEBEYINAE Ivachnenko, 2001
= Family: BELEBEYIDAE Ivachnenko, 2001

Genus: Belebey IVACHNENKO, 1973
B. vegrandis IVACHNENKO, 1973 (Type)
B. maximi TVERDOCHLEBOVA, 1987
B. chengi MÜLLER, LI & REISZ, 2008
B. sp

Note: Modesto & Rybczynski (2000) suggested B. maximi was a junior synonym of B. vegrandis, but Müller et al., (2008) suggests the two are valid (FALCONNET, 2012).

Genus: Permotriturus TATARINOV, 1968
P. herrei TATARINOV, 1968 (Type)

Note: FALCONNET, 2012 suggests Permotriturus and Belebey may be indistinguishable, therefore Belebey would become a junior synonym of Permotriturus.

Gen. sp indet.


= Superfamily: MILLEROSAUROIDEA Romer, 1966

Family: MILLERINIDAE Broom, 1938
= Family: MILLERETTIDAE Romer, 1945
= Family: BROMIIDAE HUENE, 1956 (sic)

Genus: Broomia WATSON, 1914
B. perplexa WATSON, 1914 (Type)

Genus: Heleophilus BROOM, 1909 (nomen dubium)
= Heliophilus HUENE, 1956 (sic)
H. acutus BROOM, 1909 (Type)

Genus: Milleretta BROOM, 1948
= Millerina BROOM, 1938
= Millerettoides BROOM, 1948
= Milleretops BROOM, 1948
M. rubidgei (BROOM, 1938) BROOM, 1948 (Type)
= Millerina rubidgei BROOM, 1938
= Millerettoides platyceps BROOM, 1948
= Millerettops kitchingi BROOM, 1948
M. sp

Genus: Milleropsis GOW, 1971
= ?Millerinoides BROOM, 1941
M. pricei (WATSON, 1951) GOW, 1971(Type)
= Millerosaurus pricei WATSON, 1951
= ?Millerinoides acutirostrisBROOM, 1941

Genus: Millerosaurus BROOM, 1948
M. ornatus BROOM, 1948 (Type)
M. nuffieldi WATSTON, 1957
M. sp

Genus: Nanomilleretta BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948
N. kitchingi BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948 (Type)

Family: EUNOTOSAURIDAE Haughton & Brink, 1954

Genus: Eunotosaurus SEELEY, 1892
E. africanus SEELEY, 1892 (Type)


= ORDER: THEROMORA COPE, 1890 (partim)

= Superfamily: DIADECTOIDEA Cope, 1880 (sensu Romer, 1956)


Incertae sedis

Genus: Chamasaurus WILLISTON, 1915
C. dolichognathus WILLISTON, 1915 (Type)

Genus: Limnoscelops LEWIS & VAUGHN, 1965
L. longifemur LEWIS & VAUGHN, 1965 (Type)

Gen. sp indet.

Family: DIADECTIDAE Cope, 1880
= Family: NOTHODONTIDAE Marsh, 1878

Genus: Alveusdectes LIU & BEVER, 2015
A. fenestratus LIU & BEVER, 2015 (Type)

Genus: Ambedus KISSELL & REISZ, 2004
A. pusillus KISSELL & REISZ, 2004 (Type)
= Genus: Nova KISSELL & REISZ, 2003

Genus: Desmatodon CASE, 1908
D. hollandi CASE, 1908 (Type)
D. hesperis VAUGHN, 1969

Genus: Diadectes COPE, 1878
= Animasaurus CASE & WILLISTON, 1912
= Bolbodon COPE, 1896
= Chilonyx COPE, 1883
= Diadectoides CASE, 1911
= Empedias COPE, 1881
= Empedocles COPE, 1878 non STAL, 1867 (Hemiptera, no species name given)
= Metamosaurus COPE, 1878
= Metarmosauru COPE, 1878 (sic)
= Nothodon MARSH, 1878
D. sideropelicus COPE, 1878 (Type)
D. tenuitectus (COPE, 1896) ROMER, 1944
= Bolbodon tenuitectus COPE, 1896
D. lentus (MARSH, 1878) CASE & WILLISTON, 1912
= Nothodon lentus MARSH, 1878
= Diadectes (Nothodon) lentus (MARSH, 1878) KUHN, in CARROLL, KUHN &
= Diadectes (Bolbodon) lentus (COPE, 1896) KUHN, in CARROLL, KUHN & TATARINOV, 1972 (sic)
Note: This is more likely than not a typo for Bolbodon tenuitecteus.
D. molaris COPE, 1878
= Empedocles molaris (COPE, 1878) COPE, 1880
= Diadectes (Empedocles) molaris (COPE, 1878) KUHN in CARROLL, KUHN & TARARINOV, 1972
= Empedias molaris (COPE, 1878) COPE, 1883
D. phaseolinus COPE, 1880
= Empedias phaseolinus (COPE, 1880) COPE, 1883
D. fissus(COPE, 1883) COPE, 1896b
= Empedias fissus COPE, 1883
D. biculminatus COPE, 1896
D. maximus CASE, 1911
D. cretin (CASE, 1911) emend KUHN, in CARROLL, KUHN & TARATINOV, 1972
= Diadectoides cretin CASE, 1911
= Diadectes (Diadectoides) cretin (CASE, 1911) KUHN, in CARROLL, KUHN & TATARINOV, 1972
D. carinatus (CASE & WILLISTON, 1912)
= Animasaurus carinatus CASE & WILLISTON, 1912
= Diadectes (Animasaurus) carinatus (CASE & WILLISON, 1912) KUHN, in CARROLL, KUHN & TATARINOV, 1972
D. huenei BROOM, 1914
D. absitus SUMIDA, BERMAN & MARTENS, 1992
= Silvadectes absitus (SUMIDA, BERMAN & MARTENS, 1992) KISSEL, 2010 (nomen subscriptum) Note: This name appeared in a thesis but has not been formally published.
D. dreigleichenensis PONSTEIN, MacDOUGALL & FRÖBISCH, 2024
D. sp

Genus: Diasparactus CASE, 1910
D. zenos CASE, 1910 (Type)

Genus: Kuwavaatakdectes PONSTEIN, MacDOUGALL & FRÖBISCH, 2024
= Oradectes KISSEL, 2010 This name appeared in a thesis but has not been formally published. (nomen manscriptum)
K. sanmiquelensis (LEWIS & VAUGHN, 1965) PONSTEIN, MacDOUGALL & FRÖBISCH, 2024
= Diadectes sanmiquelensis LEWIS & VAUGHN, 1965
= Oradectes sanmiquelensis (LEWIS & VAUGHN, 1965) KISSEL, 2010 (nomen subscriptum) Note: This name appeared in a thesis but has not been formally published (nomen manscriptum).

= Diadectes species Nova BERMAN & HENRICI, 2003

Incertae sedis

Genus: Diadectes non COPE, 1878
D. latibuccatus COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)
= Empedocles latibuccatus (COPE, 1878) COPE, 1880 (nomen dubium)
= Empedias latibuccatus (COPE, 1878) COPE, 1883 (nomen dubium)
D. alatus (COPE, 1878) emend KUHN, in CARROLL, KUHN & TARATINOV, 1972 (nomen dubium)
= Empedocles alatus COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)
= Empedias alatus (COPE, 1878) COPE, 1888 (nomen dubium)
D. rapidens (COPE, 1878) (nomen dubium)
= Bolosaurus rapidens COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)
= Chilonyx rapidens (COPE, 1878) COPE, 1883 (nomen dubium)
= Diadectes (Chilonyx) rapidens (COPE, 1878) KUHN, in CARROLL, KUHN & TARATINOV, 1972
D. fossatus (COPE, 1878) OLSON via ROMER & PRICE, 1940 (nomen dubium)
= Metamosaurus fossatus COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)

Genus: Helodectes COPE, 1880
H. isaaci COPE, 1880 (Type)
= ?Helodectes paridens COPE, 1880

Gen. sp indet.

Family: TSEAJAIIDAE Vaughn, 1964

Genus: Tseajaia VAUGHN, 1964
T. campi VAUGHN, 1964 (Type)
T. sp

(Camp, Taylor & Welles, 1942: Note, this is the first corrected spelling of this family I could find)
= Family: LIMNOSCELIDAE Williston, 1911

= Family: LIMNOSCELIIDAE Williston, 1922 (sensu Huene, 1948)

Genus: Limnoscelis WILLISTON, 1911
= Limmoscelis BERMAN, REISZ & SCOTT, 2010 (sic)
L. paludis WILLISTON, 1911 (Type)
L. dynatis BERMAN & SUMIDA, 1990

Genus: Nova SUMIDA, BERMAN & MARTENS, 1992

Family: STEPHANOSPONDYLIDAE Stappenbeck, 1905

Genus: Phanerosaurus MEYER, 1860
P. naumanni MEYER, 1860 (Type)

Genus: Stephanospondylus STAPPENBECK, 1905
S. pugnax (GEINITZ & DEICHMULLER, 1882) STAPPENBECK, 1905 (Type)
= Phanerosaurus pugnax GEINITZ & DEICHMULLER, 1882

Genus: Timanosaurus GUBIN, 1993
T. ivachnenkovi GUBIN, 1993 (Type)




Genus: Australothyris MODESTO, SCOTT & REISZ, 2009
A. smithi MODESTO, SCOTT & REISZ, 2009 (Type)

Family: PROCOLOPHONIDAE, Seeley, 1888
= Superfamily: PROCOLOPHONOIDEA Seeley, 1888

Genus: Eomurruna HAMLEY, CISNEROS & DAMIANI, 2020
E. yurrgensis HAMLEY, CISNEROS & DAMIANI, 2020 (Type)

Genus: Oryporan PINHEIRO, SILVA-NEVS & DA-ROSA, 2021
O. insolitus PINHEIRO, SILVA-NEVS & DA-ROSA, 2021 (Type)

Genus: Youngetta HAMLEY, CISNEROS & DAMIANI, 2020
Y. dongshengensis (LI, 1983) HAMLEY, CISNEROS & DAMIANI, 2020 (Type)
= Eumetabolodon dongshengensis LI, 1983

Incertae sedis

Genus: Kitchingnathus CISNEROS, 2008b
K. untabeni CISNEROS, 2008b (Type)


Genus: Pintosaurus PINEIRO, ROJAS & UBILLA, 2004
P. magnidentis PINEIRO, ROJAS & UBILLA, 2004 (Type)

Genus: Santaisaurus KOH, 1940
S. yuani KOH, 1940 (Type)

Genus: Tricispisaurus ROBINSON, 1957
T. thomasi ROBINSON, 1957 (Type)

Genus: Nova? ARDUINI, 1993

Genus: Nova CISNEROS & SCHULTZ, 2000

Gen. sp indet.

Subfamily: PROCOLOPHONINAE Seeley, 1888 (sensu Romer, 1956)

Genus: Acadiella SUES & BAIRD, 1998
A. psalidodon SUES & BAIRD, 1998 (Type)

Genus: Anomoiodon HUENE, 1939
A. liliensterni HUENE, 1939 (Type)
A. krejcii ORTLAM, 1967

Genus: Burtensia IVAKHNEKO, 1975
B. burtensis (OTSCHEV, 1958) IVAKHNEKO, 1975 (Type)
= Tichvinskia burtensis OTSCHEV, 1958

Genus: Coletta GOW, 2000
C. seca GOW, 2000 (Type)

Genus: Estheriophagus NOVOJILOV, 1948
E. chatangensis NOVOJILOV, 1948 (Type)

Genus: Eumetabolodon LI, 1983
E. bathycephalus LI, 1983 (Type)

Genus: Gomphiosauridion SUES & OLSEN, 1993
G. baileyae SUES & OLSEN, 1993 (Type)

Genus: Haligonia SUES & BAIRD, 1998
H. bolodon SUES & BAIRD, 1998 (Type)

Genus: Insulophon NOVIKOV & ORLOV, 1993
I. morachovskayae NOVIKOV & ORLOV, 1993 (Type)

Genus: Kapes IVAKHENKO, 1975
K. amaenus IVAKHENKO, 1975 (Type)
K. majmeskulae (OTSCHEV, 1968) NOVIKOV, 1991
= Tichvinskia majmeskulae OTSCHEV, 1968
= Orenburgia majmesculae (OTSCHEV, 1968) IVAKHENKO, 1975
= Kapes serotinus NOVIKOV, 1991
= Tichvinskia cf. majmesculae OTSCHEV & DANILOV, 1972
K. komiensis (IVAKHENKO, 1975) SPENCER & STORRS, 2002
= Macrophon komiensis IVAKHENKO, 1975
K. bentoni SPENCER & STORRS, 2002

Genus: Koiloskiosaurus HUENE, 1911
K. coburgensis HUENE, 1911 (Type)

Genus: Lestanshoria NOVIKOV, 1991
L. massiva NOVIKOV, 1991 (Type)

Genus: Microtelodon BROOM, 1936
= Microthelodon ROMER, 1966 (sic)
M. parvus BROOM, 1936 (Type)
= Thelegnathus parvus BROOM, 1905

Genus: Myocephalus BROOM, 1936
M. crassidens BROOM, 1936 (Type)

Genus: Orenburgia IVACHNENKO, 1975
O. enigmatica (TCHUDINOV & VJUSCHKOV, 1956) IVAKHNEKO, 1975 (Type)
= Tichvinskia enigmatica TCHUDINOV & VJUSHKOV, 1956
O. bruma IVACHNEKO, 1983

Genus: Pentaedrusaurus LI, 1989
P. ordosianus LI, 1989 (Type)

Genus: Procolina BORSUK-BIALYNICKA & LUBKA, 2009
P. teresae BORSUK-BIALYNICKA & LUBKA, 2009 (Type)

Genus: Procolophon OWEN, 1876
P. trigoniceps OWEN, 1876 (Type)
= Procolophon minor OWEN, 1876
= Procolophon griersoni SEELEY, 1878
= Procolophon cuneiceps SEELEY, 1878
= Procolophon laticeps SEELEY, 1878
= Procolophon platyrhinus SEELEY, 1895
= Procolophon sphenorhinus SEELEY, 1895
= Procolophon pricei LAVINA, 1983
= Procolophon brasiliensis CISNEROS & SCHULTZ, 2002
P. sp

Genus: Samaria NOVIKOV, 1991
S. concinna (IVACHNENO, 1975) NOVIKOV, 1991(Type)
= Orenburgia concinna IVAKHENKO, 1975

Genus: Sauropareion MODESTO, SUES & DAMIANI, 2001
S. anoplus MODESTO, SUES & DAMIAN, 2001 (Type)

Genus: Scoloparia SUES & BAIRD, 1998
S. glyphanodon SUES & BAIRD, 1998 (Type)
S. sp

Genus: Smilodonterpeton SKINNER, WHITESIDE & BENTON, 2020
S. ruthinensis SKINNER, WHITESIDE & BENTON, 2020 (Type)

Genus: Teratophon MODESTO & DAMIANI, 2003
T. spinigensis (GOW, 1977) MODESTO & DAMIANI, 2003 (Type)
= Thelegnathus spinigensis GOW, 1977

Genus: Thelegnathus BROOM, 1905
T. browni BROOM, 1905 (Type)

Genus: Thelerpeton MODESTO & DAMIANI, 2003
T. oppressus (GOW, 1977) MODESTO & DAMIANI, 2003 (Type)
= Thelegnathus oppressus GOW, 1977

Genus: Thelephon MODESTO & DAMIANI, 2003
T. contritus
(GOW, 1977) MODESTO & DAMIANI, 2003 (Type)
= Thelegnathus contritus GOW, 1977

Genus: Tichvinskia CHUDINOV & VJUSHKOV, 1956
T. vjatkensis CHUDINOV & VJUSHKOV, 1956 (Type)
T. jugensis CHUDINOV & VJUSHKOV, 1956
T. sp

Genus: Timanophon NOVIKOV, 1991
T. raridentatus NOVIKOV, 1991 (Type)
= Burtensia burtensis IVACHNEKNOV, 1979

Genus: Nova? DIAS-Da-SILVA & SCHULTZ, 1999

Subfamily: SPONDYLOESTINAE Ivakhenko, 1979

Genus: Contritosaurus IVAKHENKO, 1974
C. simus IVAKHENKO, 1974 (Type)
C. convector IVAKHNEKO, 1979
C. sp

Genus: Kinelia BULANOV, 2002
K. broomi BULANOV, 2002 (Type)

Genus: Neoprocolophon YOUNG, 1957
N. asiaticus YOUNG, 1957 (Type)

Genus: Phaanthosaurus TCHUDINOV & VJUSHKOV, 1956
P. ignatjevi TCHUDINOV & VJUSHKOV, 1956 (Type)
P. sp

Genus: Procolophonoides IVAKHNENKO, 1982
P. baini (BROOM, 1905) IVAKHNENKO, 1982 (Type)
= Procolophon baini BROOM, 1905

Genus: Spondylolestes BROOM, 1937
S. rubidgei BROOM, 1937 (Type)

Genus: Suchonosaurus TVERDOKHLEBOVA & IVACHNENKO, 1994

Subfamily: SCLEROSAURINAE Nopcsa, 1923
= Family: SCLEROSAURIDAE Nopcsa, 1923 (sensu Kuhn, 1966)

= Subfamily: LEPTOPLEURONIAE Ivakhenko, 1982
= Family: TELERPETONTIDAE Lydekker, 1888

Genus: Basileosaurus WIEDERSHEIM, 1879
B. freyi WIEDERSHEIM, 1879 (Type)


Genus: Hypsognathus GILMORE, 1928
H. fenneri GILMORE, 1928 (Type)

Genus: Leptopleuron OWEN, 1851
= Telerpeton MANTELL, 1852
L. lacertinum OWEN, 1851 (Type)
= Telerpeton elginense MANTELL, 1852
L. Species: Nova? FRASER, 1994
L. sp

Genus: Libognathus SMALL, 1997
L. sheddi SMALL, 1997 (Type)

Genus: Mandaphon TSUJI, 2017
M. nadra TSUJI, 2017 (Type)

Genus: Paoteodon CHOW & SIN, 1960
P. huanghoensis CHOW & SIN, 1960 (Type)

P. dutoitorum MODESTO, SCOTT, BOTHA-BRINK & REISZ, 2010 (Type)

Genus: Sclerosaurus MEYER, 1857
= Aristodemus SEELEY, 1896
= Palaeosaurus FITZINGER, 1843 non AGASSIZ, 1849
= Sphenosaurus MEYER, 1847 non AGASSIZ, 1849
S. armatus MEYER, 1857 (Type)
= Labyrinthodon rutimeyeri WIDERSHEIM, 1878
= Aristodesmus rutimeyeri SEELEY, 1896
= Palaeosaurus sternbergi FITZINGER, 1843
= Sphenosaurus sternbergi (FITZINGER, 1843) MEYER, 1847 (Type)

Genus: Soturnia CISNEROS & SCHULTZ, 2003
S. caliodon CISNEROS & SCHULTZ, 2003 (Type)

Gen. sp indet.

Subfamily: THELEDECTINAE Cisneros, 2008

Genus: Theledectes MODESTO & DAMIANI, 2003
T. perforatus (GOW, 1977) MODESTO & DAMIANI, 2003 (Type)
= Thelegnathus perforatus GOW, 1977

Family: OWENETTIDAE Broom, 1939

Genus: Barasaurus PIVETEAU, 1955
B. besairiei PIVETEAU, 1955 (Type)
B. sp

Genus: Candelaria PRICE, 1947
C. barbouri PRICE, 1947 (Type)

Genus: Owenetta BROOM, 1939
= Colubrifer CARROLL, 1982
O. rubidgei BROOM, 1939 (Type)
= Colubrifer campi CARROLL, 1982

Genus: Ruhuhuaria TSUJI, SOBRAL, & MÜLLER, 2013
R. reiszi TSUJI, SOBRAL, & MÜLLER, 2013 (Type)

Genus: Saurodektes MODESTO, DAMIANI, NEVELING & YATES, 2004
= Genus: Nova MODESTO & DAMIANI, 2000
= Saurodectes MODESTO, DAMIANI, NEVELING & YATES, 2003 non RASNITSYN & ZHERIKHIN, 2000 (Saurodectes vrsanskyi a fossil chewing lice)
= Saurodectes rogersorum MODESTO, DAMIANI, NEVELING & YATES, 2003
S. kitchingorum (REISZ & SCOTT, 2002) HAMLEY, CISNEROS & DAMIANI, 2020
= Owenetta rubidgei REISZ & LAURIN, 1991
= Owenetta kitchingorum REISZ & SCOTT, 2002

Genus: Nova SAILA & EVANS, 2011


Genus: Delorhynchus FOX, 1962
D. priscus FOX, 1962 (Type)
D. cifellii REISZ, MacDOUGALL & MODESTO, 2014
D. multidentatus ROWE, SCOTT, BEVITT & REISZ, 2021


Incertae sedis

Genus: Feeserpeton MacDOUGALL & REISZ, 2012
F. oklahomensis MacDOUGALL & REISZ, 2012 (Type)


Genus: Acleistorhinus DALY, 1969
= Acleystorhinus IVAKHNENKO, 1980 (sic)
A. pteroticus DALY, 1969 (Type)

Genus: Carbonodraco MANN, McDANIEL, McCOLVILLE & MADDIN, 2019
C. lundi MANN, McDANIEL, McCOLVILLE & MADDIN, 2019 (Type)

Genus: Colobomycter VAUGHN, 1958
C. pholeter VAUGHN, 1958 (Type)
C. vaughni MacDOUGALL, MODESTO & REISZ, 2016


Family: LANTHANOSUCHIDAE Efremov, 1946

Genus: Chalcosaurus MEYER, 1866
C. rossicus MEYER, 1866 (Type)
= Lanthanosuchus lukjanovae IVACHNENKO, 1980
C. sp

Genus: Lanthaniscus IVAKHENKO, 1980
L. efremovi IVAKHENKO, 1980 (Type)

Genus: Lanthanosuchus EFREMOV, 1946
L. watsoni EFREMOV, 1946 (Type)
L. qualeni EFREMOV, 1946 (nomen dubium)

Gen. sp indet.



Family: NYCTEROLETERIDAE Romer, 1956

Gen. sp indet.

Subfamily: NYCTEROLECTERINAE Romer, 1956

Genus: Emeroleter IVACHNENKO, 1997
E. levis IVACHNENKO, 1997 (Type)

Genus: Nycteroleter EFREMOV, 1938
=NyctiboetusTSCHODINOV, 1955
N. ineptus EFREMOV, 1938 (Type)
N. kassini TCHUDINOV, 1955
= Nyctiboetus iliteus TSCHODINOV, 1955
NOTE: This genus may be eather an eosuchian or archosaurian. (TVERDOCHLEBOVA & IVACHNENKO, 1984)
N. ultimus TCHUDINOV & VJUSCHKOV, 1956

Subfamily: BASHKYROLETERINAE Ivachnenko, 1997

Genus: Bashkyroleter IVACHNENKO, 1997
B. bashkyricus (EFREMOV, 1940) IVACHNENKO, 1997
= Nycteroleter bashkyricusEFREMOV, 1940 (Type)
B. mesensis IVACHNENKO, 1997

Subfamily: RHIPAEOSAURINAE Chudinov, 1955
= Family: RHIPAEOSAURIDAE Chudinov, 1955

Genus: Rhipaeosaurus EFREMOV, 1940
= Chudinoviella CHUDINOV, 1955
= Rhipeosaurus OLSON, 1962 (sic)
R. tricuspidens EFREMOV, 1940 (Type)


Family: NYCTIPHRURETIDAE Efremov, 1938
= Subfamily: NYCTIPHRURETINAE Efremov, 1938

= Family: TOKOSAURIDAE Tverdochlebova & Ivachnenko, 1984

Genus: Abyssomedon MacDOUGALL & REISZ, 2014
A. williamsi MacDOUGALL, & REISZ, 2014 (Type)

M. poezicus TVERDOCHLEBOVA & IVACHNENKO, 1984 (Type)
= Tokosaurus perforatus TVERDOCHLEBOVA & IVACHNENKO, 1984
M. agilis (OLSON, 1980) REISZ & LAURIN, 2001
= Seymouria agilis OLSON, 1980

Genus: Nyctiphruretus EFREMOV, 1938
N. acudens EFREMOV, 1938 (Type)
N. optabilis BULANOV, 2002
N. sp

Gen. sp indet.

Family: PAREIASAURIDAE Cope, 1869
= Family: PARIASAURIDAE Lydekker, 1890 (sic)

= Superfamily: PAREIASAUROIDEA Cope, 1869 (sensu Nopcsa, 1928)

Incertae sedis

Genus: Bunostegos SIDOR, BLACKBURN & GADO, 2003
B. akokanensis SIDOR, BLACKBURN & GADO, 2003 (Type)

Genus: Honania YOUNG, 1979
= Taihangshania YOUNG, 1979
= Tsiyania YOUNG, 1979
H. complicidentata YOUNG, 1979 (Type)
= Taihangshania imperfecta YOUNG, 1979
= Tsiyania simplicidentata YOUNG, 1979

Genus: Hwanghocynodon YOUNG 1979
H. multienspidus YOUNG 1979 (Type)

Genus: Parasaurus MEYER, 1857 non MARSH, 1885 (nomen dubium) (Parasaurus striatus Cryptocleidinae, Sauropterygian)
P. geinitzi MEYER, 1857 (Type)
= Nova LEE, 1997
= “Parasaurus geinitzi” by WILD, 1985

Genus: Pareiasaurus non OWEN, 1876
= Bradysuchus HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929
= Koalemasaurus HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929
= Koalemmasaurus HUENE, 1956 (sic)
P. bombidens SEELEY 1888
P. russouyi SEELEY, 1892
P. steenkampensis SEELEY, 1908
P. acutirostris BROOM, 1913
= Koalemasaurus acutirostris (BROOM, 1913) HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA 1929
= Bradysaurus acutirostris (BROOM, 1913) KUHN, 1961
P. whaitsi BROOM, 1914
= Brachysuchus whaitsi (BROOM, 1914) HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929
= Bradysaurus whaitsi (BROOM, 1914) KUHN, 1961
P. strubeni BROOM, 1924
= Nochelesaurus strubeni (BROOM, 1924) HAUGHTON & BRINK, 1954
= Embrithosaurus strubeni (BROOM, 1924) KUHN, 1961
P. (?) haughtoni (HUENE, 1944) MAISCH & MATZKE, 2018
= Pareiasaurorum gen. haughtoni HUENE 1944
= Anthodon haughtoni (HUENE, 1944) HAUGHTON & BRINK, 1954

Genus: Nova ? SCHULTZ & DIAS-DA-SILVIA, 1999

Gen. sp indet.

Subfamily: ELGINIINAE Cope, 1895
= Family: ELGINIIDAE, Cope, 1895
= Family: ELGINIDAE Cope, 1895 (sensu Case, 1911)

Genus: Elginia NEWTON, 1892
E. mirabilis NEWTON, 1892  (Type)
E. wuyongae LIU & BEVER, 2018

Genus: Obirkovia BULANOV & YASHINA, 2005
O. gladiator BULANOV & YASHINA, 2005 (Type)
O. sp


Gen. sp indet.

Subfamily: BRADYSAURINAE Huene, 1948
= Family: BRADYSAURIDAE Huene, 1948

Genus: Bradysaurus WATSON, 1914
= Platyoropha HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929
B. bombidens (OWEN, 1876) HAUGHTON & BRINK, 1954
= Pareiasaurus bombidens OWEN, 1876
= Pariasaurus bombidens LYDEKKER, 1890 (sic)
B. baini (SEELEY, 1892) HAUGHTON & BRINK, 1954 (Type)
= Pareiasaurus baini SEELEY, 1892
= Platyoropha broomi HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929
= Bradysaurus broomi (HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929) KUHN, 1961
B. seeleyi HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929
= Bradysaurus vanderbyli HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929
= Bradysaurus rogersi
B. sp

Genus: Deltavjatia LEBEOLOV, in IVAKHENKO, 1987
D. rossicus (HARTMANN-WINBERG, 1937) TSUJI, 2013 (Type)
= Anthodon rossicus HARTMANN-WINBERG, 1937
= Anthodon rossicus HARTMANN-WINBERG, 1933
= Scutosaurus rossicus (HARTMANN-WINBERG, 1933) IVAKHNENKO, 1987
= Anthodon chlynoviensis EFREMOV, 1933
= Deltavjatia vjatkensis (HARTMANN-WEINBERG, 1933) LEBEOLOV, in IVAKHENKO, 1987
= Pareiasuchus vjatkensis HARTMAN-WEINBERG, 1933
= Pareiasaurus vjatkensis (HARTMAN-WEINBERG, 1933) HARTMANN-WEINBERG, 1937

Genus: Embrithosaurus WATSON, 1914
E. schwarzi WATSON, 1914 (Type)
E. sp

Genus: Nochelesaurus HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929
= Brachypareia HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929
= Bradypareia HUENE, 1956 (sic)
= Dolichopareia HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929
= Nochelosaurus HUENE, 1956 (sic)
N. alexanderi HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929
= Embrithosaurus alexanderi (HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929) KUHN, 1961
= Dolichopareia angusta HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929
= Embrithosaurus angustus (HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929) KUHN, 1961
= Brachypareia watsoni HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929
= Pareiasaurus bombidens SEELEY, 1888
= Bradysaurus watsoni (HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929) KUHN, 1961

Subfamily: PAREIASAURINAE Nopcsa, 1923

Genus: Anthodon OWEN, 1876
A. serrarius OWEN, 1876 (Type)
= Propappus parvus HAUGHTON, 1913
= Pareiasaurus parvus (HAUGHTON, 1913) KUHN, 1961
A. sp

Genus: Arganaceras JALIL & JANIVER, 2005
A. vacanti JAILI & JANIVER, 2005 (Type)

Genus: Nanoparia BROOM, 1936
= Nanopareia ROMER, 1966 (sic)
N. luckhoffi BROOM, 1936 (Type)
= Pareiasaurus luckhoffi (BROOM, 1936)

Genus: Pareiasaurus OWEN, 1876
= Pariasaurus LYDEKKER, 1890 (sic)
= Propappus SEELEY, 1888
= ?Pareiasuchus BROOM & HAUGHTON, 1913
P. serridens OWEN, 1876 (Type)
= Pariasaurus serridens LYDEKKER, 1890 (sic)
= Propappus serridens (OWEN, 1876)
= Propappus omocratus SEELEY, 1888
= Pareiasaurus omocratus (SEELEY, 1888) HAUGHTON & BRINK, 1954
= Pareiasaurus minor SEELEY, 1892
= Anthodon gregoryi BROOM, 1930
= Propappus rogersi BROOM, 1912
= Brachypareia rogersi (BROOM, 1912) HAUGHTON & BRINK, 1954
= Bradysaurus rogersi (BROOM, 1912) KUHN, 1961
= Pareiasaurus pinnatus OLSON & BROOM, 1937
= Pareiasaurus rubidgei BROOM, 1940
= Anthodon nesemanni BROOM, 1940
P. nova LEE, 1997
= Propappus omocratus HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929 (referred)
(The Welgevonden pareiasaur)
P. sp

Genus: Pareiasuchus BROOM & HAUGHTON, 1913
P. peringueyi BROOM & HAUGHTON, 1913 (Type)
= Pareiasaurus peringueyi BROOM & HAUGHTON, 1913
= Pareiasaurus pulcher BROOM, 1935
P. nasicornis HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929
= Pareiasaurus nasicornis (HAUGHTON & BOONSTRA, 1929)
P. sp

Genus: Provelosaurus LEE, 1997
P. americanus (ARAUJO, 1985) LEE, 1997(Type)
= Pareiasaurus americanus ARAUJO, 1985

Genus: Pumiliopareia LEE, 1997
P. pricei (BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948) LEE, 1997 (Type)
= Nanoparia pricei BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948
= Pareiasaurus pricei (BROOM & ROBINSON, 1948) KUHN, 1961

Genus: Sanchuansaurus QIN, 1988
S. pygmaeus QIN, 1988 (Type)

Genus: Scutosaurus HARTMANN-WEINBERG, 1930
= Proelginia HARTMANN-WEINBERG, 1937
S. karpinskii (AMALITSKI, 1922) HARTMANN-WEINBERG, 1930 (Type)
= Pareiasaurus karpinskii AMALITSKI, 1922
= Pareiosaurus karpinskii (AMALITSKI, 1922) (sic)
= Pareiosaurus karpinskyi WATSON, 1917) (sic)
= Pareiasaurus elegans AMALITSKI, 1922
= Pareiasuchus elegans (AMALITSKI, 1922) KUHN, 1969
= Pareiosaurus elegans (AMALITSKI, 1922) (sic)
= Pareiasaurus horridus AMALITSKI, 1922
= Pareiasuchus horridus (AMALITSKI, 1922) KUHN, 1969
= Pareiasaurus horridus (AMALITSKI, 1922)
= Pareiosaurus horridus (AMALITSKI, 1922) (sic)
= Pareiasaurus tuberculatus AMALITSKI, 1922
= Pareiasuchus tuberculatus (AMALITSKI, 1922) EFREMOV, 1940
= Scutosaurus tuberculatus (AMALITSKI, 1922) IVAKHNENKO, 1987
= Pareiosaurus tuberculatus (AMALITSKI 1922) (sic)
= Proelginia permiana HARTMANN-WEINBERG, 1937
= Scutosaurus permianus (HARTMANN-WEINBERG, 1937) EFREMOV, 1940
= Scutosaurus itilensis IVACHNEKO & LEBEDEV, 1987
S. sp

Genus: Shihtienfenia YOUNG & YEH, 1963
= Huanghesaurus GAO, 1983
S. permica YOUNG & YEH, 1963 (Type)
= Shansisaurus xueconensis CHENG, 1980
= Huanghesaurus liuliensis GAO, 1983


Genus: Nova SUES & MUNK, 1996


Incertae sedis

Gen. sp indet.



Family: HYLONOMIDAE Fritsch (Fric), 1883

Genus: Anthracodromeus CARROLL & BAIRD, 1972
A. longipes (COPE, 1874) CARROLL & BAIRD, 1972 (Type)
= Sauropleura longipes COPE, 1874
= Tuditanus longipes (COPE, 1874) COPE, 1875

Genus: Brouffia CARROLL & BAIRD, 1972
B. orientalis CARROLL & BAIRD, 1972 (Type)

Genus: Cephalerpeton MOODIE, 1912
C. ventriarmatum MOODIE, 1912 (Type)
= ?Erierpeton branchialis HUENE, 1956
C. longipes MOODIE, 1912 (nomen dubium)
= Cephalerpeton? (Tuditanus) longipes (MOODIE, 1912) BAIRD, 1958

Genus: Coelostegus CARROLL & BAIRD, 1972
C. prothales CARROLL & BAIRD, 1972 (Type)

Genus: Hylonomus DAWSON, 1860
H. lyelli DAWSON, 1860 (Type)
= Hylerpeton curtidentatum DAWSON, 1876
= Fritschia curtidentata DAWSON, 1888

Genus: Paleothyris CARROLL, 1969
P. acadiana CARROLL, 1969 (Type)

= Family: PROTOROTHYRIDAE Huene, 1956

Genus: Protorothyris PRICE, 1937
= Melanothyris ROMER, 1952
P. archeri PRICE, 1937 (Type)
P. morani (ROMER, 1952) CLARK & CARROLL, 1973
= Melanothyris morani ROMER, 1952

Genus: Thuringothyris BOY & MARTENS, 1991
T. mablendorffae BOY & MARTENS, 1991 (Type)

Gen. sp indet.

Family: CAPTORHINIDAE Case, 1911
= Family: PARACAPTORHINIDAE Huene, 1956

Genus: Euconcordia REISZ, HARIDY, & MÜLLER, 2016
= Concordia MÜLLER & REISZ, 2005 non KINGSLEY, 1880 (Concordia gibberosus Decapoda, Hippolytidae)
E. cunninghami (MÜLLER & REISZ, 2005) REISZ, HARIDY, & MÜLLER, 2016 (Type)
= Concordia cunninghami MÜLLER & REISZ, 2005

Genus: Labidosauriscus MODESTO, SCOTT, & REISZ, 2018
L. richardi MODESTO, SCOTT, & REISZ, 2018 (Type)

Genus: Reiszorhinus SUMIDA, DODICK, METCALF & ALBRIGHT, 2010

Incertae sedis

Genus: Puercosaurus WILLISTON, 1916 (nomen dubium)
P. obtusidens WILLISTON, 1916 (Type)

Genus: Saurorictus MODESTO & SMITH, 2001
S. australis MODESTO & SMITH, 2001 (Type)

Genus: Nova SIDOR, LARSSON, O'KEEFE & BLACKBURN, 2005 (Type)

Genus: Nova SUES & MUNK, 1996

Gen. sp indet.

Subfamily: CAPTORHININAE Case, 1911 (sensu De Ricqles et al. 1982)
= Family: PARIOTICHIDAE Broili, 1904

= Family: ROMERIIDAE Price, 1937

Genus: Acrodenta DUTUIT, 1976
A. irerhi DUTUIT, 1976 (Type)

Genus: Baeotherates MAY & CIFELLI, 1998
B. fortsillensis MAY & CIFELLI, 1998 (Type)

Genus: Captorhinus COPE, 1896
= Bayloria OLSON, 1941
= Pariotichus COPE, 1878
= Ectocynodon COPE, 1878
= Hypopnous COPE, 1895
C. aguti (COPE, 1882) COPE, 1896 (Type)
= Ectocynodon aguti COPE, 1882
= Pariotichus aguti (COPE, 1882) COPE, 1896
= Ectocynodon ordinatus COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)
= Pariotichus ordinatus (COPE, 1878) COPE, 1896 (nomen dubium)
= Pariotichus brachyops COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)
= Ectocynodon incisivus COPE, 1888
= Labidosaurus incisivus (COPE, 1888) WILLISTON, 1908
= Pariotichus incisivus (COPE, 1888) COPE, 1896
= Captorhinus incisivus (COPE, 1888) CASE, 1911
= Hypopnous squaliceps COPE, 1895
= Romeria sp (COPE, 1895)
= Captorhinus angusticeps COPE, 1896
= Pariotichus angusticeps (COPE, 1896) BROOM, 1910
= Pariotichus isolomus COPE, 1896
= Captorhinus isolomus (COPE, 1896) CASE, 1911
= Pariotichus aduncus COPE, 1896
= Captorhinus aduncus (COPE, 1896) CASE, 1911
= Hypopnous squalidens COPE, 1896
= Pariotichus laticeps WILLISTON, 1903
= Captorhinus ordinatus (COPE, 1878) CASE, 1911 (nomen vanum)
= Bayloria morei OLSON, 1941 (Juvenile)
C. magnus KISSEL, DILKES & REISZ, 2002
C. kierani DeBRAGA, BEVITT & REISZ, 2019
C. sp

Genus: Eocaptorhinus HEATON, 1979
E. laticeps (WILLISTON, 1909) HEATON, 1979 (Type)
= Pariotichus laticeps WILLISTON, 1909
E. sp

Genus: Labidosaurus COPE, 1896
L. hamatus (COPE, 1896) (Type)
= Pariotichus hamatus COPE, 1896
L. broilii CASE, 1911
= Labidosaurus hamatus BROILI, 1904 (partim)
L. oklahomensis SELTIN, 1959
L. stovalli SELTIN, 1959

Genus: Limnostygis CARROLL, 1967
L. relictus CARROLL, 1967 (partim)

Genus: Paracaptorhinus WATSON, 1954
= Captorhinoides OLSON, 1954
= Paracaptorhinius MULLER, 1968 (sic)
P. neglectus WATSON, 1954 (Type)
= Captorhinoides valensis OLSON, 1954

Genus: Protocaptorhinus CLARK & CARROLL, 1973
P. pricei CLARK & CARROLL, 1973 (Type)
= Pleuristion brachycoelus CASE, 1902
P. sp

Genus: Riabininus IVACHNENKO, 1990
R. uralensis (RIABININ, 1915) IVACHNENKO, 1990 (Type)
= Naosaurus uralensis RIABININ, 1915
= Edaphosaurus uralensis (RIABININ, 1915) KUHN, 1961

Genus: Rhiodenticulatus BERMAN & REISZ, 1986
R. heatoni BERMAN & REISZ, 1986 (Type)

Genus: Romeria PRICE, 1937
R. texana PRICE, 1937 (Type)
R. primus CLARK & CARROLL, 1973
R. sp

Subfamily: MORADISAURINAE de Ricquiles &Taquet, 1982

Genus: Captorhinikos OLSON, 1954
C. valensis OLSON, 1954 (Type)
Note: Possibly Captorhinoides valensis (BOLT, 1978)
C. chozaensis OLSON, 1954
C. parvus OLSON, 1970
C. sp

Genus: Gansurhinus REISZ, LIU, LI, & MULLER, 2011
G. qingtoushanensis REISZ, LIU, LI, & MULLER, 2011 (Type)
G. naobaogouensis LIU, 2023

Genus: Gecatogomphius VJUSHKOV & CHUDINOV, 1957
= Geocatogomphius ROMER, 1966 (sic)
= Hecatogomphius OLSON, 1962 (sic)
G. kavejevi VJUSHKOV & CHUDINOV, 1957 (Type)
= Hecatogomphius kavejevi OLSON, 1962 (sic)

Genus: Kahneria OLSON, 1962
K. seltina OLSON, 1962 (Type)

Genus: Labidosaurikos STOVALL, 1950
L. meachami STOVALL, 1950 (Type)
L. barkeri OLSON, 1954

Genus: Moradisaurus TAQUET, 1970
M. grandis TAQUET, 1970 (Type)

Genus: Rothia OLSON & BEERBOWER, 1953
= Rothianiscus KUHN, 1961
= Rothioniscus ROMER, 1966 (sic)
R. multidontia OLSON & BEERBOWER, 1953 (Type)
= Rothianiscus mulidontia (OLSON & BEERBOWER, 1953) KUHN, 1961
R. robusta (KUHN, 1962) OLSON, 1965
= Rothaniscus robusta OLSON 1965

Gen. sp indet.




Bibliography for taxa list




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